Deus Ex: Human Revolution Gameplay Performance Review @ [H]


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Deus Ex: Human Revolution Gameplay Performance Review - Deus Ex: Human Revolution landed a few weeks ago, bringing a worthy addition to one of the most admired PC gaming properties of all time. We've given it a thorough going over, and have lots to share. We test six of the hottest video cards around to show you what this game can really do, along with an in-depth look at image quality.
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I really wanted to avoid getting sucked into another game at this moment, but you just convinced me to give it a go.

Bastards. :)
nice Article, might have to try this game!

fixed, thanks - Brent (may not show up immediately)
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I'm enjoying DEHR so far, it's quite good looking, and runs reasonably well. Shame the texture loading can sometimes cause brief hitches.

Edit: Found an error in the article -
for the performance category - the chart says the HD6950 did not use any AA, but the text below suggests it ran FXAA high. Which is it meant to be?

The text you are referencing...

The NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 made some headway in relation to the AMD Radeon HD 6950 as well. In our preview, the Radeon HD 6950 was playable at 2560x1600 with FXAA High, and the GeForce GTX 570 was playable with Edge AA. Well, the GeForce GTX 570 is still playable at 2560x1600 with 16X AF, Edge AA, and the highest in-game settings, but the Radeon HD 6950 was not playable with any level of AA enabled at this resolution when the whole game is taken into consideration.

Refers to the HD 6950 being able to use FXAA High at 2560x1600 in our earlier preview article, but explains that that configuration was not playable during this round of testing.
Ah, my mistake, that makes sense. There are still a few typos though, that made me stop and read a sentence twice. Honestly though, I forget where they were :s

It's interesting though that the general theme of the conclusion to the article seems to be that 'the graphics are mediocre, but the game is fun, and worth playing despite the graphics' - but honestly, I think the game looks pretty good. The skyboxes are a bit dull, but generally speaking, there aren't an abundance of occasions that force you to look at the sky.
I'm enjoying DEHR so far, it's quite good looking, and runs reasonably well. Shame the texture loading can sometimes cause brief hitches.

Edit: Found an error in the article -
for the performance category - the chart says the HD6950 did not use any AA, but the text below suggests it ran FXAA high. Which is it meant to be?

That sentence is correct. In our preview we posted a couple of weeks ago it was playable at FXAA in that early part of the game, on on a pre-Gold build. However, with the final version of the game here, and taking the whole game into consideration, it actually wasn't playable, so No AA 2560x1600 is the highest on 6950 we found playable.
I find the differences between FXAA and MLAA to be very small, but when zoomed in, I think I prefer the MLAA style perhaps 75% of the time. Either way, I appreciate the time you guys spent on that issue, as I enjoyed the last article about AA that you guys did as well. Thank you!
I find the differences between FXAA and MLAA to be very small, but when zoomed in, I think I prefer the MLAA style perhaps 75% of the time. Either way, I appreciate the time you guys spent on that issue, as I enjoyed the last article about AA that you guys did as well. Thank you!

NP, and the great thing about FXAA and MLAA in this game, they perform exactly the same, so you can use whatever you prefer visually and you won't be sacrificing anything in performance.
Is it posible to "upgrade" to the newest version of FXAA?
What I didn't see in this review is any reference whatsoever to game crashes. Either NONE of the Hardocp reviewers experienced ANY (I find that very hard to believe), or did but didn't think it worth noting.

I have about 50 games installed on my PC. Deus Ex Human Revolution crashed more while playing it than all my other 50 games put together. It was a deal breaker for me and even though I managed to finish it with all of it's crashes, I won't play it again unless this game is fixed. The crashing was just too much to go through again. I don't care how good a game is (and to be honest I didn't think this game was all that to begin with), if it crashes it negates everything.
Great article! Thanks. Nice to see DE:HR covered like this.

I share a lot of your thoughts and opinions on this game. It´s fun, engaging and somehow refreshingly easy to forgive its many short comings, because so many other aspect are done right.

