Dell Outlet - 3007WFP-HC for $749

i'll mention that i too bought one of these at the $675 price point.

it arrived within 3 days of being shipped, in excellent condition. i can't tell it's refurbished at all. no scratches or anything. no dead pixels that i have found, either. truly the best bargain on a 30".

Ditto here, except mine arrived even faster.

I'm still not convinced that mine was ever opened...

Still trying to decide if it's any better than my year-old HP LP3065...

Only annoying thing is that it's a replacement for my LVM-37w3... And now when I sit back in my lazyboy, I can't read stuff on my 30" @ 2560x1600 that I could read fine on my 37" @ 1920x1080...

I'll learn to live with it, though... :cool:
Mine had several dead pixels so I am receiving a new one in a couple of days. After I get the new one I send back the old one free of charge. Hopefully it will be perfect!
587 bucks for one shipped after a coupon and 100 dollor gift card. But do i really need another? No room on my desk.
587 bucks for one shipped after a coupon and 100 dollor gift card. But do i really need another? No room on my desk.

What is the name of the coupon?
I tried several but none worked for Dell outlet. :(
I got my coupon at e-junkie.
The coupon was free when I got mine, but it is 3.99 now, as quantities are lower.
"DELL HOME OUTLET Coupon 15% OFF LCD Monitor"
I paid $1299.99 three years ago for my Dell 3007WFP and I was glad to have it at that price. Granted mine was new and not refurbished, but still. This price is a steal.

Agreed, I can't believe people are complaining at these prices! I picked mine up back in August for $1349.99 CDN, while I'm feeling bad seeing the prices people can get them for now, I was glad to pay full price, and people are complaining about paying less that half what I paid for one, less than even 5 months ago!.

Crazy I tell you!

I still can't seeing using more than 1 monitor now, I just want more pixels in a single screen right now... 3840 x 2400 :D ? maybe at 36" ?

I dunno... more pixels the better...
Consider 60fps is 16ms between each frame, I think less than 1 frame isn't going to be a big deal... :)

And it isn't... The difference between 5-12ms in real-world situations is so small it isn't even funny, and most of those time those ratings mean nothing. You gotta use/test the monitor to see if it will have any noticable ghosting/input lag to cause issues with gaming... the 3007WFP-HC has no issues and is one of the most recommended 30" monitors for gaming cause of that...
Also the 12ms response time is the actual response time, many monitors only post GTG instead of on off response times to inflate their specs.
I would have jumped on this but I got a 26" planar instead just yesterday. I've had bad experiences with dell monitors. I've used a 30" monitor before at my cousin's place, and I didn't like the fact I had to move my head around a little to see different parts of the screen. I just want everything to be right in front of me. Plus, it's refurbished. Chances are this will go bad and you'll have to deal with dell's award winning costumer service.
Nope, they are just incompetent... I know because I used to work for Dell.
I agree. I didn't get cables with mine so I called them up to get them sent. I got a power cable and a single-link DVI, and no USB, even though I specifically asked for a power cable, dual link DVI, and USB cable.
There's quite a few of them available again in Dell's Outlet store. Some have reported here that theirs were like new, while others haven't had as good of luck. Any tips on picking which one to buy (or which ones to avoid) when there is a so many to choose from?
Got mine today (finally) and I gotta say, love this thing! Came from a 24" TN and this is just gorgeous compared to it. One of these days I'll have to smack down a couple hundred bucks for a colorimeter.

Mine looks brand new, no dead pixels, scratches or anything of the sort. It came with a dual link DVI, power and USB cables. It was funny, I grabbed the cables out of the box and sitting next to it was a note that said no cables come with a refurbished model :p
There's quite a few of them available again in Dell's Outlet store. Some have reported here that theirs were like new, while others haven't had as good of luck. Any tips on picking which one to buy (or which ones to avoid) when there is a so many to choose from?

