Dell 2405fpw for $730



If you CALL Dell they are definitely willing to go below the prices you can do with the coupons.

If you call Small Business and aren't in any hurry to order you can ask different people that work there for different quotes and you should be able to get em down.

The one guy I ended up buying from was very cool and super nice. He even told me that Dell makes nearly a 100% profit on the 2405!!! Here is my final price on the items I ordered.

Dell UltraSharp 2405FP,Wide Flat Panel w/Height AdjustableStand,24.0 Inch VIS,Optiplex and Precision,Customer Install Qty: 1 Unit Price: $731.39

GeForce 7800 GTX 256 MB GDDR3 PCIe Graphics Card Qty: 1 Unit Price: $406.87

Hope you guys have as good of luck as I did!

edit: removed names and phone numbers to protect the innocent
holy shhh, thats cheap!

did you have to have sex phone with the dude or somthing? :confused:

you --> :eek: sales rep --> :D

j/k :p

let me ask.....

i have no negotiating skills whatsoever, how do you talk to these guys? do you just ask them "hi, whats the lowest price you can give me on a 2405" he says "$XXX.XX" do you just say "thank you" and call back and try to get another sales rep?

hows the process? because if there is one thing i hate is talking to sales reps.
Yeah I realized that I shouldn't have probably put his name up there, good thing it wasn't for too long!! :O

Goat_187: I just called and was nice to the guy, talked some sports with him then asked him what the price was. He told me what he could do and then I asked if he could go lower. When I got him as low as possible I waited until Thurs when Dell's new pricing matrices are released! Then I got the sweet deal.

Good luck to all!
I'm glad you called them and got a good deal. Looks like my past threads sort of helped you with your deal, huh?

Well... I'm here enjoying my 2405 that I think I practically stole from Dell and loving every minute of it!

$650 aiiiiint bad. :) ;) :cool:

The rest of you guys: DONT ORDER ONLINE.... CALL!! You will get a better deal if you put on a thick face and ask for one. Dont worry about not having no negotiating skills, just know that you're on the phone - they dont see you - so do your best to do business. They want a sale and you want a sale.

Just make sure you are willing to walk the walk when it comes time to pay for it, otherwise you just wasted his time.

Call them, tell them you're interested in a 2405. Tell them you know they want a sale and so do you. Tell them that you're sure they know of coupons to bring it down so to cut the crap and lets talk business. They will bring the price down and you will bring your wallet out. Simple.
Pinipig523 said:
Call them, tell them you're interested in a 2405. Tell them you know they want a sale and so do you. Tell them that you're sure they know of coupons to bring it down so to cut the crap and lets talk business. They will bring the price down and you will bring your wallet out. Simple.

Very well said!

Yes indeed your post and the post of Elipsn that got removed after it grew ridiculously fast helped me in getting this deal. So thank you both for your excellent posts. I feel bad that I had his number up there now, I hope a buncha people don't call him and he gets pissed and cancels my order before it goes thru!! :eek:
Thank you, I very much intend to. Question though: you guys ever see anyone with a 2405 and a 2001fp just wondering how they line up in terms of screen height. At work I use a 2005 and a 1704 and they line up pretty nicely(just wish my gfx card was dual DVI :) ).
Well they do have height adjustable stands, so you can make them line up as you desire!
zinn, i meant line up top and bottom so they are the same height!! and also, i got a sexy lcd arm to go with my new toy ;)
Zappa, I called Small Business.

I was told that I could get a better deal there than I could with Home.
Alright. I'm scared but I will call. Thanks Pinipig523 and kevdoggx for your advice.
When you called, did you have to call in with a business name or something since it's the Small Business division? tnx
No, they don't really care about the name - I told them I didn't have a name so they just put down "Icarus, Inc." :cool:
What I'm curious about is if the people you talked to made you give them personal info (name, address, phone #) prior to bargaining about the price? The guy I talked to first did that - seemed a bit shady, but I went along with it for the sake of trying to get a good deal. He didn't get the price down enough for my taste, so i'll call back tomorrow probably.

kevdoggx, is your price before tax or after?
I tried calling dell home once and the lady said she wasn't authorized to offer any additional discounts.... haven't tried dell sb.
kevdoggx said:
sadly, before :(

still, not bad. About $55 of tax, free shipping. grand total of 785 isn't bad for a 2405. I wouldn't mind that price.
Thanks for the tips.