Being a huge fan of great visuals, this game sat strangely well with me everything considered in this sometimes lack luster department. The insanely backwards 1998 skybox of Detroit, reminded me of Deus Ex (the original game) and hence made quite an emotionally impact instead of turning into a nuisance. Generally the developers and ADs have been great at distributing where to focus the effort and where to ahem.. bomb a little.

Time to get back to the second play through :D ...oh and another thing, this game sure is a lot easier than the original.

fixed, thanks - brent

... and to the poster above. No crashes or stuttering here. Smooth with everything maxed out and FXAA on high.
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I find the differences between FXAA and MLAA to be very small, but when zoomed in, I think I prefer the MLAA style perhaps 75% of the time. Either way, I appreciate the time you guys spent on that issue, as I enjoyed the last article about AA that you guys did as well. Thank you!

Looking at the screenshots I think FXAA looks better overall, but just a bit.
I found the issue with being up close to walls/door as well on my 6950 Toxic. I also found that it was a great way to test video card overclocks as the game played fine for 40 minutes with my new overclock on the 6950 but when I got really close to a wall, it froze. This then became my defacto scene to test my overclock :)
Is it posible to "upgrade" to the newest version of FXAA?

Since FXAA is implemented via the developer, into the pipeline of the game, no not really. It'd be like adding a whole new 3D effect to the game in the post processing pipeline that the game doesn't support. However, its entirely possible that FXAA could be upgraded via a game patch, I would think, if the game developer makes that happen. I really don't see that happening in this case though, it performs well, and it looks good, there isn't any reason to do it. Agreed it would be pretty cool though if they did though. One thing about FXAA is that Timothy is constantly improving it, if you read his blog, he's made several changes/fixes to version 3.11 already since he's released it to developers. So, it is constantly evolving. Here is hoping newer games use newer versions.
What I didn't see in this review is any reference whatsoever to game crashes. Either NONE of the Hardocp reviewers experienced ANY (I find that very hard to believe), or did but didn't think it worth noting.

I have about 50 games installed on my PC. Deus Ex Human Revolution crashed more while playing it than all my other 50 games put together. It was a deal breaker for me and even though I managed to finish it with all of it's crashes, I won't play it again unless this game is fixed. The crashing was just too much to go through again. I don't care how good a game is (and to be honest I didn't think this game was all that to begin with), if it crashes it negates everything.

I've had 0 crashes with the game, on my personal system, and on my test system, and I've used the game in two video card reviews already. I don't think Mark had any issues with it either, and same with Grady, he's been playing it, and has used it in a review, also with no issues. We didn't report any issues about crashing, because none of us have had those issues. I might suggest clean it out, do a fresh download, verify files, defrag it, and make sure you have the latest video cards drivers. There have been two patches to the game, and IIRC they addressed early crashing issues.
I never asked for this review.

Game runs good at 1920x1080 on my computer. No more than 40 FPS, but smooth still. For whatever reason, it won't run with FSAA Medium, only High.

Disappointed that the game has no orange-lemon lime references, but it does have one skull gun reference.
What I didn't see in this review is any reference whatsoever to game crashes. Either NONE of the Hardocp reviewers experienced ANY (I find that very hard to believe), or did but didn't think it worth noting.

I have about 50 games installed on my PC. Deus Ex Human Revolution crashed more while playing it than all my other 50 games put together. It was a deal breaker for me and even though I managed to finish it with all of it's crashes, I won't play it again unless this game is fixed. The crashing was just too much to go through again. I don't care how good a game is (and to be honest I didn't think this game was all that to begin with), if it crashes it negates everything.

Steam says I have 53 hours into this game right now, and I haven't experienced even one crash.
0 crashes here too. Actually, its been one of the most stable games for me in a long time.
What I didn't see in this review is any reference whatsoever to game crashes. Either NONE of the Hardocp reviewers experienced ANY (I find that very hard to believe), or did but didn't think it worth noting.

I have about 50 games installed on my PC. Deus Ex Human Revolution crashed more while playing it than all my other 50 games put together. It was a deal breaker for me and even though I managed to finish it with all of it's crashes, I won't play it again unless this game is fixed. The crashing was just too much to go through again. I don't care how good a game is (and to be honest I didn't think this game was all that to begin with), if it crashes it negates everything.

It's yet to crash once for me <shrugs>
Played through twice, once as badass kill it and ask question later, then as a "ghost".

ZERO crashes.

No game related crashes for me either. Crashes due to my dying 470, yes, but nothing I can blame the game for.
No crashes. Nowhere near done. Some hitching occasionally but I honestly have no idea what my graphics settings are now. Nice blend of FPS and RPG and I agree with the conclusion of the article. The game is just fun.
Article editors:
The last page lists 2560x1600, 1920x1200, ... and 1920x1200? It confused me for a minute (but I'm just slow sometimes).
Question: why didn't you test any multicard configurations as this game seems to be one that is very friendly at 1080p but suddenly frames nosedive once you get above that and probably requires CF / SLI to get effective FPS.
It clearly shows that at 2560x1600 a single card can run it quite well. Thus, does NOT require CF/SLI
It clearly shows that at 2560x1600 a single card can run it quite well. Thus, does NOT require CF/SLI

Most triple screen setups are 5760 x 1080 which is what I was hoping to get some information on. The article also showed the lower-med tier (up to 6950) struggled with 2560x1600 with any form of AA.
Mark is not setup for multi-display setting, I have a current review I'm working on where 3x1 is used, with dual and quad-GPUs, using this game.
Great review. Loved the game first play through (nonlethal stealth, TIDE), and am looking forward to getting the achievements I missed.

I too noticed slowdowns in the vents, and never could account for it (all settings messed with, no change). Anyway, FWIW, this game runs maxed out on my system in my sig, 1680X1050, ~40fps, Max FXAA.
As much love as i'm seeing for this game, I have to admit that I may end up picking this up on Steam. Being the graphics whore I am, I have to admit that my first impression wasn't very positive when looking at the game videos and screenies of this. Based on the review you guys have given this game, it looks like I won't have any problems gaming at my TV's resolution of 768p on my aging PII 965 and 5850's in crossfire.

I want one of those 2560x1600 monitors you guys use so bad, but damn those things are expensive. I may just have to end up settling for a standard 1080p display when upgrading the current TV.
I'm glad there were SSAO comparison shots because I didn't notice where it was working in this game. It's very subtle but perhaps that's intended. I guess I've seen it so heavily used in other games (Batman: AA and Amnesia) that I didn't catch it here.
the wall perf issue drives me insane!! hopefully its something that can patched :/
Very sloppy port by Nixxes.
Engine creates shaders on demand and creates illusion like it's a demanding game
while in reality DXHR is flat as a glass and should be running at 120fps with GTS450

Look for ENBSeries for a stutter fix and a visual enhancement(WIP)

Still... a solid game. Not a great Deus Ex game though.

44fps on 580 ROFL whatta turd :rolleyes:
Yeah come to think of it, the vents is where I had frame rate issues, particularly in the one that leads to the cleaning cupboards just after you come out of the Lower City factory.
I think it's interesting that the GTX 560 TI and 570 are within 5 fps at 1920x1200.
That's quite the price premium ($100) for 10% performance.

same story for the Radeon 6870 vs 6950.
Don't know what's up with this game and my system (crashes). I have almost no crashes with all my games except this one. I'm not the only one either as the Deus Ex forum has lots of posts of people experiencing what I am with this game. Latest drivers, stable system yada yada.
Disappointed that the game has no orange-lemon lime references, but it does have one skull gun reference.

Actually, there is a reference to the sodas in this game. In the Tai Yong Tower portion, two guards are talking about their "exploits". After one of the guards steps away, you can talk to his counterpart, who says something about his buddy is a nut who thinks there is a conspiracy with the vending machines...I don't remember the exact line, but it's there.
Anyone else think it's strange that a game developed closely with AMD's help ... has better framerates on nV hardware? Also, surprised I didn't see an image quality comparison. That leads me to assume it was so close you can't tell the difference. (So again - no IQ benefit either to AMD's involvement? You'd think management would NOT be happy ... they paid for engineering time and got nothing out of it.)