With so many listed and no way to look at them before buying, I'd say it's pretty much the luck of the draw. Unless you know someone that knows someone at Dell that knows someone that actually fills the orders for shipping :D
I came from a 2407 and I have to say this thing is very dark. Is there anything I can do to help this monitor without making it look washed out.
input lag is a greater concern than response time, though low numbers for both are important for good gaming.
I got the 2707 for $505 shipped for my step-dad who has aging eyes. That is the perfect size/resolution if you are constantly straining to read tiny text on a 20", 24", or 30" LCD. Oh sorry changing to anything other than native resolution is not an option, nor is changing the dpi setting in Windows.
I came from a 2407 and I have to say this thing is very dark. Is there anything I can do to help this monitor without making it look washed out.

Do you have the brightness all the way up?

My 2407 was on par with the 3007 as far as brightness goes, but only after I turned it up.
I came from a 2407 and I have to say this thing is very dark. Is there anything I can do to help this monitor without making it look washed out.

Both of mine were so bright, I turned them down. Though I turned my 2407's down as well when I first got them.

Wonder if there could be a community colorimeter that [H} members could purchase and share?

I would be interested in this if someone wants to do it.
Wonder if there could be a community colorimeter that [H} members could purchase and share?

That would be risky, as there is always a chance someone will steal it or it might break having to be shipped all over the place. But if something did get worked out, I would so totally participate.
Having someone do it as a rental with a fully refundable deposit for the retail value of the hardware would probably be better since it would eliminate the theft risk.
What color calibrator is considered sufficient for this sort of thing, anyway?
..Just two seconds away from pulling the trigger on this one; however, one question...

What is the difference between Adv Exchange and Complete Care..

From that link it more or less seems like Complete Care is the motherload of coverage (i.e. liquid spills and drops..)

Is it worth it to step up those complete care warranties? I'm debating between 5 yr adv exchange or 3 years w/ complete care...hmmm.

anyone w/ warranty services comment on this? much appreciated.
"Intentional damage (hammer marks) Not covered — user responsible"

"hammer marks" ahahahah :D
Ok I just got mine today and I'm getting colored lines and that's it.. Monitor looks brand new to :( .. It only came with a single link DVI cable.. I should at least get a picture with that right? Thanks
Well after reading this thread for the past couple weeks I grew inspired to be a consumer whore as well :D
Although I cannot afford a 30", I ordered a 24" Dell E248WFP from the Dell outlet today w/ a coupon for ~$230 shipped.
I am really excited to get it (although I am quite jealous of you 30" owners :p) It will be the largest monitor I have ever owned.
Woot got a new cable and everything works great.. Single link will not give you a picture at all just some colored lines just an FYI.. :D
I am *THIS* close to buying one of these. I've always wanted a 30" monitor and with the 15% coupon its so cheap that I could almost make an even swap for my 23" Apple.

On the other hand, I can't imagine its entirely color accurate for photo editing and 30" has got to put a strain on the graphics card.

Oh, who am I kidding. I must have it. I wish Apple's was this cheap - they're so much better looking.
A graphics card will only be strained for gaming. Photo editing and anything else 2D is not going to make even the cheapest graphics card sweat.
So tempting... *sigh... but I have so many monitors! :(
26, two 24s, 20 non wide, two 19s
all non-TN except for the 19s... :( I have to sell some before I can even consider getting one of these :(

Unfortunately... I also only have a radeon 4850... :(
Let me tell you if your thinking about getting one, go and get it.. I went from a 24 to this and it's crazy how much better it looks.. Playing at 2560x1600 with AA on is amazing. Just doesn't get better.
Damn you guys ever bloody time I log into this part of [H]ard I end up dropping C-notes :( Damn you all to hell! Hell I tell you, HELL! :D
Only 8 left! uh oh! :(
Trying to sell some of my monitors so I can get one of these!

they sell out and have more in stock within hours.

Damn you guys ever bloody time I log into this part of [H]ard I end up dropping C-notes :( Damn you all to hell! Hell I tell you, HELL! :D

c-notes? I just got my discover bill for this month. 1700 bucks :( 30" mon and my i7 build. I thought they were on different months, heh. Hot deals is bad for the budget.