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I'm in the market for a Dell UltraSharp 3007WFP, has anyone had an issues with picture quality etc?

Also, will any old 8800GTX drive this beast?


I have the 3007 with a good old evga 8800gtx and and LOVE it. It is all good. I am sure you can find more detailed reviews, but I have not a single bad thing to say about it.

Oh I do have something for you if you are in the UK.
UK price: £1,189.10
US price: $1,274.00 = £620.28

And I was complaining about the price in Canada!!!!:mad:

Edit: Oh yeah, poor Americans, VAT is not included in their price ;-)
This is a great monitor. If you are going to do ANY gaming with it at the native resolution, be sure to get a second 8800gtx
Yup, fantastic monitor for any application. However, don't expect 2 8800GTX's in SLI to drive this monitor at max eye candy for every game. There are still some games out there that will run like a slide show at it's native resolution. Here's to hoping that the G90 doesn't disappoint... ;)
I am also considering this monitor, the -HC variant, I have a quick question about the resolutions. I hear that this monitor only natively supports 2560x1600 and 1280x800, however some people have mentioned that with the Nvidia control panel you can scale the image, allowing resolutions like 1920x1200 in games to be used?

Is this true? And if so does anyone know if this resolution can be stretched to fit the whole screen, if thats the case how is the picture quality? I know downscaled stuff usualy looks pretty bad but was just wondering. I think 1920x1200 is really the most to expect from games with my 8800GTX and dont have enough money for an SLI upgrade, but would like to run this resolution ful screen with my games to make use of the space.
My 8800 GTS overclocked to 620/1000 drives my 3007WFP-HC at 2560x1600 without a problem in CS:S and BF2. The only games I play for now. I wouldn't believe the hype of needing SLI to drive this thing.

I haven't tried running any games scaled. Perhaps I can try that tonight when I get home just for fun. I do know that the desktop looks like crap when run at any resolution other than native. The fun part is that you can always run games at the other native resolution of 1280x800 if you want high performance and that old-school Doom feel. ;)
My WindowsXP desktop looks beautiful when I run my 3007WFP at any of these resolutions....
1600x1200 ... 1920x1200 ... 1920x1080 (which is called "1080P").
Also, I run Oblivion at those 3 rez. Result: awesome screen-graphics, smooth motion (as long as I dont use AA or too much 'eyecandy').
NO WAY does my 30" Dell 3007WFP look "crap" at non-native resolutions.
The twin Nvidia 7900GT's do a fine job of digitally-scaling the screen-pic so it is crisp, clear, properly-portioned at any non-native rez that the vid cards support.
btw, I paid Dell $1920 13months ago for this flawless 30" sukka. yikes.
That said, I'm moving this Fall to 37"or 40" 1080P LCD-TV. (Time for a change to bigger Gameworld n' deeper blacks.
Good luck.:):cool:
I have run games on the 3007wfp-hc from 800x600 all the way up to 2560x1600.

To me they all looked amazing!! Off course native looks better.

But I tell you what, I also have 2 2007FPs, and I'd rather play at 1600x1200 on the 30" than on the 20" any day. The nVidia cards do a great job of scaling. And you can choose to fill the screen or to put black bars to maintain aspect ratio. Your choice.

And the single 8800GTX will do fine for 2560x1600. I would worry more about making sure your CPU is up to speed. My E4300 struggles a bit, but I am hoping that Penryn will help me there.

Good luck.
I have run games on the 3007wfp-hc from 800x600 all the way up to 2560x1600.
To me they all looked amazing!! Off course native looks better.
But I tell you what, I also have 2 2007FPs, and I'd rather play at 1600x1200 on the 30" than on the 20" any day.
The nVidia cards do a great job of scaling. And you can choose to fill the screen or to put black bars to maintain aspect ratio. Your choice.
And the single 8800GTX will do fine for 2560x1600.
So you like 1600x1200, too? So do I. It looks awesome, plus the workload on my pair of 7900GTs is much less which allows me to crank eyecandy higher.
1600x1200 rez seems to be the Gamer's "sweet spot" for high-quality Pic at reasonable cost.
Gaming above that rez (with all eyecandy 'On') drives Video Card cost$$ way up and Game does not look much better.
I am also considering this monitor, the -HC variant, I have a quick question about the resolutions. I hear that this monitor only natively supports 2560x1600 and 1280x800, however some people have mentioned that with the Nvidia control panel you can scale the image, allowing resolutions like 1920x1200 in games to be used?

