Dell 2408WFP Now Available

I have a friend IRL w/ the 2407WFP-HC, and the "black ghosting" (known as Overdrive Ghosting) absolutely drives him nuts, and it would me too if I had it on my screen. Luckily the 2408WFP doesn't have that problem. He's been considering trying to get Dell to replace his 2407 w/ the 2408, but has been wary off all the reported problems.

My 2408WFP doesn't have any of the pink, banding, or uneven lighting problems. The colors are a bit different from what I'm used to b/c of the wide gamut, but I'm hoping the Spyder 3 Pro that arrives today can help me with that a bit.
Thanx Giolon! That's exactly the kinda feedback I was lookin' for. Much appreciated.
I've just received 2 of these monitors and I haven't noticed any of the reported issues in this thread. I would say that compared to my laptop, images look warmer (i.e. redder), and the initial brightness setting is rather high. I'm waiting for my RMA on my motherboard right now so I can't test out any games and such and I've only been testing them on my vga out on my laptop and the hdmi in on my 360. I'll provide an update once I've got my 3870X2 powering these babies. :D
I hope this hasn't been asked before but.....

Is there an option in the menu that allows you to disable certain inputs so that it doesn't take 10 button presses to go from from input to another? Or, how can you switch from input to input with this monitor?
I really really wish I had of found this when I was searching for a monitor...makes me want to sell my BenQ and save for this...I want to play my PS3 on this baby.
I hope this hasn't been asked before but.....

Is there an option in the menu that allows you to disable certain inputs so that it doesn't take 10 button presses to go from from input to another? Or, how can you switch from input to input with this monitor?

There's no option to disable inputs that I could find. You can either press the Input button on the front of the monitor to cycle through all the inputs, or you can open the monitor's menu and choose from the available inputs. Honestly, the latter is not much faster than the former.
i'm thinking i'll buy one of these...they seem very well balanced. can anybody direct me to a good coupon for Dell displays? i've looked around a bit and have found some ebay sellers, are those legit? or can anybody link something? thanks!
My Spyder3 Pro calibration tool arrived today, and I am extremely please with the results of using it on this monitor. My 2408WFP now produces very similar colors to my 2007FP, which I consider a good thing. I calibrated both monitors, and the 2007FP only had a slight change. The 2408WFP was a little tricky to get "right". I tried calibration on the standard "Desktop" preset, no good. Colors were still far too vibrant and over-saturated. Then I tried calibration on the standard "sRGB" preset, also no good. Colors were still far too washed out.

Finally I tried calibrating off of what I had considered to be the closest I could get the two monitors by eye: custom RGB of 69,73,81 w/ 60/40 Brightness (adjusted to 50/50 before the calibration). That calibration result produced a picture that I'm VERY happy with. Now if only I could get Windows to load those LUT values w/o the aid of a gamma loader like Spyder3Utility. :(

One further note, I've since toned the monitor brightness down to 30 to better match the brightness of the 2007FP. I don't really care if my monitor is calibrated to be truly "correct", I just want it to look right to me, which it now does.
What is the size difference between the 2408 and the 2007? Looking for a second monitor that matches up with the 2408 (portrait or landscape).

The actual screen (no plastic) vertical size (in landscape orientation) is about 1cm difference. Including the plastic, it's about 1". I think they match up very well, even if it's not exactly perfect. I'm at work now, but I can take a picture of the two side by side when I get home in about 8 hours :p
Giolon, that would be great. I see some here with the 3007 and (2) 2007fp and it looks awesome but I'm going back and forth trying to justify a 30" monitor. I just can't do it. How good would a 30" dell double as a TV, if I could do 2-in-1 than I might can justify it.
Looking forward to the pics.
Alright, I'm back with the pictures I promised this morning. And just because albovin think's he's cute (I saw your original post), I took some measurements. Those Dell figures are misleading. I believe the 20" that you're using as a reference is the 2009W. I have a 2007FP (not widescreen). Anyhow here are the measurements:

I measured the screen height of the 2408WFP at 12.8125" (12 and 13/16 inches), and the screen height of the 2007FP at 12.125" (12 and 1/8 inches). This equates to a screen height difference of 0.6875 inches, or 1.74625 cm. Not bad for a completely eyeball guesstimate when I woke up in the morning now was it?

