Deus Ex: Mankind Divided


Old Timer
Jun 19, 2003
Just curious if you guys were able to get an early copy? Would love to see a review of this soon. I plan to get a new card here VERY soon and I am curious whats the best card for the price to get (My bet is still the 1070 GTX).

If you guys didn't get an early review copy, everyone lets petition for [H] to get one!
If you're looking at a 1070, then you are already looking at the best card in that price range (brand new). It should be able to max the game at 1080p, possibly even 1440p.
Mankind Divided is a highly anticipated game built on DX12. I'm sure [H] will review it whether or not they're given a review copy.
In before the Nvidiots cry about it being an AMD sponsored game! :)
I don't care who sponsored it, I'm just stoked to play it. I hope it's as good as Human Revolution.
If you're looking at a 1070, then you are already looking at the best card in that price range (brand new). It should be able to max the game at 1080p, possibly even 1440p.

To me it depends a lot too. If AMD Fury X can beat a 1070 in DX12/Vulkan in newer titles, that might make want to wait for Vega. It really depends. Vulkan in Doom made me pause in my decision. It was shocking to see.

I am not saying it will be better, but Deus Ex is full blown DX12 with Async compute. Mgpu etc etc. Really interested to see what it can do. That is why I am hoping to [H] gets an early copy!

and from what I remember from [H]'s old Deus ex review. It ran great on both AMD and NVidia hardware. But DX12....yea cant wait!
You'd think so but I'd rather see a dev blog or something that explicitly confirms DX11.
It would cut into their number of sells if its was dx12 only....but it wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit. I just dont see that happening for at least one more year!
My titans are drooling for this. Well, more like I am...can't wait to see this at 4k. HR even with its faults (bosses etc) was great.
Just got my 1080 in anticipation for this game. Hope I can run it at 4K with Max settings.
You'd think so but I'd rather see a dev blog or something that explicitly confirms DX11.
The official specifications say W7 SP1 under minimum requirements.

Just because it supports DX11 doesn't mean the game wasn't built for DX12. Feature levels allows the game to run on DX11 hardware and software without any major changes to the rendering pipeline. 11_0 is the minimum feature level in DX12.
I'm talking about not trusting system reqs, you know, that standard thing that everyone does.

Because they tend to tell you what the developers guarantee the game will run on and are a promise that the game will work with the hardware and OSes listed. I've have never in the 25+ years I've been playing PC games have heard of a developer lying about OS support. So again, what the hell are you talking about?
So again, what the hell are you talking about?
I'm talking about the devs confirming the game supports DX11? A random blip about Windows 7 on the Steam reqs page isn't proof. But it's good enough for now.

Thanks everyone, moving on...
I'm talking about the devs confirming the game supports DX11? A random blip about Windows 7 on the Steam reqs page isn't proof. But it's good enough for now.

Thanks everyone, moving on...

Exactly what else would it support? DX9 and 10 support is basically dead. It doesn't support Vulkan so it can't be that. There are no Mac or Linux versions (unless Feral gets the rights to port it) so it's not likely going to be OpenGL. That leaves DX11. I'm not sure why you believe it might not be DX11. There is no evidence that it wouldn't and it makes no sense to jump off the deep end and assume it won't. There is nothing remotely logical about that.
Are we still talking about this? The devs haven't confirmed DX11, the specs don't even officially confirm DX11.
They've only ever talked about DX12, which is fine for marketing purposes.

I'm about to use a pre-order coupon so I need to know for certain. I'm gonna hold off just in case there's any funny business.
Are we still talking about this? The devs haven't confirmed DX11, the specs don't even officially confirm DX11.
They've only ever talked about DX12, which is fine for marketing purposes.

I'm about to use a pre-order coupon so I need to know for certain. I'm gonna hold off just in case there's any funny business.
So you would NOT want to buy it if you could only play in in DX12? OK:wideyed: You must have several DX12 cards right? lol Anyways Its not like nvidia cards cant play dx12 lol
Yea not sure why a [H] gamer would not run W10 for DX12. I mean.....Isn't being a PC gamer about being part of the PC master race?

Sure not many games use DX12, but a lot of future titles will. Even some this year! Sure people can say (well I dont care about those games which is why I dont want W10). But they will be pissed later when a lot of the games they want to play are.

Besides who the hell would not want to play deus ex with the top of the line graphics? Why own a high-end card if you plan to stay on W7 ya know?
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - added DirectX 11 SLI profile

- From the nvidia 372.54 release notes
Yea not sure why a [H] gamer would not run W10 for DX12. I mean.....Isn't being a PC gamer about being part of the PC master race?

Sure not many games use DX12, but a lot of future titles will. Even some this year! Sure people can say (well I dont care about those games which is why I dont want W10). But they will be pissed later when a lot of the games they want to play are.

Besides who the hell would not want to play deus ex with the top of the line graphics? Why own a high-end card if you plan to stay on W7 ya know?

I have both win 10 and 7 but there are still some annoying bugs in win 10 so my main OS remains 7. If a game I want comes out that is dx12 only or where dx12 brings higher visual fidelity and/or noticeably better performance then I will be happy to reconsider. Has yet to happen.

I found Human Revolution ok but not earth shattering (gameplay was pretty boring to me, be it stealth or all out fighting it felt very meh). Not gonna pre-order the new one that's for sure. Will probably pick it up a few months from now.
DX12 delayed.

