Dell’s UltraSharp 2005FPW widescreen 20-inch LCD monitor.

Regarding Anandtech's upcoming review, I'm pretty sure Dell will ship them as perfect a one as they can find after all these problems. That is unless Anandtech buys one anonymously.
I am sitting a few feet back, and the screen is centred to me, and I still see the peach corners... hmph. I may as well see if the exchanged screen is better than this one. Although the pic doesn't show it much, the backlight in the top left is bad enough to warrant an exchange. What I mean is, if I push my finger on the top left, the screen almost feels as if it's not attached. It's hard to describe, but others in this thread I'm sure know what I'm talking about.

I also have never noticed these peach hues on other high-end LCDs, unless I view them waaay from the side. How come I can see it looking straight at this monitor? You can see, by my pic, that they are quite visible from a couple feet back. When I sit down, the monitor is approximately 2 feet away from me... And you're all saying this is normal? If I tilt the monitor slightly upward, I don't notice them as much - but now it just looks weird, the angle that it's positioned at. :confused:

Hmph. I HAVE noticed a bit of ghosting... not in games, mind you... (not that I play too many) but when editing sound files!! Playing and viewing the wave form, my screen goes blurry on me enough to make my eyes water! lol. 16ms, eh... Though I wouldn't want a TN panel anyway, 8ms or not. I guess I can get used to that part... considering I have more room to work with in Sound Forge. Workspace is good.

And I tried what another member of this thread did (disconnected the monitor hot, lay it on the floor face-down) and it did clear up the top-left corner a BIT... but it still feels as though it's "detached" when I touch it. Wait, when I tilt my monitor upward even further... the peach hue turns into backlight bleed... lol. Mostly in the bottom-left corner.

Should I keep this one provided the exchange is even worse? Call me stubborn, but I hate "settling" for an imperfect monitor. Sure, I can never truly get 'perfect' but I don't like the idea of spending $750 (CAD) and getting something with this many caveats.

Well dude, I'm not going to try to talk you into liking the monitor. Your post sounds like you are quite unhappy with it, and if that's the case, you're probably not going to get one you like even after 100 replacements. The peach thing is not a defect, it is a "characteristic", and you will see many many pictures of 2005fpws in this thread where you can see the peach thing going on. There is no such thing as a perfect monitor. There are better monitors, if you're willing to pay or get on the exchange-go-round. I'm still gonna go ahead and say that 2 feet is 2 close. Right now sitting in my chair, if I hold my arm straight out in front of me, my fingertips are about 2-3 inches from touching the screen. Sitting as centered as I can get, I only see a little peach in the bottom two corners, and then only with a black background. Sitting at what I estimate to be 2 feet, the screen fills almost my entire field of vision and a lot of it from the corners in is peach. The closer you get to the screen, the more extreme a viewing angle you have to any individual pixel. If this doesn't make sense, get up and stand back 10 or 15 feet. Then move around trying to reproduce the peach effect. It's a lot harder because the angle from your eye to the pixel is closer to 90 degrees the farther away you are.

Anyway, keep it if you can deal with the issues it has and like it otherwise. Exchange it if you think you'll get a better one that solves the issues you have with the current one (keeping in mind at least my belief that every 2005fpw has peachiness). Get a refund if you just can't deal. LCD is not a perfect technology. In many respects, CRT is still better since it doesn't have ghosting or backlighting or viewing angle issues. But even that isn't perfect as it probably won't be as bright and vivid as an LCD and a 21 incher may weigh 80 pounds.
Can you tell me where or show the e-mail that your learned Dell will be recalling older screens three months from now?
Elec said:
(not that I wouldn't necessarily trade in if say, Dell announced 3 months from now that the problem was totally fixed and they'd recall all older builds)

ROFL That was totally a hypothetical. Also I give really low odds on something like this happening. Get some sleep man, it's 4am! :D
I am so glad I didn't get in on this now. Not flaming but it just seems like too much of a hassle to me. - Good luck all of you who are having problems
Don't get me wrong, it's a fantastic monitor. Probably the best I've had. But this is my first LCD - I'm moving up from the original Viewsonic 17" PS775 CRT, which was very good.

