Dell 3007WFP history in Canada...


Limp Gawd
Jul 31, 2005

I'm interested in getting a Dell 3007WFP... ideally a 3007WFP-HC.

I'm in Canada as you might have guessed, and I'm wondering what the pricing history is like for the 3007WFP... perhaps someone who has been monitoring this model in Canada can answer some of the following questions...

- The current price is $1699... has that been the normal list price all along?
- What was the price at launch?
- How long after the US introduction of the 3007WFP was it available in Canada?
- What is a typical sale price?
- How often does this monitor go on sale?

Of course you can't get an HC in Canada right now, but if I buy one in the US, I can get it shipped to Blaine for just under $1500 USD... which is about $1750 CAD. Whether I do this or not, depends on what the HC might launch for in Canada and what kind of sale price it might have in the next few months.
I'm in Canada and got the 3007 at launch. Price was $2300, I "negotiated" down to $2100.
Thanks... it seems like it goes on sale fairly regularly but sometimes the savings are significant and sometimes not?

If the HC debuts in Canada at $1800 or $1900 (or more) it would be very difficult to justify compared to a $1200 sale on the non HC.

On the other hand, this is the kind of monitor that will last me 5 years so perhaps the extra for the HC is worth it in the long run.

Damn this is tough.
Yeah, I thought someone told me they saw it at $1199 a while ago. I was looking more at 20", as even the 24" seemed out of my price range. But for just over $1000, I might have pulled the trigger on the 30".

On a side note with the HC, exactly how important is the color accuracy to you? If you're a professional photographer and you're sending pics to the printer, color accuracy is very important.

I do visual effects, where among other things, color corrections are done. But my output is not going to a printer, but stays in video. Color accuracy is important, but not as much as print IMO. (Preview on a CRT for accurate color accuracy). A lot of the color corrections are done relative to the other colors, but I digress...

If you're just a programmer/gamer/or anything else, you probably don't really need the 92" RGB accuracy - or would even know the difference. Sure it's better to have, but if we're talking a $500 difference - that's an extra $500 dollar difference that the majority of users wouldn't even know about.

Of course it's tough to buy something that has just been replaced by a new version - but (I have no idea what you use your computer for) unless it's for a job that requires the most accurate colors, there are better places to spend $500 on IMO. :)
That's the dilemna I'm having.

One consideration is that although I don't do high-end graphics, I do spend most of my time (both at work and personal) in front of my computer screen, so I want to justify it that way. I was considering buying a 50" Plasma TV but realized, I don't watch TV much so perhaps I should just invest that money into a top of the line monitor. However, I'm not one to throw money away and don't like chasing diminishing returns.

It's a tough call.