Dell 2007WFP -Why Should I NOT buy one of these?


Jan 28, 2007
I keep reading about these flat panels and quit frankly I am very confused. I have been planning on getting one of the new Samsung 226BW panels and still might do so. But I read about how these TN panels are not very good.
I will be playing some PC games, but I want it more for video and DSLR photo editing. If though, trying to play a game on the 2007 is terrible, I would like to know. I have no intentions of hooking it up to a PS3 or XBOX360.
Thanks for your input.

I have a 2005fpw and the colors look great, no issues with gaming (don't play fps though). I had a 226BW and the colors are noticeably washed out compared to the Dell. But as always ymmv.
If you are more after photo editing, then your graphics will be fine. I have the 2005FPW, and until recently I was running it with a 9200. I could still play games like Ghost Recon fine, but nothing much newer.
I just updated my signature to include the BFG GeForce 7800 GS OC, 256MB. Don't know if that will help or not, but I hope it does.

I have one right now and it is without question the best all around pc monitor I have owned or used. The only reason I can think of to not get one is the the chance you may get one with a S-PVA panel. The majority in North America seem to be getting S-IPS though so it's worth playing the lottery.

edit- gaming (both pc and 360) is great on this monitor and after calibration it does well for photo editing also.
joemama, thanks for the reply. In your opinion, does one gain much by going to a 22" vs the 20"?

If you're going to do a lot of photo editing. Go with a crt.

You're not going to get an S-IPS panel because Dell sucks.
joemama, thanks for the reply. In your opinion, does one gain much by going to a 22" vs the 20"?

You gain nothing but a slight bit more screen real estate...all current 22" panels are TN. TN panels aren't neccessarily bad....but they won't have the viewing angles and color accuracy of an S-IPS panel.
it might be a tad rough running 1680x1050 on a radeon 9800 pro...

I have two 2007wfp's on a 9800pro. For everyday use it is faultless and smooth. I usually knock games down to 1280x1024 (only slightly skewed) and it plays well. Obviously it is not perfect quality nor perfect speed, but it is more than adequate for an occasional gamer.
Got a used 2007WFP about a month ago, i love it no problems so far.

images and colours look super