Steam Community :: Group Announcements :: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided™

The Deus Ex franchise originated on PC, and we’re passionate about continuing to provide the best experience possible to our long-time fans and players on the PC.

Contrary to our previous announcement, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, which is shipping on August 23rd, will unfortunately not support DirectX 12 at launch. We have some extra work and optimizations to do for DX12, and we need more time to ensure we deliver a compelling experience. Our teams are working hard to complete the final push required here though, and we expect to release DX12 support on the week of September 5th!

We thank you for your patience, passion, and support.

- The Deus Ex team
Wow are you fucking kidding me? Seriously? starting to hate develeopers now.

It's better they delay it than ship out half assed shit like everyone else. I'd rather get 60 FPS with a game that works than 65 in something that crashes. Not like they cancelled it.
If the game runs exactly like the way developers said it would, I couldn't care less if it ran on DOS.

I certainly wouldn't give any thought if it supported DX (insert any legacy version) rather than DX (insert the latest version).

I would not go out of my way to buy games supporting DX12 or playing in DX12 mode just because I upgraded win 10 to avail of DX12 and I feel obliged to use it. I upgraded to Win 10 so I have one thing less to worry about. The less to worry, the better.

And it's not like Win 10 has any problems running DX11 or earlier games anyway.
It's better they delay it than ship out half assed shit like everyone else. I'd rather get 60 FPS with a game that works than 65 in something that crashes. Not like they cancelled it.
I'd also rather get 60fps in DX11 than 50fps (or whatever) in DX12.
At least with the delay, they're forcing everyone to play the superior DX11 version for a few weeks rather than people who don't know better getting sub-par performance in DX12.
I'd also rather get 60fps in DX11 than 50fps (or whatever) in DX12.
At least with the delay, they're forcing everyone to play the superior DX11 version for a few weeks rather than people who don't know better getting sub-par performance in DX12.

I haven't seen dx12 actually hurt performance that much when its properly coded. have you? AMD cards usually perform better and even nvidia cards don't lose any performance. Just because they are taking another 2 weeks does not mean dx12 performance will suffer. May be they need for time to have finishing touches.
I'd also rather get 60fps in DX11 than 50fps (or whatever) in DX12.
At least with the delay, they're forcing everyone to play the superior DX11 version for a few weeks rather than people who don't know better getting sub-par performance in DX12.

DX12 should improve framerates. Not lower them.
I think that's his point

Well.....Maybe who knows on these forums anymore. Hard to tell with so many trolls on this forum now (not saying he is one, just in general).

Hell some people still think async compute is an AMD feature.
It would be cool if a coop game could be made of deus ex, mirrors edge, and remember me. I bet a non-cannon story combining the three would be one heck of a game.
The latest Hitman DLC is pretty bad as far as DX12 goes

This is at 4K, I don't know why this guy does DX11 vs DX12 at 4K, I don't think he gets it honestly, but whatever, still interesting to note that when CPU is a non-issue, DX11 is significantly better performing, and I believe this is the only game that shows such a big recession in performance with DX12 at times. I've played the others episodes in DX12 and I even ran tests with PresentMon and the differences were pretty minor, so this is a little surprising.

Until there are DX12 exclusive features being used to enhance IQ then DX12 will only be interesting if it improves performance, at the end of the day if DX12 at 4K runs significantly worse than DX11 that means that DX11 and the NV driver were doing a better job than IO-Interactive's DX12 team.

Deus Ex is now launching with DX11 only, with DX12 coming later (unspecified time). LOL. So much for "THIS IS THE YEAR OF DX12".

People like IO should either seriously commit resources to DX12 development or use one of the big engines, this is the fate of small developers really, it makes no sense to produce a half-assed DX12 engine.

UE4, CryEngine, etc are the new middleware API so in those cases you think the driver has less to do with it, but you can bet your ass NV and AMD will be wanting to work very closely with these big name developers and tweak their respective codepaths to their liking.
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The latest Hitman DLC is pretty bad as far as DX12 goes

This is at 4K, I don't know why this guy does DX11 vs DX12 at 4K, I don't think he gets it honestly, but whatever, still interesting to note that when CPU is a non-issue, DX11 is significantly better performing, and I believe this is the only game that shows such a big recession in performance with DX12 at times. I've played the others episodes in DX12 and I even ran tests with PresentMon and the differences were pretty minor, so this is a little surprising.

Until there are DX12 exclusive features being used to enhance IQ then DX12 will only be interesting if it improves performance, at the end of the day if DX12 at 4K runs significantly worse than DX11 that means that DX11 and the NV driver were doing a better job than IO-Interactive's DX12 team.

Deus Ex is now launching with DX11 only, with DX12 coming later (unspecified time). LOL. So much for "THIS IS THE YEAR OF DX12".

People like IO should either seriously commit resources to DX12 development or use one of the big engines, this is the fate of small developers really, it makes no sense to produce a half-assed DX12 engine.

UE4, CryEngine, etc are the new middleware API so in those cases you think the driver has less to do with it, but you can bet your ass NV and AMD will be wanting to work very closely with these big name developers and tweak their respective codepaths to their liking.

They stated Sept 5th for DX12. So still this year assuming they don't bump it back more.
They stated Sept 5th for DX12. So still this year assuming they don't bump it back more.

I have no doubt they will work wonders in two weeks ;)

Come on, think about this, if it's in so bad a state they didn't feel like releasing it, what could they possibly do in two weeks to change that ?