Destiny 2 Not Supporting Certain Third Party Apps


Jun 22, 2008
In a move that will probably piss off potential Destiny 2 players, Bungie the developer for Destiny 2 has outlined a list for several programs that will not be supported during the PC beta test and on its release.

Posted on the developers site, the list includes framerate monitoring programs that rely on an overlay such as EVGA Precision XOC, MSi Afterburner, and Fraps may not be compatible, the game will come with its own fps counter. Additionally, notifications for voice communicating apps Discord and Mumble are not supported. The Game Capture mode for streaming software that will not be supported in fullscreen include OBS and XSplit, but will work in other modes.

Not a great way to welcome PC players hoping to jump into the franchise, but hopefully there will be workarounds. For those wanting to try out the game, open beta is on August 28th and release date on October 24th.

It is a high priority for us to ensure that Destiny 2 is a safe and fair experience for all players, on all platforms. We remain committed to creating a positive and fair in-game experience in all of our products, and believe that this is a necessary measure in bringing you a great gaming experience in Destiny 2 on PC
Probably because such software applications aren't available under console and this is a console port in it's purest form?

You could get around it by having more than one monitor. Taking advantage of our PC Masterrace skills. I don't use overlays when I'm gaming. I'd rather just glance to another monitor to see chats and the such. I'm not sure how works anymore I haven't played Diablo 3 since Reaper of Souls came out.
Just use GFE.... that overlay will work if you really must have it. all this other shit is just a reason for people to bitch. The multimonitor dude gets it.. so easy
Lets be honest, elephant in the room, PC FPS games are rife with hacks. I'd rather play Destiny 2 on PC than my PS4 just for the M/KB support and higher res, so I am perfectly fine with this. Of course someone will find a way to bypass it at some point, but hopefully we dont get day 1 hacks like BF/COD/CS/etc seem to end up with.
Lets be honest, elephant in the room, PC FPS games are rife with hacks. I'd rather play Destiny 2 on PC than my PS4 just for the M/KB support and higher res, so I am perfectly fine with this. Of course someone will find a way to bypass it at some point, but hopefully we dont get day 1 hacks like BF/COD/CS/etc seem to end up with.
The reason COD/BF/CS have day one hacks is because they come out with a new iteration every year and use the same old game engine with a few minor tweaks. They don't address the hacks seriously enough to change the code that handles it. They could careless because they have $500 million in sales on the first week of release (just made that number up but you get it).
Lets be honest, elephant in the room, PC FPS games are rife with hacks. I'd rather play Destiny 2 on PC than my PS4 just for the M/KB support and higher res, so I am perfectly fine with this. Of course someone will find a way to bypass it at some point, but hopefully we dont get day 1 hacks like BF/COD/CS/etc seem to end up with.

Agreed, I've switched to my PS4 for my fps gaming needs. I'd rather do it on the pc but I just don't want to deal with the pc scene anymore for fps

The reason COD/BF/CS have day one hacks is because they come out with a new iteration every year and use the same old game engine with a few minor tweaks. They don't address the hacks seriously enough to change the code that handles it. They could careless because they have $500 million in sales on the first week of release (just made that number up but you get it).

I'd believe that if other games such as gtaV and the division weren't full of hacks pretty much from the get go. Problem is if the game is popular enough and there's a possibility of get a hack to work on it then it's going to happen fairly fast.

I know hacking isn't this huge "every match has at least 1 hacker in it!!" Thing but it's big enough that I just can't be bothered with pc fps games anymore (MP ones anyways). This use to be countered by dedicated servers with a good active mod base that kept the server clean but that doesn't happen anymore.
What exactly does "not supported" mean? Does it mean the game will detect these apps and refuse to run or if something doesn't work they won't give a crap about it? Because if it's the first, then yeah, big problem. If it's the second, well isn't that standard?
What exactly does "not supported" mean? Does it mean the game will detect these apps and refuse to run or if something doesn't work they won't give a crap about it? Because if it's the first, then yeah, big problem. If it's the second, well isn't that standard?

To help ensure that every player will have a fair shot at fun and glory in Destiny 2 on PC, we resist attempts by third-party applications to insert code into the game client. This may result in incompatibility between Destiny 2 PC and the features of common third-party applications.
The game will not allow programs to inject code which means thngs like screen overlays such as fraps with their fps counter will not work
The game will not allow programs to inject code which means thngs like screen overlays such as fraps with their fps counter will not work
Injecting code (basically like running VAC and checking for memory changes) and utilizing apis in direct x to create a new layer and run overlays are totally two different things.
I mean windows 10 itself does this with gaming for windows popup that starts on every game/call to direct x api.
The reason COD/BF/CS have day one hacks is because they come out with a new iteration every year and use the same old game engine with a few minor tweaks. They don't address the hacks seriously enough to change the code that handles it. They could careless because they have $500 million in sales on the first week of release (just made that number up but you get it).
And a game ban just means another sale, increasing profit.
So FRAPS, DXtory, OBS and the like work by injecting/hooking the running game? I thought they were using DX API calls to just grab the framebuffer or something for capture.
*Disclaimer* I'm a big fan of Destiny and have my copy pre-ordered.