Anyhow on to the pictures. Here are the two as I normally have them configured (please ignore the dust bunnies :( ):


Here are the two edge to edge to see the small difference in actual viewing height difference:


And here's a closeup of the side by side:

Answers to a couple potential questions:
  • The 2007FP is mounted on an Ergotron LX desk arm. I love it!
  • The awesome wallpapers are from my website, listed in my sig ;)
  • I do dust actually dust from time to time, just not recently. :(
Thanks for taking the time to post I really appreciate it.

I've been on Dell, those figures are not always correct and when they do vertical height they include the stand, but some stands are not height adjustable and I would use an aftermarket stand (ergotron), so yes, I've done my homework.
so yes, I've done my homework.

No doubts :)(the website has all the info though).
21" 4:3 matches both in size and dot pitch.
BTW why not a second 2408?
I've seen somewhere here a photo of 30" with two 23" (the closest match for 30") - very impressive.
I have a dell 2408 that i got a few days ago.
I bought it to dual with a VP2130b Viewsonic. I know it's not the best choice but here in argentina getting good monitors it's a nightmare, and i couldn't get another vp2130b, a monitor i love, my only choices were a Samsung 244T and this one.
My first impresion was that color sucks, they are COMPLETLY oversaturated.
I've read in several sites that it can be solved by calibrating it. And i hear of programs and certain configs. The fact is that i don't know anything about calibrating, so can anyone help me? What are the steps i should follow to get better colors (adtionally the White seems a little blue), consider that it's impossible to get any hardware that it's not common.

I also heard that the input lag of 60 this monitor have, is too high, what does that exactly means?
So I just gave dell 600 bucks of my hard earned moola (not really, its mostly spending money uncle sam is giving me from taxes). In anticipation of my new toy, Ive started to think about what the best way to setup my "system" would be. I have the listed all the components I want to hookup as well as their hookup options.

  • PC - DVI / VGA (Windows XP so HDCP can suck it) (Vid card: 7900gtx if that matters)
  • Xbox360 - Component / VGA / HDMI / Component
  • Charter Cable Box - Composite / HDMI / Component / S-Video
  • Leet-Ebay-Pinhole-Camera-For-Spying (LEPCFS) - S-Video
  • Wii - Composite / Component
Also the theres the option of DVI - HDMI conversion

Ive heard the HDMI port gets locked in some display mode that kinda sucks... Can any of you monitor gurus out there help me sort this mess out? - THX
--Display Port!?!? - Not sure what it is but it sounds like I need it
Giolon said:
There's no option to disable inputs that I could find. You can either press the Input button on the front of the monitor to cycle through all the inputs, or you can open the monitor's menu and choose from the available inputs. Honestly, the latter is not much faster than the former.

Darn, thanks anyways. I'm still going to buy this monitor though.
Alright here are my experiences:

I exchanged my first monitor. Starting over on the left hand side of the screen there was a band of light that was brighter than the rest of the screen (thread with pictures here:

I'm on my second monitor, and I just got off the phone with Dell to exchange this one. The left hand lighting problem is practically nonexistent (just typical S-PVA color shifting). There is however a dead pixel on the left hand side, that, while being very small, pisses me off because I'm a snob like that.

So, despite this, I'm for sure sticking with this monitor. The inputs are great, it's amazing for my PS3, and overall I'm pleased with it. I would like to get it professionally calibrated, but I'm not sure if I know anywhere that would let me borrow a colorimeter.

