Dell Coupons for XPS?


Limp Gawd
Jul 30, 2005
Does dell offer coupons for its XPS Line... more specificly i am looking into buy the new 12.1" XPS 1210, and want to wait for the best time?

(if you guys know of reviews about the XPS1210, you can private message me them, i am very interested in what others have to say about it. Also i have a post up in mobile computers about it, if you would rather post your experiences and reputations of the system there)
XPS discounts are much rarer than their normal lines. I have received several 10% discounts in the past for XPS systems but that was not enough in my book. I got my Dimension XPS Gen 3 last time they had a 40% that included XPS. I haven't seen one like that since.
only good review Iv seen was on Cnet...

Cnet review of XPS M1210

As far as coupons.. cant help ya...... but.... Costo has a good deal on a XPS M1210 for 1399.99 S/H included... If you configured the SAME machine on dells website it would be 1768.00 and S/H is extra... I noticed the Costo version doesnt have Bluetooth.. and the wireless broadband isnt included either. Im sure you can order the items from Dells parts department.

Costco link to XPS M1210

Hope this helps you or anyone else =)


Right now im on my XPS Gen 2 from the 50% off coupon. so i know what you are refering too, i was just hoping something like that would come along and drop the xps portable down.
This does not appear to be a [H]ot deal in and of out for the mod's cluestick. :p