Delete a disk? Dynamic?


Aug 6, 2006
So this may be a simple problem and I've searched but couldn't find a solid answer or solution. So in my pc I have a Raid 0 setup with two 500 gb samsung drives. When I first installed them I did a clean install and partitioned the Raid 0 setup (180gb for os) and the rest for everything else. So on my computer it displayed two separate drives. I recently bought an Evo 250 gb SSD and moved everything from my old C drive to that drive. Then I wanted to join the 180gb partition to the 751.51gb partition. I was successfully able to do that, however my computer still thinks that I have two separate drives. It still functions as one but I may suffer from a little OCD and I'd rather have it display as one whole partition.

So is there a way to have it display as one disk and one d drive? Also why does it say dynamic instead of basic? Is that what could be causing this? I forgot how I first made the partition whether it was through the windows disk or what (running windows 7 64 bit btw). I'm thinking maybe I have to format the drive and then convert it to basic but I don't want to have to do it and then find out that I still can't join the two for good. So has anyone else had this problem before?

It looks like you "spanned" the drives instead of stripping them, or you striped then spanned.

I don't know how to change it from dynamic without going to backups.
The OS is seeing it as two separate hard drives, it cannot combine two separate drives into one. I suspect you might need to redo your RAID setup, but I'm not an expert.
Combining two into one is spanning, and makes the disks dynamic. It is similar to a JBOD volume. Destroy the volume, and you lose the data.
Disk Management is always going to display each disk separately, even if you are using RAID. That's how you perform maintenance on a particular drive, say rebuild a drive in RAID 5.

Alright, you previously had a 180GB partition and a 751GB partition on a RAID 0 setup. You reinstalled the OS onto the new SSD. You want to expand the 180GB original OS volume to use the remaining 751 GB on the RAID 0?

In order to do that you had to delete the 751GB partition (which would of lost the data), then right click the 180GB and expand.

Since you're using RAID 0, I assume you have a backup. I would delete the spanned D:, to wipe out all old OS and boot files and partitions, then recreate the volume.
The problem with that though is that it isn't seeing it as two partitions on one disk, it's seeing it as two separate disks.
If you carved the raid up in the raid controller it will be presented to the OS as two separate drives. You would need to wipe them in the raid array bios and build new partitions. Theoretically if you wiped the second partition in windows you could span to the other one but that seems like a really weird idea.
Combining two into one is spanning, and makes the disks dynamic. It is similar to a JBOD volume. Destroy the volume, and you lose the data.

Not if you back up the data, destroy the volume, create the volume properly again and restore the data on it.
Not if you back up the data, destroy the volume, create the volume properly again and restore the data on it.

Of course, you can restore the data if you have a backup, but that doesn't change the fact that when you destroy the volume, the data on the volume is no longer coverable from those disks.:eek: