Dell hasn't charged me yet for my 2405FPW?

Mar 12, 2005
I've had the 2405FPW since 2 weeks from it's official release date and since then Dell hasn't charged me a thing. I had it setup with pre-authorized monthly payment through my bank account but it's been a few months now and I haven't been charged a thing. I refuse to believe that I've become lucky and somehow Dell has forgotten about me. Although, I did have them send 2 replacements since I got the 2405FPW due to many pixels and other factors and that might of confused them,

I'd like to know what other 2405FPW owners experiences are with this. How long did it take Dell to charge you? Do you think I should call Dell regarding this in fear that they might charge me a single full fee in the end? What do you guys think I should do?


take it as a present, if you call them and tell them you were not billed you are an idiot.,
Data said:
take it as a present, if you call them and tell them you were not billed you are an idiot.,

Doing this poses other problems however. Because if he shrugs it off and empties his account (free $1k right?) he doesn't know when (if) he'll get charged.

Up to you, gamble and wait it out, or call them and have them charge you. It's your choice either way really.
UnknownSouljer said:
Doing this poses other problems however. Because if he shrugs it off and empties his account (free $1k right?) he doesn't know when (if) he'll get charged.

Up to you, gamble and wait it out, or call them and have them charge you. It's your choice either way really.

Yup, it's hard to be absolutely and completely honest when nobody's watching. It's the potential consequences that keep us "honest". :D

IMO of course.
I would call them immediatley, if there is some type of problem, it could end up on your credit report. While given the circumstance, it may be possible to have it removed, you never want to have to do that. I would call them ASAP. Even if it's not your fault, there's a good chance their billing system doesn't know that.

perplex said:
I'm assuming your a loser in society, for example: dustbin man; and not a millionaire? :rolleyes:

This has relevance to what other than simply being an out-right flame and a poor judge of character?

For the 6 billionth time it's "you're". "You're" being the contraction for "you are". "Your" is to express possession. Also semi-colons require there to be a complete sentence on either side of the semi-colon.

Oldie said:
I would call them immediatley, if there is some type of problem, it could end up on your credit report. While given the circumstance, it may be possible to have it removed, you never want to have to do that. I would call them ASAP. Even if it's not your fault, there's a good chance their billing system doesn't know that.

This on the otherhand sounds like a good idea.
Speaking of odd Dell charges, has anyone else here requested an exchange monitor from them and noticed they only list the exchange for $499 instead of the full cost? I thought perhaps this could be some proof they were sending me refurb monitors instead of new ones... I would have kept them and sold them on ebay but I would have felt guilty for selling people monitors with as many defects as I noticed on the POS' they sent me... Can anyone here explain why Dell in their right mind would list the exchange monitors for $499 if they were in fact brand new monitors?
my friend once was charged like $150 less then he was supposed to on a water cooling kit. They had a typo on the site, and so he was charged like $100. They kept calling him, but he would always screen his calls and wouldn't answer. They eventually stopped calling, and he got his water cooling for 100 bucks. :)
Well, even though dishonest people might justify stealing, I don't wanna be stole from, one retarded thing though is if money is missing from my cash register at work I'm the one blamed for the loss and its taken out of my paycheck, luckily though I havn't had any losses yet.
They did take a while to bill on mine after the order was placed, which is weird because there was a reserve on the amount right after I ordered, but it went away until a few days after you had it.

You've had yours...well, a long time. You definately need to call them and keep at it until someone gives you a solid answer.
Just do the right thing and call them to get things straight. Your integrity is worth more than $1000 IMO. Pay Dell and move on....a clear conscience is worth it. :)
Calling Dell wont do squat. You always get the Indian que and they dont know what you are talking about. I say wait it out. Hell, its taking them two weeks to send my monitor overnight even after they charged my credit card 5 times.
think of it this way, you are saving them money in the long run.

if they dont charge you, they will never find out where the problem is
ashmedai said:
They did take a while to bill on mine after the order was placed, which is weird because there was a reserve on the amount right after I ordered, but it went away until a few days after you had it.

You've had yours...well, a long time. You definately need to call them and keep at it until someone gives you a solid answer.

I called Dell and they told me it's they do a credit check first, but they dont charge you until they ship it out.
lxuan1 said:
I called Dell and they told me it's they do a credit check first, but they dont charge you until they ship it out.

Yup. My CC Is missing an amount of 9XX.00 but hasnt been posted yet or says I made any purchsaes. They probably put the funds on hold ? or something ..
Jasonx82 said:
Yup. My CC Is missing an amount of 9XX.00 but hasnt been posted yet or says I made any purchsaes. They probably put the funds on hold ? or something ..

They are just doing a credit check on u. You will get it back tomorrow morning till they ship it out.
thats not a credit check. that is a credit authorization makin sure you got the money in the account.

Dell hasnt charged me for my stuff neither