Destiny 2

absolutely the frame rate effects damage. I get one shotted by vehicles while I am patrolling, at 1795+ power.

I can't even remember but I feel like this has been an issue for...forever. There ain' no way I'm going to play at 30fps like Tassi said he did to get past something. I'm willing to drop to 60 but that's it.

I do think that is part of the current balance issues. I agreed with what Tassi said in his video.
And raid first is done within 2h30 minutes, our clan cleared it in about 7 hours.

Notes: low effort cake, not worth the calories
I quit doing the world first raid crap in Destiny 2. I actually enjoyed it, but everyone else on the team never really had the drive to see it through. They straight up quit on the second boss of the last one.
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9 hrs going in blind with a random group, had 1 guy quit on Nezerac but our randos toughed it out. The rng nature of one of Nezerac's attacks + contest mode made for frustrating long last encounter. Completely at the mercy of rng.
Completely at the mercy of rng.
This is a type of design I can't stand in video games. RNG is a mechanic that doesn't care how good you are, how much you've improved, or what your strategy is. You'll just wipe time and time again for no reason even when your team has done everything right. It's bullshit.
Did day 1 locked at 30fps

What a miserable way to experience a beautiful raid

Raid itself is shite reskin of vow but yeah
*blinks* It shouldn't have been locked at 30fps. What was that about?
I locked it 30fps to avoid getting insta-destroyed by some random geometry, physics or laser beam. I was incredibly durable at 30 fps. That is how I had to play in contest mode. Our entire team was playing at either 30 or 60 fps to avoid those issues with the game.
I locked it 30fps to avoid getting insta-destroyed by some random geometry, physics or laser beam. I was incredibly durable at 30 fps. That is how I had to play in contest mode. Our entire team was playing at either 30 or 60 fps to avoid those issues with the game.
Well that's awful
Haven't gone back into the game since day 1 raid was done to do another clear, but I am going to play at normal 165fps now that contest mode is turned off. Just couldnt afford any bugs.
Hang on, the fps thing was in the video someone linked above like last week

Shit like that should merit an emergency intervention, should've been fixed by now.

And for real, what a shit decision not to give strand early on the in campaign. I'm trying to finish it on legendary and it's taking me awhile. So I can't do Vanguards for credit cause I need to be running strand for the elemental burn or whatever it's called

I'd like to think I'm affected by this fps bug but I think it's just cause I suck, I must've died 75 times so far

I dunno if I'd opt for a refund but if even a filthy casual such as myself is bothered by stuff like this, they f-ed up
I was locked at 144 fps for contest mode. Aside from the nezerac destructo disc bs of contest mode, nothing really melted my characters due to high fps. I would play at 170 hz of my monitor, but I straight out can't do jump puzzles at 170hz due to my jump distance being affected by my fps badly at that setting. There's a jump in duality that is just straight out distance, and at 170hz my warlock even with 100 mobility will fall short at that setting even with icarus dash.

Also RIP Zavala. There's been a tribute from guardians at the tower since news came out.
Idk how to honor him other than my usual careful reading of his bounties to see which ones I can do without needing to be in the playlsit
I can't find it right now but Lance played Destiny. He was "idontcare789" and Bungie or someone from Bungie posted a log showing he was playing the game even like the day before he died or close.


His last loadout:
Ghost Shell: Last Bastion
Sparrow: Argent Turbo
Exotic: Prometheus Lens with Eye of Osiris ornament

"this fight might be our last"

i mean, makes sense when there's no more shapes to discover - i guess all you can do past that is retextures.
I'm long done with D2, but maybe my wife might enjoy giving it a shot. Free is free, and I did enjoy the game before it got super bloated.
To date there has NEVER been a better time to try Destiny 2 out for the first time or come back and catch up quickly and easily.
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Might be my last one and just watch summary videos for the next. Really do like the combat and gunplay of the game but for me, this game is just becoming tiresome.
Join us, its wonderful over here. Ha, yeah I love this game, the story, the gameplay, the weapons, the environments, the gunplay... everything except actually playing it myself. I dropped it cold turkey in Season of the Splicer after I was asked to do another strike i've run 1000 times. Not having this second job looming over me every week and FOMO it included has been very, very healthy. I've been able to play so many other games.

That being said, I still keep up with the weekly events and follow a few Youtubers I still enjoy to stay abreast of what's going on. And the raid races are still some of my favorite content to watch.

4000+ hours of enjoyment in D2 but its been good to put it down and enjoy from the sidelines.
Join us, its wonderful over here. Ha, yeah I love this game, the story, the gameplay, the weapons, the environments, the gunplay... everything except actually playing it myself. I dropped it cold turkey in Season of the Splicer after I was asked to do another strike i've run 1000 times. Not having this second job looming over me every week and FOMO it included has been very, very healthy. I've been able to play so many other games.

That being said, I still keep up with the weekly events and follow a few Youtubers I still enjoy to stay abreast of what's going on. And the raid races are still some of my favorite content to watch.

4000+ hours of enjoyment in D2 but its been good to put it down and enjoy from the sidelines.

Ngl, had me in the first half.

I do hope the next expansion is a strong success and gives a good send off for the story. I'll probably watch a video or two of it, still don't care to engage with that grind (I have other games for that).
Anyone able to log in?

Yes. Make sure no 3D audio or gimmicks like that are on in Windows. I got in around 1:30pm Eastern. Steam should be updated.

They are getting slammed. There will be waits getting in but people should by and large be able to play now.

Background maintenance is still ongoing according to Bungie Help on X. They also say restarting consoles or platforms might help, too. I am trying to get back in as I write this and they are congested.
Ahh, I miss those days. Time to see what the twitch D2 directory is looking like. Usually its the top viewed game on the platform during major releases.
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Ahh, I miss those days. Time to see what the twitch D2 directory is looking like. Usually its the top viewed game on the platform during major releases.

I see the regulars still on. Right now I'm getting servers not available so I should have stayed logged in even though I had to go away for a good hour or so. Oh well.
Ok got in... Graviton Lance still slaps pretty hard on Legendary.

I know Keith David was a sensible pick for the new Zavala voice actor, but... I think I need it to grow on me.

Malfeasance looking like a good bring a long, too.
I give up. I was amazed I played at all today.

This is unfortunately typical. I am seeing people complain about getting booted randomly, too. I've got better than 50/50 that says this game goes offline for emergency maintenance before the day is out.

I'll try again tomorrow.

If they are going to make a Destiny 3 hopefully Sony will have their wallets wide open and no more of this BS.
I give up. I was amazed I played at all today.

This is unfortunately typical. I am seeing people complain about getting booted randomly, too. I've got better than 50/50 that says this game goes offline for emergency maintenance before the day is out.

I'll try again tomorrow.

If they are going to make a Destiny 3 hopefully Sony will have their wallets wide open and no more of this BS.
From what I recall this was the experience literally every launch day. I wouldn't be too surprised lol
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I've been playing fine (once you get in) for at least 45 minutes.

But yeah, it's launch day.... I wasn't planning on playing much, but if I do, great.
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