Dell 2408WFP vs. HP LP2475W


Nov 23, 2008
Has anybody been able to directly compare these two monitors?

I'm sitting here in front of my Samsung 215TW that is flickering like hell and am looking to replace it. My current Samsung panel has a S-PVA panel so I'd like to replace it with at least a PVA panel as I need semi-accurate colors and the wide viewing angle.

Both the Dell and the HP have gotten rave reviews, as well as huge rants. They both seem to be plagued by issues such as Input Lag (the Dell), and I've read a little about pink hues on the HP display.

Which one would you guys go for? I'm completely torn. The HP does have a nicer H-IPS panel...

I've owned both of them, I no longer own the Dell. I couldn't live with the VA shift, the large colour variation on the leftmost 2" of the screen and I couldn't reach a happy balance with the sharpness control. Oh, and lag, at first I didn't notice, to excited with the new toy perhaps, but after a day or two it struck home when I kept walking into furniture in VTM:Bloodlines - seriously :(

For all its faults static graphics on the dell were very seductive if spoiled a little by black crush.

The HP is just, nice, I guess. I'm very glad I kept it. ClearType causes problems, probably due to it being incompatible with wide gamut (my theory). And while I found the colour variation on my monitor at 6500k to be visible, though not annoying, selecting Custom RGB=255 defaults to 5800k at which point colour variation is much improved.

In either case, and for all monitors in general, always buy from a place with a good returns policy.
Thanks! That is exactly what I wanted to hear. I was planning on buying from HPs business department or Dells - each seem to be great in terms of returns from what I've read. I'm thinking I'll go for the HP, H-IPS > S-PVA.

I'd be running this on a Mac, so I don't have to worry about anything involving ClearType. I guess that brings up another question - is there anything Mac specific (such as ColorSync) that I would have to worry about - with either of these monitors?
I just got a 2408wfp a few days ago. I just cant seem to get used to it. The color shift really bothers me. I went from a 2007wfp IPS. The other thing is that this thing is just huge. I dont know if I like having this big of a monitor. I will probably end up sending it back, but I haven't totally decided yet.
Yah, color shift is not going to work for me. My Samsung 215TW with a PVA panel isn't too bad but it sounds like the Dell is pretty bad... I've got an Aluminum 24" iMac here and the display is freaking gorgeous. I believe they use an LG.Philips H-IPS panel similar to the HPs.
I don't know what it is about this monitor, but my eyes start to burn after using this monitor for even a short period. I just can't seem to find any setting that don't cause this. I have turned down the bright and adjusted everything but still get eye strain. I have setup a return with dell. Otherwise I think this is a beautiful monitor. I wished it didn't cause me eyestrain. I think that I could get used to the color shift after a while. I have tried a samsung 245B and I just couldnt deal with the horrible viewing angles.
I've had both (sent the dell back after a few days, had the HP now a couple of months) and the HP is leagues ahead of the dell.
I don't know what it is about this monitor, but my eyes start to burn after using this monitor for even a short period. I just can't seem to find any setting that don't cause this. I have turned down the bright and adjusted everything but still get eye strain. I have setup a return with dell. Otherwise I think this is a beautiful monitor. I wished it didn't cause me eyestrain. I think that I could get used to the color shift after a while. I have tried a samsung 245B and I just couldnt deal with the horrible viewing angles.

brightness needs to be around the 0-10% range to be comfortable.
I've had both. Got the 2408wfp first didn't like it because of the color shift, got he LP2475w instead.

brightness for both monitors has to be set low.
color uniformity is better on the HP.
lag is much better on the HP, felt like I did a cpu upgrade with just a change of monitors.
no color shifting on the HP, though at extreme vertical angles you get increased brightness.
cleartype worked great on both monitors. those that complain need to calibrate their monitors.

given the price is relatively close between the two I really don't see the value in the Dell at all.
You guys have got my convinced on the HP. If only the Apple LED Cinema Display weren't only freakin DisplayPort only... Thanks guys!