Also I would like to add that Dell's service has been incredible. Both exchanges have been carried out smoothly, and Dell ships fast. I think it's worth waiting for a good one.
My third monitor has no dead or stuck pixels, color is much better than the first. Finally, thank god....My best advice is to check these things as soon as they come in so you can send them back before your 21 days is up. It is really hard to do...but find the time, so you can get a monitor worth the price.
how much have you guys been paying for our 2408s? is it possible to get it lower than $600 by haggling?
how much have you guys been paying for our 2408s? is it possible to get it lower than $600 by haggling?

I got mine 2408wfp from someone here for $550 shipped. I think the person used it for 3 days and decided to sell it. Overall it's a nice monitor, no dead pixel, no uneven light, and minimal backlight bleed.
Had this monitor for a few days now (bought from Scan Computers £455). As a designer, I mainly use my PC for design work, so colour accuracy is important to me, but I also play a few FPS shooters too (Crysis being the last thing I bought). So I was hoping this would be the answer to all my prayers, as I've been on a 19" for far too long now (Sharp LL T19D1-B, which has been excellent BTW, if only they did a 24" widescreen version!)

Anyway, my experience with the Dell 2408WFP is as follows (Model # 2408WFPb / Rev A00)


- Excellent build quality / slick looking design

- Solid monitor stand / smooth adjustment

- Very bright display (at full 100% Brightness / Contrast it's actually FAR too bright!)

- Vivid, faithful colours (when calibrated)

- Crisp display (issues with text though, read below)

- No ghosting / trail artifacts (on mine at least)

- DLP 'Rainbow' effect not visible (on mine at least)

- No dead pixels (on mine at least)

- Lots of connections (although most people will only ever use DVI / HDMI)

- USB hub is really handy if you've not got one

- - - - - -

Cons: (Sadly, quite a few, not all deal breakers, but people may find some are)

- Input lag is noticeable in FPS games (tested in Crysis) may help running it in native 1920x1200 resolution, but my EVGA 8800GTX ACS3 768MB GFX card struggles with quality on 'High', would be even worse if I used the WinXP 'Ultra High' CVAR configs (

- Default 'out of the box' colours are pretty poor, a colour calibrator is definitely recommended for this display. Fortunately I have a Pantone i1Display 2 calibrator, once calibrated it was MUCH better

- Slight pinkish tint towards lower left part of screen, only really visible on solid white / light grey backgrounds, but once you know it's there, you keep finding reasons to notice it!

- Very slight greenish tint towards upper right part of screen, only really visible on solid white / light grey backgrounds, not as noticeable as the pinkish tint issue

- Display is slightly brighter toward the left of the screen, most noticeable on solid light grey / black backgrounds

- Small backlight leaking in the screen corners, only noticeable on solid black backgrounds

- Colour banding is visible is darker tones, I created a black (left) to white (right) gradient in Photoshop at 1920x1200 and went full-screen. I then tried it reversed - white (left) to black (right) and it seemed worse. Moving my view toward the side which was black in each case looked better, but straight on the banding was noticable. This is not really noticeable in general use, only in these 'monitor tests'

- On-Screen Display can't be moved, this won't be an issue for some, but those wishing to calibrate the monitor will find they can't place their calibration device in the centre on the screen because the OSD controls will be in the way. You have to place it slightly to the left, not a big deal, but worth noting

- Screen text at default 50% sharpness is too sharp, a small white halo is visible (quite noticeable on grey / light coloured backgrounds). Adjusting the Brightness / Contrast can help alleviate this a little, but not completely.

- The OSD Sharpness control only steps in increments of 25%, anything above 50% is FAR too sharp, 25% looks a little blurred around screen text, but I'm finding I prefer this setting, text looks slightly soft, but it's smoother, and better than the default of 50% which looks pretty bad IMO

- sRGB mode colours are under-saturated, those doing web colour critical work will find this disappointing, as there's no way to adjust this using the on-screen controls. Which means you'll have to use your GFX card colour adjustment settings to modify it

So, the question is, would I have bought it knowing what I know now? Probably not. Some might think this monitor is expensive, but if you want a pro-quality colour accurate monitor, you need to pay a lot more than this, so you could argue it's 'acceptable' for it's price range. Which leaves general use / gaming. If the input lag was half what it is, I'd say it's a good all-rounder, but it's not 'great' for fast FPS gaming, so who would find this monitor acceptable? It's almost like it's fallen between two stools; not good enough to be high-end, not free of issues for 'low-end' (mainly the input lag).

