Defecting to the [H]orde


Limp Gawd
Mar 16, 2003

As I mentioned in the sub-team thread, the team I was folding for appears to only be floating because nobody has put it out of it's misery, so I'm signing up here!

I bring the following:

2 GHz on my main machine (on 24 hours most days)
2 GHz on my HTPC (on 24 hours most days)
1 GHz [borg] on my eldest sister's desktop (on about 16 hours most days)
0.7 GHz [borg] on my youngest sister's desktop (on about 12 hours most days)
1 GHz [borg] on my brother's desktop (on about 12 hours most days)
3 GHz-ish [borg] on my mum's desktop (on about 8 hours most days)
3 GHz-ish [borg] on my mother/father-in-laws desktop (only on about 2 hours a day :( - lol)

I'm also awaiting delivery of a few bits to see how I get on building a garden, so that'll be another couple of GHz I think.

Plus I'm in the process of building a vapo'd A64 (although that probably won't be up and running 'til after chrimbo :rolleyes:

It'll take me a while to get round to all my borg's and change the team number - but we'll get there in the end ;)

*waves to new friends*
Welcome to the [H]orde! Grab a beer, get your badge (wear it with pride), enter some contests and stuff, and chill! We're all nice once you get to know us. Except maybe AtMo. Beware the reachthrough. :eek:

We hope to see you around from now on, stick around and post. If everyone folding for the [H]orde posted in DC, the forums would crash. But it'd be a good crash.

Welcome, and enjoy your stay. Good group of folks here, and their scores just make me work harder at mine.

unhappy_mage said:
Welcome to the [H]orde! Grab a beer, get your badge (wear it with pride), enter some contests and stuff, and chill! We're all nice once you get to know us. Except maybe AtMo. Beware the reachthrough. :eek:

We hope to see you around from now on, stick around and post. If everyone folding for the [H]orde posted in DC, the forums would crash. But it'd be a good crash.

I second that. mage says it all... :eek:

welcome to the [H]orde.

For some reason, I read your title as "defecating to the Horde". Damn dyslexia. :p

<generic welcoming message>

<generic message of comradery>

<generic funny statement>

<generic endorsement of folding>

now that that's over with, go hug a moose.

the black knight always triumphs!
Welcome! If you have any questions, even if they're not directly folding-related (anything--hardware, software, anything), feel free to ask--there's expertise aplenty in here, and chances are good that you'll get a better answer here than in the specific sub-forums. :D
Hiya ! And welcome .. I think you'll be surprised, I as was, at the amount of expertise our team members have in a lot of different areas.

Fold On !

magnusvir said:
We should have the next DC case mod as that baby. :D

I would have to get the panels much.....much earlier than i got these for that.
Spectre said:
As someone else (in another thread said):
someone (I don't remember who) said:
I never get tired of seeing that picture
It makes me laugh every time I see it. I gotta get a pic of my son with a caption like that!