I guess I'm just not used to LCDs, as this is my first. 2-3 feet is pretty much the furthest I can sit from this thing. Now - the peach hues - do they co-incide with backlight bleed? What I mean is, if I get a screen with less bleeding, will the peach hues not be as apparent? As I can see it, the only problem with this thing, other than the peach, is the minor more noticable bleeding in the top-left corner. I don't care about the 1 dead sub-pixel. I realize this is a characteristic of LCDs (I did a huge amount of research before purchasing) and I realize that I'm pretty lucky to only have 1, maybe 2, stuck pixels.
That part I can't answer, since I've only had one 2005fpw to play with, but maybe somebody else with multiples can answer the peach vs. backlight question. LCDs in general do have some things to get used to compared to a CRT, but I'd be willing to wager that if you use the Dell exclusively for a week and then go back to the Viewsonic CRT you'll wonder how you ever used it for so long :)
Elec said:
That part I can't answer, since I've only had one 2005fpw to play with, but maybe somebody else with multiples can answer the peach vs. backlight question. LCDs in general do have some things to get used to compared to a CRT, but I'd be willing to wager that if you use the Dell exclusively for a week and then go back to the Viewsonic CRT you'll wonder how you ever used it for so long :)

Exactly why I am happy my 2005fpw will be here tomorrow and I can stop using this monster 19inch Viewsonic :)

it's because you're new to the lcd arena, so you're being pretty picky since you are used to the "perfect" crt screens. i dont blame you, the transition can be tough.

if you haven't done a few/any exchanges yet, i guess give it another try...and keep the better of the two if you can "deal" with it. but you have to understand that getting a "perfect" one is pretty damn rare, and probably not worth it (smarter to wait out).

also understand that it's not just the dell monitors, look at the beloved sony 19" screen...the backlighting wasn't fixed untill week 40+ into production...the dell is currently on like week 12-16. also, take a look at the hp 24" backlighting problem someone just posted. the point being that the dell is *reported more so than other companies here because they are cheaper = more customers = more complaints. dead pixels are also common, just go to the store, more than half will probably have dead pixels on the screen.

aside from bad backlighting issues, you should be able to adapt to the quirks of lcds. it took me awhile to get used to my old hyundai screen (which had obvious ghosting, un-uniformed colors/lighting, dead pixels).

just know why you are getting an lcd...dont be a fool and buy lcds for "gaming absolutely no ghosting" and bitch about it later. it's like someone who buys a crt to save desk space.
Well I took the plunge and ordered one myself hoping for the best. I had a rev a01 jan model and it has 0 dead pixels. I couldn't believe it. After I used it for a bit tho I noticed lots of blacklight leakage. I called up dell and in under 10 mins a new monitor will be here in a couple days, hopffully the new one will be better

click here to see leakage

its not as bad as the pic shows but still pretty annoying

Dell actually called me today to ask if I wanted a new one or a refurbished one. I can't believe they need to ask people that. I guess its good to know for sure though I am not getting a refurbished one.
though your picture is a little exagerated, by the colors, that is indeed annoying and bad.
I have 2 LCDs at work (one is a 17" Samsung PVA panel, the other a 15" TN+ panel) and while the TN panel gets darker as you view it on an angle, none of them have these peach hues? hmmph. Is this only a characteristic of S-IPS or LG panels?
I may have missed it, and a search of the thread didn't give me anything... so, it begs the question. Does anybody know with any certainty if the 2005fp is 24-bit or does it do dithering to 18-bit?
BinaryJay said:
I may have missed it, and a search of the thread didn't give me anything... so, it begs the question. Does anybody know with any certainty if the 2005fp is 24-bit or does it do dithering to 18-bit?

No idea but I'd like to know. Not sure why it matters someone want to elaborate for me?
It is an S-IPS panel, therefull it does do the true 16.7 million colours. It does not dither, like the TN+ panels do. This would be one of the reasons I bought it :D

Why does it matter? Simple. Colour reproduction. 16.2 million colours rather than 16.7 is a big deal. Especially when the "16.2 million" is actually "262,000". There is a sticky at the top of this forum if you want more elaboration, but basically most of the monitors that claim "great response time at 12ms or 8ms" are TN+ panels, which is the cheapest type of panel. You get the great response time at a cost. As I said, to further elaborate, check out the stickies. But you're safe getting yourself this Dell monitor. The response time is fair (16ms) and the colour reproduction is great. The IPS type panels are a good "in between", or salvation, for people who don't want to have to deal with too many caveats of LCDs, especially when moving up from a good CRT monitor.
The response time on the 2005fpw is actually quoted as 12ms grey to grey. Whether this is accurate, I dunno. I don't have much to compare it to, although there is FAR less ghosting on my Dell than my friend's 19" Samsung rated at 25ms.
For those of you wanting a deal, the 2005FPW and the 2001FP are both 20% off at Dell Small Business. If you want to purchase either, now is a great time. It comes around to 560 dollars shipped not including tax. So if you are charged tax it should be around 590-600 dollars.