If you're willing to tolerate some of the 'not so perfect' display issues, then it's a pretty good monitor, but the input lag is major let down that makes it difficult to ignore.

I'd hold out for a later revision, or look elsewhere.


The color tinting is a common defect in this monitor, but is not normal. Contact Dell to get it replaced. See their forums if you have questions.

First time posting here, sorry for the long message.

Had a 2408 but decided to return it. Impressed with the monitor overall, but noticed similar issues to other people. Eventually worked out some custom colour settings that were OK (thanks to previous posters here), and appeared slightly brighter on the left hand side.

Two following unresolved issues are why I decided to return it:

a. Soft text on 25 sharpness setting, red halo on 50 sharpness setting (Vista with cleartype).

But principally:

b. Problems with the sound output disappearing. I'm using the monitor connected to a Toshiba A200 notebook (ATI HD2600 video and HDMI output). Wanted a single connection via HDMI to handle both sound and video, have some speakers connected to the sound output of the 2408.

Problem I was having was that everytime the notebook went to sleep, when I restarted there would be no sound. If I turned the monitor on and off the sound would come back. Selecting inbuilt sound as default, then back to HDMI did not work.

When I rebooted I'd also get a load hissing noise through the speakers, then sound would be off and I'd have to pull the power cable to get it back.

While I could probably handle this, the rest of the family wouldn't, and it defeated the purpose of having a "convenient" one cable connection between the notebook and the monitor. So I decided to return the monitor within the return period and wait for the next revision, or maybe buy the Benq 241.

However, I can't see anyone else reporting issues with the sound, and have no replies from Dell Technical support on the sound standby issue, so starting to worry that this may not be fixed in future revisions. So I'd like to know if anyone else is using the sound output or had any issues like this with the monitor?

Would someone possibly be able to comment on how well the 2408 (or 05 or 07) matches up next to a dell 17" LCD in portrait mode? The pixels should come pretty close, I'm curious how well it looks visually.
Dell 2408 review published more than a month ago - 03.09.2008

Yes, and?

I didn't read that before I bought it, I bought it on recommendation. Also, not trying to replace that review with my post. Just adding another experience with it for those looking to buy.

More importantly, whether the issues are due to a faulty batch or this model number.

What's wrong with that?
I've just received my Dell 2408WFP last Friday, and overall I am pretty happy with it with the exception of the input lag.
However i only notice the input lag while gaming, I don't notice it at all while browsing the internet or just on regular use.
I haven't noticed any of the other issues some people have reported, such as the pinkish, greenish tint, etc
On my display there is no blacklight leaking whatsoever.

I had the Samsung 226bw in the past, and the collors and everything else on Dell 2408WFP blows the Samsung one out of the "space", with the exception of the input lag of course. ( I know i am like comparing able with oranges, but..)

I am just the average user. I am not a graphic designer, photograph professional or anything like that, and all i can say about the Dell 2408WFP is that it is a truly beauty.
I've never seen before in any LCD such deep truly black as the Dell 2408WFP displays. It's just gorgeous and this forum website looks so much better on the dell :).

I do think the red is a bit too strong (I believe that is due to the high Color Gamut), but as many have reported that can be easily fixed with a calibrating tool, however it does not bother me at all, and DVD movies look as good as you can possible get.

However, despite all the excellent pros the Dell 2408WFP has to offer, the input lag seems to be quite noticeable on FPS games.