I tried calling them but their price didn't go low enough to entice me to buy right away. Last guy I spoke with was just able to lower the price by another 10% down to $839. Will try again next week.
What is the best deal now? I would buy one if I could get it for $779 or less. Heck they sold it a week ago for that price.
it really does depend on who you spoke with, i talked to one guy in small business and was trying to get a huge discount on low end laptops for my company.. I even told him I would be purchasing a lot of pc's in the future and would come back to him, but the guy kept emailing me quotes of the SAME exact price that I can get on the site.. I asked if he could do anything better than that and he was saying no way those are good prices he gave me, there's no way he could go lower.. bs bs and bs.. so YMMV, you got to call back and find someone that isn't so stubborn
I talked to some guy named Abu.... I forget the last name. He was very nice and bent over backwards.

I think I was lucky.

$650 is what he got me down to.

Perserverance my friends... dont give up.

Give them a number$$ to shoot for.
kevdoggx said:
Yeah I realized that I shouldn't have probably put his name up there, good thing it wasn't for too long!! :O

Goat_187: I just called and was nice to the guy, talked some sports with him then asked him what the price was. He told me what he could do and then I asked if he could go lower. When I got him as low as possible I waited until Thurs when Dell's new pricing matrices are released! Then I got the sweet deal.

Good luck to all!
You're one lucky son of a gun... :p Enjoy that 2405FPW. ;)
I'm really surprised as to how much flux there is in the pricing of the 2405fpw (and all of their monitors for that matter). I checked the price like two days ago on the Dell website, and it was like $899, and now it is up to lik $1,050.

Its amazing that the price can shift that much in a few days.

So when you call Dell, did you say that you were looking to buy a 2405, but only if it was below some pre-determined price ?

Dell has a HUGE profit margin on their monitors.

They change the online price to try and maximize sales on an almost day-to-day basis.

If you call, the sales representatives have the right to go MUCH lower than the online price.

I just got a Dell 2005FPW for ~$400 USD shipped and after tax to New York. ($370 USD or ~$450 CAD before tax)
i bought one and am looking to buya second for cheaper. like was said, do ic all up and say im looking to buy a 2405FPW for about 600, and they keep offering lower and lower and i refuse until i get somethign i think is rock bottom? also should i call SB or home or will i get the same deal?
Call SB
Make them think you are going to be making some large purchases later on
Be nice to the reps
Act friendly and try to get a good deal from them

Be friendly and place a set limit on what you can spend on the 2405.

Say, $650 tops.

They will see what they can do, if they bring it down to $730 and you say ok, thats cool... if you need to think about it, ask for a quote #.
Just be nice to the guy and maybe say you are looking to make a larger purchase in the future, that way he might be more willing to go lower to get your business in the future.
I just got off the phone with a SB rep. He couldnt budge very much from the website's price. I would've even bought 2 if i could have gotten a price below $600....but he still didnt budge. I guess i'll try again some other time when i have time.
They wont go below 600. Dell builds these things and at retail they make nearly 100% profit. Which means they build them for just over $600. That's what the rep I talked to told me.

The lowest possible I believe the reps are allowed to go is $670. So if you can get that or anywhere near it, go for it!!
kevdoggx said:
They wont go below 600. Dell builds these things and at retail they make nearly 100% profit. Which means they build them for just over $600. That's what the rep I talked to told me.

The lowest possible I believe the reps are allowed to go is $670. So if you can get that or anywhere near it, go for it!!

oops, i meant below $700, not $600
Is there anyway a single bloke like myself can get that deal? Maybe kinda fib and say I run a home based computer building busines or something?
To anyone who got a good deal:

Could anyone PM me the name/contact info of your rep? I really want to buy one this week :)
Wait until the end of the month, or better yet the end of a quarter at Dell. I don't know when that is, but they're always scrambling to make sales quota at the end of pretty much any sales period.
Darth Bagel said:
Wait until the end of the month, or better yet the end of a quarter at Dell. I don't know when that is, but they're always scrambling to make sales quota at the end of pretty much any sales period.

Um how about no.