Is this true? And if so does anyone know if this resolution can be stretched to fit the whole screen, if thats the case how is the picture quality? I know downscaled stuff usualy looks pretty bad but was just wondering. I think 1920x1200 is really the most to expect from games with my 8800GTX and dont have enough money for an SLI upgrade, but would like to run this resolution ful screen with my games to make use of the space.

Can anyone shed any light on this?
I am also considering this monitor, the -HC variant, I have a quick question about the resolutions. I hear that this monitor only natively supports 2560x1600 and 1280x800, however some people have mentioned that with the Nvidia control panel you can scale the image, allowing resolutions like 1920x1200 in games to be used?

Is this true? And if so does anyone know if this resolution can be stretched to fit the whole screen, if thats the case how is the picture quality? I know downscaled stuff usualy looks pretty bad but was just wondering. I think 1920x1200 is really the most to expect from games with my 8800GTX and dont have enough money for an SLI upgrade, but would like to run this resolution ful screen with my games to make use of the space.

The native resolution is in fact 2560x1600, the 1280x800 is the default resolution if your graphics card does not support a "dual-link" dvi connection.That does not mean you cannot increase the res but you will be limited to 1920x1200 because that is the maximum res a single-link dvi connection can output. However, if your graphics card does have dual-link dvi which you should if you want this monitor, you may go up to 2560x1600 and ofcourse use any 16:10 resolutions like 1920x1200. i hope i am not confusing here.
I do have a dual link capable video card (8800GTX) however what Im asking is that when I run a game in 1920x1200 for example, will it stretch to fit the whole screen, or will it have borders?

Nvidia drivers are supposed to allow resizing of the image to fit the screen (stretch/compress) but I was wondering if this is actually possible, so I can use the full 30" at 1920x1200. I realise that it's possible on some monitors (maybe all?) but It obviously incurs an image quality loss.

So if is indeed possible, does anyone know how good/bad it looks?
The nVidia driver will scale the the image to fit the screen. There is an option for fixed-aspect ratio as well (though it doesn't seem to work properly - it switches to regular scaling). I usually play at either of the native resolutions, since the pixel doubling used for the scaling bothers me, especially if text falls on those scan lines.
So theres an issues with text when scaling then

Hows image quality in games in general when scaling 1920x1200 to the entire monitor?
Well, the issues with scaling and text in general are not unique to the 3007, it's a property that all fixed pixel screens share (i.e LCD/Plasma). If you scale an image that is not a denominator or multiple of the native resolution, you'll get uneven pixel doubling - it's a thing we just have to live with moving to these technologies.

In my opinion, running resolutions that are not an even denomitor of the native resolution are not that bad if it consists of lots of motion (i.e. playing a fast moving game or watching a movie). I really can't notice it. It's static images, particularly text that just looks skewed.

But then again, like acceptable frame rates, this is a very subjective matter. What is "acceptable" to one person is not for another. The text problems alone and the distortion I notice is enough for me to limit my gaming experience to 2560x1600, if I can achieve an acceptable framerate for the game I'm playing or 1280x800 if I need to lower the resolution to get the rates I want. You really need to be the judge when it comes to what is acceptable for yourself.
OK so for playing games its not so bad then? I think I'd prefer 1920x1200 with the artifacts of stretching rather than dropping to 1280x800, mind you 1280x800 gives a lot of room for Anti Aliasing if you have a decent card which I run anyhow, so that ought to look alright.
OK so for playing games its not so bad then? I think I'd prefer 1920x1200 with the artifacts of stretching rather than dropping to 1280x800, mind you 1280x800 gives a lot of room for Anti Aliasing if you have a decent card which I run anyhow, so that ought to look alright.

I am currently playing bioshock (Dx10) on my 3007WFP-HC at 1920x1200 with one overclocked 8800gts with acceptable rates. cant recommend this monitor more highly.
So theres an issues with text when scaling then

Hows image quality in games in general when scaling 1920x1200 to the entire monitor?

Maybe it is just me, but I came from a CRT to this, I am using "clear type" fonts and I do not see any issues with the text. Gaming image quality is excellent.
This monitor games fine. I run 1280x800 with a 7800 because it's convienent for me. 2560x1600 is playable but eh.

Dual-link DVI is key for desktop use though. 2560x1600 is superior to 2x 1600x1200 IMO for productivity.
OK as long as we're clear that 1920x1200 is actually using the whole area of the monitor to display. I will probably pick up one of these bad boys at the end of this month when my wages and bonus comes in, it's going to be £820 with tax which is $1640, the UK is such a rip off :(