Defect - 4870x2 help!


Aug 16, 2008

this is me the firts thay i got it :D, this is when i got suspicious :confused: and this is me right now :(:mad::(

Here's the problem, when I play Crysis or run Vantage i get some wierd stuff on the screen like black dots or small line of weird colors that dazzle around the screen.

I have tried 8.8beta, 8.8, and 8.9. None of them slove this, same with Bios and screen drivers.

The heat is not the main problem(I hope). The load is 74c and the idle is 45c.

Any thoughs to fix this issue

I have sent a RMA letter to the reseller i bought from.
Does it happen only in Crysis and Vantage ? Are there any other weird things happening, such as the system rebooting for no apparent reason ?

Based on your description alone, it does seem like the card is producing artifacts and temperatures certainly do not seem to be the cause, since your idle/load temps are very good. I say you probably did the best you could, which is to RMA the card.
Try creating a fan profile, and set it to like 40%, see if that helps. If not, you may need to do a clean reinstall of windows to verify its not your install but the card.
Does it happen only in Crysis and Vantage ? Are there any other weird things happening, such as the system rebooting for no apparent reason ?

Based on your description alone, it does seem like the card is producing artifacts and temperatures certainly do not seem to be the cause, since your idle/load temps are very good. I say you probably did the best you could, which is to RMA the card.

One thing to note if i play Crysis longer it will get worse and RED screen of death or black flickering screen will pop up.

It only apears on games that require much power.

games like warhammer online it's quite hard to find missformed texures, saw one though, but i was not sure if it was my card.

I will try CoD4 and MassEffcet and report later!
Try creating a fan profile, and set it to like 40%, see if that helps. If not, you may need to do a clean reinstall of windows to verify its not your install but the card.

i have tried 40% and 100%, same issue.

I'll try later reintall windows vista 64x
from his temps its not a heat issue, those are very good temps

i play tf2 for hours @ 88/77 and 86/76 on the 4 gpus without an issue