I am not a professional video game player, but I do play games regularly on my PC, particularly CoD2, CoD4, FEAR, Orange box and so on, and I have noticed that I get killed much more often while playing on the Dell 2408WFP display, than playing on my XPS M1710 Laptop screen. (I believe due to the delay in spotting my opponent first). And that has nothing to do with the Dell 2408WFP 1920 x 1200 high resolution because the XPS M1710 screen also support 1920 x 1200 resolution, so the lag is not related to the high screen resolution.

Before I bought the Dell 2408WFP I thought the input lag of about 2 frames wouldn't make much difference, but i am struggling to accept that in fact it might affect gameplay a lot!

I am also considering the fact that the Dell 2408WFP is much bigger than my laptop 17" and so my problems while gaming might be due to my unfamiliarity with the 24 inches screen (Is that possible??? would appreciate insights into this)

I am still gonna do some more real world testing while gaming with both my laptop screen and the Dell 2408WFP just to confirm whether the problem is actually the input lag and not the difference in the size of the screen compared to my laptop screen. (The Dell 2408WFP is about 31 to 40 milliseconds slower than my laptop screen)

I will try to replicate the exact gaming test/environment on both screen so i can have a more scientific approach/results and then i will try to confirm how bad the input lag actually is and whether i will return the monitor.
I will post my conclusion as soon as i am done.
I also would like to know if anyone here knows how the BenQ FP241VW 24-in. LCD Monitor compares with the Dell 2408WFP?
I haven't seen anyone comparing the two, although they have similar features and panel.
I've read pretty good reviews of the BenQ FP241VW 24-in. LCD Monitor (

I am curious to see how the BenQ FP241VW performs, just in case i decide to return the Dell 2408WFP due to the input lag issue reported above.
Thank you
I am also considering the fact that the Dell 2408WFP is much bigger than my laptop 17" and so my problems while gaming might be due to my unfamiliarity with the 24 inches screen (Is that possible??? would appreciate insights into this)

...many people are now transitioning to new large models from either 19” models with 1280x1024 resolution or from CRT monitors. Let’s take a transition from a 19” LCD to the above-mentioned 215TW: the horizontal resolution has increased by a third (from 1280 to 1680 pixels), which means you have to shift your mouse farther to move its pointer from one edge of the screen to another – if the mouse settings have remained the same. That’s where the feeling of “slow pointer” comes from., etc.

how the BenQ FP241VW 24-in. LCD Monitor compares with the Dell 2408WFP?
Expect technically less input lag , lower contrast ratio, less deep black.
If everyone who purchases a new Dell 2408WFP and posts something here, please include the Revision that you received. Most likely it will be A00, but there are A01 out now, and I would anticipate those and A02 to be more popular in the coming months. The problems with A00 will hopefully be resolved with A01, if we can compare the two.
If everyone who purchases a new Dell 2408WFP and posts something here, please include the Revision that you received. Most likely it will be A00, but there are A01 out now, and I would anticipate those and A02 to be more popular in the coming months. The problems with A00 will hopefully be resolved with A01, if we can compare the two.

I have not seen a single verified instance of someone getting an A01 monitor. The only thing I've seen is 1 person claiming to have read a post from a person in Asia receiving one.

That said, my monitor from three weeks ago was A00, and I read that post before I placed my order.
I have not seen a single verified instance of someone getting an A01 monitor. The only thing I've seen is 1 person claiming to have read a post from a person in Asia receiving one.

That said, my monitor from three weeks ago was A00, and I read that post before I placed my order.

I happen to be living in Asia atm... I have seen evidence of A01, so they do indeed exist. They are also being shipped elsewhere, so it should be evident here soon.
I happen to be living in Asia atm... I have seen evidence of A01, so they do indeed exist. They are also being shipped elsewhere, so it should be evident here soon.
Can you please post a picture of it?
I bought mine less than a week ago and still got A00

Can you please post a picture of it?
I bought mine less than a week ago and still got A00


I don't have one of my own :(. I said they exist, I didn't say I had one. There wouldn't be much point anyway, it's just a serial number. I don't have any of the revisions at this time to compare either.