I am contemplating these monitors too, I was wondering how easy it was to switch to the Dell 2001FP if the 2005FPW had too many problems, has anyone gone through such a situation? What is the easiest way to get a replacement if needs be?
Crap I knew this day was coming. I want to get this monitor and I plan to upgrade my computer in a few months but right now I want to luxury of a LCD monitor, for space saving, and less eye strain. I have a 128mb ti4600. Can I run the default resolution of the montior on this card in windows etc? For gaming I know I am not going to be able to run it at the native resolution. Also how does it look while gaming at a lower resolution? I know many people with the 2001fp said that at 1024x768 gaming was not too bad. Thanks.
I'm in the same situation but have a much older computer (ancient actually). I bought the the 2005FPW in December since I was planning to upgrade anyway this year and the price I got it at was simply too good to pass up. I don't game much right now, so the the fact that I'm running it on a Radeon All-in-Wonder 7000 doesn't really matter. I was surprised it even works with DVI on this card at the native res given it's age. It should definitely work on yours with VGA, the only potential issue may be with DVI (if a card's DVI transmitter is sub-standard you may have trouble running anything above 1280x1024 on it). Some of the crappier third party Geforce cards have been proven to suffer from this limitation, so you may want to do some research. If people can run 1600x1200 over DVI with your card, then you should have no issues with 1680x1050.

If you're planning to upgrade anyway, you should be ok making do for a few months with some lower framerates. In my opinion the 2005FPW does a pretty good job of interpolating lower resolutions. This will never look as good on an LCD as it does on a CRT, but I find nothing wrong with the 2005FPWs interpolation (generally, the higher the resolution of the LCD the better a job it can do rendering lower resolutions).

If you can get a great deal on the 2005FPW (~$550) go for it, otherwise, you may want to control the urge and wait for better deals to come around or just wait till you upgrade.
I agree, interpolation on this thing is lightyears ahead of say... my IBM T20 notebook. Going outside native on that thing is shamefully horrible.

Looks just fine to me interpolating to non-wide aspects, such as the "Codename Freeman" game.
My 2005fpw came in today! A01 Revision with a January 05 build date. Safar no dead pixels from what I can see. Also backlighting issue seems very minimal. Haven't left it on that long yet to really test it but overall I am incredibly pleased. Pics will come tomorrow as it is already 11pm and I have work bright and early as usual! But this weekend should hold for some fun gaming and monitor toying!
How long does it take for Dell to charge you for a replacement when you don't send one back?

Ok, I've had 2 replacements. The first one was missing it's airbill to send one back. When I e-mailed them to get a third replacement since this one was worse, I mentioned I didn't get a return bill to send one back as I had already had two on hand. After three other e-mails to them mentioning it among other questions they never acknowledged it. The 2nd replacement arrived and it it had a return airbill, but only one. So I send the worst screen back. But I still have two screens when I ordered one. I gave them 4 chances to setup a return, but it's like they don't read your e-mails.

So the invoice for the 1st replacement is now 19days old and the 2nd replacement ivoice is 11 days old.

How long will it take for them to notice there's another screen I haven't sent back. I've just checked my CC and there's no extra charges. Did they forget?

Oh, I also want to comment that the first replacement was done through a quick method and appeared in my order status 24hrs later. The 2nd replacement was done through some service call method that was totally different and took days for it to show up in my order status.

Since I gave them 4 chances, should I bother asking them again, or wait until they realize it? I haven't even got a perfect screen yet.
TimothyB said:
How long does it take for Dell to charge you for a replacement when you don't send one back?

Ok, I've had 2 replacements. The first one was missing it's airbill to send one back. When I e-mailed them to get a third replacement since this one was worse, I mentioned I didn't get a return bill to send one back as I had already had two on hand. After three other e-mails to them mentioning it among other questions they never acknowledged it. The 2nd replacement arrived and it it had a return airbill, but only one. So I send the worst screen back. But I still have two screens when I ordered one. I gave them 4 chances to setup a return, but it's like they don't read your e-mails.

So the invoice for the 1st replacement is now 19days old and the 2nd replacement ivoice is 11 days old.

How long will it take for them to notice there's another screen I haven't sent back. I've just checked my CC and there's no extra charges. Did they forget?

Oh, I also want to comment that the first replacement was done through a quick method and appeared in my order status 24hrs later. The 2nd replacement was done through some service call method that was totally different and took days for it to show up in my order status.

Since I gave them 4 chances, should I bother asking them again, or wait until they realize it? I haven't even got a perfect screen yet.
Good question. They sent me a replacement within 24 hours, but no return label has been sent to me yet. They said it would arrive within a couple of days, but as yet, nothing.
Torquemada XP said:
Good question. They sent me a replacement within 24 hours, but no return label has been sent to me yet. They said it would arrive within a couple of days, but as yet, nothing.

