Dell 2407WFP-HC for $599 - 3yr warranty

I'm trying to find a better price on the 2407WFP-HC too from a reliable company. The cheapest so far has been from, where it's $619 - $10 Google coupon = $609 plus very reasonable shipping. I notice on the site they charge $24 for Ground, where charges just $14.72 (38126). So my total from is $623.72 with very good reviews ( - from it's $623 with not so good reviews ( Plus, ships the item same day if you order by noon EST - 1-2 business days from (no physical stock?).
I just ordered one from Apparel and Tech... should be here by Thursday, I'll check back and let you all know how the deal goes down.
The best deal I've found so far on a Dell 2407WFP is for $609.99 @, shipping included, but of course you either have to be a member or shell out $50 to join for a year, but CostCo does have some good deals.
Yeah - Costco is selling only the 2407WFP right now and most of us have to pay sales tax at Costco (unless you're in one of the lucky 15 or so states).
i also just ordered the monitor from apparel and tech, it seemed to have good reviews and a good price.
Apparel and Tech delivered on time and no hassles at all. I'd order from them again.