Dell 1905FP


Mar 1, 2005
I've been trying to track down an LCD with DVI and a decent contrast ratio, mostly for watching DVD's. So far alot of the things I've read suggest the 1905FP from Dell, but alot of people say the ghosting on this LCD is absolutely terrible. Does anyone have any input on this? My biggest concern is DVD and Video - I'm not so much concerned about the gaming aspect at this point.

Then again, I could be way off on this selection. If so, could someone recommend a decent LCD that isn't going to be destroy my bank account? Like I said before, I'm looking for a 19" LCD with DVI, decent contrast (400:1 or so), and most importantly, a relatively low amount of ghosting when watching DVD's. 8 bit would be preferable too.
I have the Dell 1905FP and love it, I went through 2 other LCDs (BenQ FP931 and Dell E193FP ) before I settled on the 1905FP, I do not see any ghosting when I play games, Plus the adjustable stand and USB ports are a nice feature. The text is nice too, it is very easy on the eyes. DVDs look great on this monitor also.
Thats good to hear. DVD's are my big concern. I'm betting alot of the posts I saw were by people who were just overly picky about ghosting.

Does anyone else have anymore good/bad things to say about the 1905FP?
Sparrow, you made mention of ghosting in games, which I figured would happen - after all, it's a 20ms display. I only have a Radeon 7500, so it's not like gaming is all to great on my CRT anyways.

Did you happen to test it with Video or DVD's before you returned it? I'm sure some other folks around here have a 1905FP - any comments regarding DVD playback and ghosting are welcome!
I did in fact test it with dvd playback. I can't say I noticed any ghosting while watching a movie. I must admit though, I'm not super picky when it comes to ghosting. It just bothers me when its VERY obvious. I would say that the lcd was fine while playing UT2004 and Far Cry because of their less realistic and very colourful images. However on games like D3, Hl2, CoD, ghosting was very obvious. Not to say that you can't play these games with this lcd. I finished D3 on my 25ms PVA panel. However, I "borrowed" a 16ms panel to play Hl2 because I found the ghosting to be especially bad. Since D3 was a dark game ,there was ghosting but it was atleast somewhat hidden by the lack of brightness. However, in Hl2 (a relatively bright game) ghosting was very apparant, as well as in CoD. Since you seem to want the lcd mostly for dvd/video, I would say that the 1905fp is a high quality lcd that can't be beat for the price. It definitly has better CR and colors than TN panels (by far). If ever you don't like it, you could just return it.

I bought it because I wanted something bigger that had less ghosting for relatively cheapYes it was bigger, but it ghosted as much as my 25ms panel. That's why I returned it. I did notice that it was brighter and bit more washed out than my samsung. You can compared the 2 lcd's (dell and samsung) with the pics in my review. If you have any others Q's, let me know.

One thing I forgot to mention: many websites were claiming that the 1905fp was using the same PVA samsung panel as the Samsung 193P. It isn't. The 1905fp is using a Lite-On MVA panel (pva is samsung's version of mva). Also, have you looked at the Dell 2001fp/2005fpw. They aren't that much more expensive ~140$ more and would be much better suited to gaming (if you ever wanted to do any)
I have looked at the 2001fp and the 2005fpw, and I quite like the 2001fp. Unfortunately Dell Canada is asking for over $900CDN for that panel while I can get the 1905FP for about $500 (cdn) without a coupon though work.

As for the ghosting in games, the only game I might play on it would be World of Warcraft, which is about as unrealistic as you can get when it comes to graphics. If you didn't notice much ghosting in DVD playback, I might go ahead and give it a try...

As for ghosting, I'm not even sure how sensitive I am to it. The only LCD I have here to play with is a Samsung 171s (25ms), but it has a reputation for not ghosting much in the first place. I do have a Dell E173P here that I have to ship out this week, but its a 12 or 16ms panel, so it wouldn't help me much either. I do have a laptop with a 14.1" SXGA LCD in it, though I'm not sure the response time on it.
That's true, didn't know you were a fellow Canuck! Where are you located? I'm in Mtl
I'm all the way over in Edmonton.

Now, to stay sort of on topic... anyone know off hand what the response time is on laptop LCD's? I've got a newer Latitude D600, and a couple of older ones... a CSx and a CPt I believe. I don't think I've ever been bothered by these panels, and I imagine they don't perform as well as the higher end ones...
I just tried out some fairly high motion video on my D600, and the only time I really noticed anything was when there was a drastic screen change. I guess if 60ms doesn't bother me much, 20ms won't either...
In theory yes, but it really depends on the type of panel. You should read the xbit labs article in the sticky post of this forum. The D600 screen is probably a TN panel, whose response time won't go over the stated speed (60ms). However, a 20ms PVA panel will take 20ms to go from black to black, but may take 80-90ms when displaying greys.
I've skimmed through that article several times. I do recall reading about TN vs PVA vs MVA. I also recall reading something about the terrible grey-grey response of this display. Is there any good way to test this once I get it?
Trying out some games with lots of greys (D3, Hl2, CoD come to mind) would probably be the best way and give you a "worst case" scenario
I happen to not own any of those games! I suppose I'll just test it alot with DVD's and see how that goes...
Well, considering your last post, I guess you have your answer as to whether or not your should get this lcd. Do you play any games?
Hmmm, I hadn't seen that part of the review. I was sure it used the Lite-on panel. I'll have to check up on that. I guess is does use the 193P. Considering its a Samsung panel, I didn't find it very good. It looked pretty washed out to me compared to my 172T lcd.
From what I've read, the washed out colors can be 'fixed' by just reducing the brightness. As far as the color being washed out - how noticible is it? I mean, in comparison to this 19" CRT I've been using since 98...
For me, I'm really interested in this panel vs. the Hyundai L90D+.

The big thing with teh 1905, is the 8 bit panel. I know the L90D+ has excellent color reproduction for a 6 bit panel, but 8 will almost always have a better representation..

But the L90D+ is definately becomming the enthusiast favorite on the many forums.. I can't say I've seen much from the 1905FP..
I've noticed the same. However I've read in several reviews that the L90D doesn't do too well when it comes to movies and video. Aside from the "severe" ghosting that people say the 1905 has, I haven't heard too much bad about it. I don't think the ghosting is as severe as they say, I think people are just overly picky about it.

I'm probably going to go ahead and get it next week - I'll probably post my results. If I have to return it, then I'll do that and give something else a try.
I've read on other forums, that it does a pretty good job with video.. not as bad as tom's would lead you to believe...

I still haven't made the jump to LCD yet, as the lure of say a MITS 2070SB is very appealing to me.. but a super slim, sexy 19" LCD has it's own appeal if it's up to snuff..
I got my 1905fp last week and coming from a 19" crt all I could say was WOW what a great monitor.

The colors and brightness of the panel are superb, reading text has never been easier.
And also I just like the way it looks overall.

For all general purposes this is an outstanding monitor but if you try to game on it you will be disappointed.

Of course this is subjective but after playing HL2 on my CRT then trying it on this LCD after about 15 min. my head and eyes actually started to hurt.
Same thing with COD. In most fast action scenes everything actually gets a little blurry, I guess this is ghosting but It really bothered me.

So back off to Dell it goes, but my 2001fp is on it's way. I am hoping the better response time will make a difference. If not I guess i'll go back to my CRT until really low response time LCD's are out.
I have this very monitor, and its sole purpose is for DVDs and TV. I love it; my movies look great, especially my Lord of the Rings extended editions (I got the box set). Color looks very good at the factory settings, but you can also adjust things. I see no ghosting at all, and everything looks really clear and crisp. I would go with it for the movie watching for sure.