Your not going to get a return label unless you call them, It is suppose to come in the box, I had to contact them 2 times by email to get my first one picked up. I would suggest you call them as well or there is a good chance they are going to charge you for both.
Nascar24 said:
Your not going to get a return label unless you call them, It is suppose to come in the box, I had to contact them 2 times by email to get my first one picked up. I would suggest you call them as well or there is a good chance they are going to charge you for both.

Such a large company like dell. I'm sure one monitor could be easily lost in the midst of things.
Nascar24 said:
Your not going to get a return label unless you call them, It is suppose to come in the box, I had to contact them 2 times by email to get my first one picked up. I would suggest you call them as well or there is a good chance they are going to charge you for both.
Hmm, I just got one via Airborne, and they're sending another.
I LOVE THIS MONITOR! I am so happy I purchased it. BTW everyone know that dell is doing $549 for this monitor again. Check out dell small business. If you have any coupon codes now is the time to get this monitor again!
I just ordered mine today. I am running an SLI setup and I have seen where some people have had success with this. It was just too good of a deal to pass up and I want to get rid of my 17" lcd.
Ulrick28 said:
I just ordered mine today. I am running an SLI setup and I have seen where some people have had success with this. It was just too good of a deal to pass up and I want to get rid of my 17" lcd.

I've heard widescreen modes are not supported w/SLI setup. Freind of mind that owns a Sony GDM-FW900 built a Dual SLI setup for a buddy and found that widescreen modes are unsupported at this time. :(

My 2005fpw is ordered. BIG RAY, what did the estimated delivery date say when you first ordered yours? Mine is saying the 16th of Feb. I ordered it around noon this afternoon so it will be at least a day behind yours. Just trying to figure out if it might ship soon then the estimate.

jbird239 said:
I've heard widescreen modes are not supported w/SLI setup. Freind of mind that owns a Sony GDM-FW900 built a Dual SLI setup for a buddy and found that widescreen modes are unsupported at this time. :(

My 2005fpw is ordered. BIG RAY, what did the estimated delivery date say when you first ordered yours? Mine is saying the 16th of Feb. I ordered it around noon this afternoon so it will be at least a day behind yours. Just trying to figure out if it might ship soon then the estimate.

Dell usually gives a very liberal time for delivery...a lot of the time you'll get it well before the stated date (depending on your distance from a distribution center).
ok im deciding to get the 2005fpw once i get my computer done and ive been reading from page 1 to like 25 and alot of issues of backlight and some with dead pixels i fast foward to the last page this is about 1 month now from page 20 and i remember readin someone saying that dell was fixing the problem i want to know did they??? i dont want to end up with a messed up one cause im thinking of getting 2 of these suckers
my arrival date was first estimated at the 9th - 11th...but it has been reschedualed to the 8th only, but the UPS tracker says it is less then 100 miles away from my home
Okay, here is my predicament. I'm for the first time trying to get my xbox hooked up to my 2005fpw. I am using the red/white, yellow chords that came with the xbox and on the back of the 2005fpw it only has a yellow for the video. So all I have is video... The red and white chords are like maybe 2 inches long, so I can't get them from my 2005fpw to my sub which is far away (and that would be a hassle to keep changing out the computer sound and xbox sound often even if it worked). Is there any way I can get sound out of this xbox?

I do have an s-video to s-video cable, but there is no way I can plug the s-video into the special xbox connector thing. Any ideas... I need help!
RyBoy said:
Okay, here is my predicament. I'm for the first time trying to get my xbox hooked up to my 2005fpw. I am using the red/white, yellow chords that came with the xbox and on the back of the 2005fpw it only has a yellow for the video. So all I have is video... The red and white chords are like maybe 2 inches long, so I can't get them from my 2005fpw to my sub which is far away (and that would be a hassle to keep changing out the computer sound and xbox sound often even if it worked). Is there any way I can get sound out of this xbox?

I do have an s-video to s-video cable, but there is no way I can plug the s-video into the special xbox connector thing. Any ideas... I need help!

Get a new cord to extend the xbox one. But buy one with a headphone jack at one end and two (white and red) female composites at the other end. That way you can connect the red and white cables from the xbox to this new cable then connect the other end to the line-in on your computer's sound card. Unmute line-in to hear the sound through your computer speakers.

Just make sure when you get one of those cables that it's stereo and not mono. Just check radioshack, goodguys, circuit city, bestbuy. Might cost $5-$10, depending on length and quality.

If you want s-video you'll have to go to a store that sells consoles and buy the offfical wires with s-video. Not sure how much that cost.