dell shipped two 2407s


Jun 10, 2006
my 2407 arrived yesterday, and fedex just dropped off another one. weird. should I bother opening it? the one from yesterday seems to be glitch-free (sagging stand aside). i'd almost consider keeping/selling it, but karma would surely catch up to me (especially at this time of year). :)
The truth will ALWAYS prevail over lying. Always, always, always. Even if it may not seem like it.
Call them up and tell them you never recieved your first one. Maybe you'll get two more.

Maybe you could even start your own business
If yesterday's has a sagging stand, I'd try the stand in the one you got today. Other than that, return it.
Do they have your CC# on file? If so then expect a charge for the second one to show up eventually..
you got mine by mistake...just send it over..I'll cover the shipping cost...
i'm on the phone with them now and they only show that they shipped one. of course, now that i've told them i have two i'll have to send one back. <sniff>
yup, its tough but you'll feel better in the end. think of the other computer lover who didn't get their monitor :eek:
Miami_Fly_Guy said:
think of the other computer lover who didn't get their monitor :eek:

It's not like that would happen... More like think of the $200 profit loss Dell sustained.
I remember a similar thread from a couple of months ago about this guy who had gotten two 7900s when he RMAed one of them. I'll tell you what I told him. You should've kept it and it stayed quiet.
I probably would have hung on to it for a few days and see if I was contacted or something...after that I couldn't tell you...
I just got paid for a week of work while I was on vacation. I'll pretend I didn't notice. Hell, I turned in my hours. It's their fault.
i dunno its tough to say what to do in the situation. one could say well this is payment for good things ive done in the past. others would say well i should return it since i didnt order it. tough call but only you can decide what to do.
belmicah said:
Call them up and tell them you never recieved your first one. Maybe you'll get two more.

Maybe you could even start your own business

This is there way of saying "Merry X Mas" :D and a "Happy F-in New Year"
Is this a trend?

I'm about to order an LCD monitor myself and hope they send a second one free...
last year I ordered a canon sd450 from dell. they sent a sd550 and then refunded my CC for the 450. Basicly they gave me a $450 camera for christmas. Thanks Dell! Do I feel guilty? no way! :D I just ordered 2 samsung 204b's but 4 will work just fine
Steve_010 said:
I probably would have hung on to it for a few days and see if I was contacted or something...after that I couldn't tell you...
If you buy it directly from Dell they have your personal info as well as CC#.....there could be a surprise charge later on when you least expect it. ;)
why would you feel guilty? you did not lie, just a very large company made a shipping error and you benefitted from it. he didn't lie, or do anything wrong so he should not have felt "bad" for it.
Miami_Fly_Guy said:
one could say well this is payment for good things ive done in the past.
More like a refund for all the times you've gotten screwed over in the past ;)
Apoxi said:
why would you feel guilty? you did not lie, just a very large company made a shipping error and you benefitted from it. he didn't lie, or do anything wrong so he should not have felt "bad" for it.
Maybe, because you are getting something you didn't pay for, sure it's their mistake, but the morally right thing to do would be to return it. If you wouldn't feel bad for keeping it then you don't have very good morals, no ifs ands or buts.
i had the same problem with newegg i ordered two 8800gtx's and they sent me three

morals kicked in

soi called them and they were like send it back and we will put the money back on your card from one of them they all asked for a picture of all three

i got 689 bucks back and gotto keep two out of three cards
walwalka said:
i had the same problem with newegg i ordered two 8800gtx's and they sent me three

morals kicked in

soi called them and they were like send it back and we will put the money back on your card from one of them they all asked for a picture of all three

i got 689 bucks back and gotto keep two out of three cards

Wow nice lol.
Call them. You're by no means legally required to send it back. It's their fault for sending it to you. If they charge you for it, tell your CC company that you didn't order the second one and they sent it to you on their on mistake.

They'll side with you and you'll win.
Im glad that you called. Regardless if you benefited or not, you still did the right thing. Props for you! :)
Xerodeluxe said:
Im glad that you called. Regardless if you benefited or not, you still did the right thing. Props for you! :)
The "right" thing is overrated. :rolleyes:
HighwayAssassins said:
Dell sent me 2 20" widescreens. I love em :)


BFG Accidently sent me a 6600GT instead of a 6800GT for a RMA. I called them and they corrected the problem, I just haven't sent the 6600 yet .... :p Its prolly why my main rig has been
so problematic for about 6 weeks :rolleyes:
munkle said:
Maybe, because you are getting something you didn't pay for, sure it's their mistake, but the morally right thing to do would be to return it. If you wouldn't feel bad for keeping it then you don't have very good morals, no ifs ands or buts.

morals are relative, you can't say i have bad morals because i wouldn't feel bad that A VERY LARGE COMPANY sent me two things instead of one. why should i waste my time and send it back to them on their mistake?
the fact that you remain silent or neutral does not make a fault.

unless they ask you if you received an extra item and you said you didn't....
Apoxi said:
morals are relative....

Morals are relative to a society. Most western societies recognize property rights. As such, it would be immoral to keep the extra one. Isn't it fun when the law is on your side but morals aren't? Usually it's the other way around.
I ordered 5 Dell X30 a long while back using my parent's Dell Small Business account when there was an awesome deal on it (cough ebay cough). They somehow got lost in the shipping so I got another 5 from Dell. Then the 5 "lost" ones got to me after like 3 weeks. I spent a whole week thinking whether I shoud send it back or not. I was 16 then and trying to make some money to buy stuff I want and $1500 is a crapload of money to me. I sent it back in the end and they gave me a $50 coupon. LOL. Still I didnt pay for it so I shouldnt keep it. Even if it is a big company the principle behind it is the same.
If I'd had been sent two 2407s from a big company like Dell, heck I'd keep it. If the company was smaller, then I would send it back.