This news is disappointing, but not that big of a deal, IMO. There list several workarounds for streaming/capture, one of which is using the gpu's hardware capture feature, like shadowplay (which can be used in OBS) or running in Windowed fullscreen mode. Not having on screen overlays for Precision is only a minor annoyance, as you can run it on a second screen (or keyboard LCD).

The biggest issue is the lack of an onscreen chat overlay, which could be very useful, especially in raids. However, I've found this feature is most useful in large chats for MMO's where large groups are trying to get organized. With Destiny's 6 person limit for raids and 3-4 for everything else, it's much easier to keep track of who's talking without the overlay. So although I'm disappointed, I'm not terribly concerned.

Calling it now, game will run at 30 fps and 1440p max

It's already been confirmed to have an unlocked framerate and suport for 4k, ultrawide, adjustable FOV, etc.
This is awesome news.

It's very hard to play any online game now on the PC without people cheating.

There is a very underground app that uses a laptop / second PC in addition to your main PC that captures data before it even gets to warden in World of Warcraft. I know, I've seen the setup video and demonstration several times.

There are a lot of hacks like that that use a laptop / 2nd pc. There are several poker bots that use this method to avoid detection.

There are also cheat programs for about every online game there is. I have a friend that uses something for War Thunder. He shoots planes down left and right.

I could care less if people can't capture video or know what the FPS is. Screw those guys. Who really cares.

I have a good friend that refuses to play on the PC because of the rampant online cheating that takes place.
Calling it now, game will run at 30 fps and 1440p max

I guess you haven't bothered to watch the beta footage for the PC version then. They have it running 4k @ 60fps +. Several videos are on youtube had you only went and looked.

Also, Blizzard is hosting this game. Blizzard is not going to let anything onto that's going to have any issues, bad performance or missing features it's fans expect that would hurt it's reputation.

Also, they delayed the PC version for 2 or 3 months to polish the hell out of it one can only assume.

Seems like you've made your mind up already without the benefit of any research or facts. Good luck with that.
I too use a second monitor and no on screen overlays anymore. I've taken a shine to using the Sensor Panel in AIDA64 on a second monitor which uses RivaTuner Stats Server to collect the telemetry.
Agreed, I've switched to my PS4 for my fps gaming needs. I'd rather do it on the pc but I just don't want to deal with the pc scene anymore for fps

I'd believe that if other games such as gtaV and the division weren't full of hacks pretty much from the get go. Problem is if the game is popular enough and there's a possibility of get a hack to work on it then it's going to happen fairly fast.

I know hacking isn't this huge "every match has at least 1 hacker in it!!" Thing but it's big enough that I just can't be bothered with pc fps games anymore (MP ones anyways). This use to be countered by dedicated servers with a good active mod base that kept the server clean but that doesn't happen anymore.
The division wasn't full of hacks right from the get go as far as i can remember. They had guys find exploits which people took advantage of right away, the hacks came later (aim-boting and such). There were a ton of guys showing these exploits on youtube like 2 weeks after release of the beta so people were aware of them quickly.
I never played GTA-V for PC so I can't comment on the hacks, but I do know that Rockstar built cheats into the game so if those were exploited somehow in the online MP part that's the developers doing and not an actual hack.
The game will not allow programs to inject code which means things like screen overlays such as fraps with their fps counter will not work
Do we know if the windows 10 game recorder is part of this list? That would be a huge blow as well. Looks like they will limit the streaming only to console gamers......
Lets be honest, elephant in the room, PC FPS games are rife with hacks. I'd rather play Destiny 2 on PC than my PS4 just for the M/KB support and higher res, so I am perfectly fine with this. Of course someone will find a way to bypass it at some point, but hopefully we dont get day 1 hacks like BF/COD/CS/etc seem to end up with.

I remember playing CoD years ago on PS3 and some guy flew through the air, over my head, from a building on one side of the street to a building on the other side of the street! What's this about no hacks on console FPS games again?
I do make good use of MSI AfterBurner's RivaTuner OSD, but I also have the AfterBurner graph open on another display, so no real loss if I can't see the OSD. The graph shows way more info anyways. I always have monitoring programs open on other monitors, so this wouldn't be a big deal, IF I was inclined to play Destiny 2 (which I'm pretty sure I'm not, but we'll see).
I remember playing CoD years ago on PS3 and some guy flew through the air, over my head, from a building on one side of the street to a building on the other side of the street! What's this about no hacks on console FPS games again?
hacks versus exploits are two completely different things.
hacks versus exploits are two completely different things.

There's an exploit that allowed you to fly around the map? Because that's what he was doing, flying around the map. I've seen noclip exploits before, this was nothing like that.

Lets face it, people like to claim that PC gaming is growing and PC gaming is awesome. PC gaming is plagued with console ports, for no reason other than developers are lazy, and they're getting lazier.

If you could actually connect a keyboard/mouse to a console to control FPS games, that's what I'd be recommending. At least then you're playing on the platform the game was natively coded (if you could even call it coding) for.