Dell 2407FPW one day Canadian sale

Whoa, nice. I never thought those frugal bastards would ever drop it below $849.159
Ahh so tempting, I think I'm going to pick one up today, and an Xbox 360 over weekend.

Just one quick question, the 2407 can deinterlace 1080i right? (sry for not posting in the 2407 main thread)
Just ordered one: $876.66 shipped. Hooray for 14% tax.

No idea on the de-interlace bit.
Does the 2407 still stretch most resolutions?

example. I heard if you feed it 1600x1200 it will stretch to full width.
I bought one on friday >< and dell won't give a price guarentee. Luckily the cs rep will cancel my first order even after it shipped.
Nevermind, just read the big 2407 thread and some others on the net, and component is utter crap on this. Meanwhile inputing an xbox360 VGA signal causes tearing, that can be fixed by turning off the screen, but I don't think that's worthy of my $850. Gonna wait till Revision A03, or some NEC. The 2407 like everyone says, great panel for computers, not that good for multimedia, being in college, I need this as jack-of-all-trades.
a ronin said:
Just ordered one: $876.66 shipped. Hooray for 14% tax.

No idea on the de-interlace bit.

Shouldn't it be $872.82? GST has dropped .05% effective July 1.
The only bad part of the market up here is you cannot direct order from the states in most cases.
Yeah I was debating replacing my 19' PF-90b with the 2007WFP, but for now the crt will be fine.
I think the same deal is on today, however the pictures are messed:

It says 37" HDTV for $769 and I got all excited but when you click the link it takes you to the 2407.

I'm thinking that maybe I should go for it. I recently purchased a Gateway 21", but i'm wondering if perhaps I should take that back and get this 24". The only thing i'm hesitant about is having to ship it back. It would be so nice if I could see one in a store, take it home and try it out.

Dell has a 15% restocking fee if I want to return it, correct?


Edit: Nvm, Dell found their mistake and changed the prices and changed the links. The page was set up to bring you to the 2407 and the 2007 with the prices from a couple days ago.

Still though, they now have the Dell W2607C LCD HDTV for $850... wonder how it would look hooked up to my computer...
I called dell the other day. My original price was $870 CDN shipped after I used a 25% off coupon. I then called back after I received the monitor and said I was unhappy with my product and I wanted a return due to banding. The lady offered me an additional $114 cdn off the price.

Final price with a new A02 revision on it's way is $756 CDN total!

Pretty good deal IMO.
It's a nice monitor, but it didn't really blow me away.

I came from a 19" crt and the picture quality is better, but there are negatives.

The input lag is noticeable. I don't have time to do a bunch of tests comparing it to my crt, but it does lag. I have read it is better than the 2405, but it is still noticeable on the 2407 A00/02. If your into fps and you require no input lag this monitor is not for you.

Am I going to keep it? Yes, only because I got a pretty good deal on it. It is definitely not worth full price, but then I would argue any 24" is not worth that much.