Devil May Cry 5

no time for this now with Sekiro right around the corner...that will consume my gaming life...still haven't played Metro: Exodus either...
Jim Sterling rates this in spite of the microtransactions....can't be too bad then.

I'm loving it so far. Graphics and sound are great, controls are tight, tons of polish, and in runs great.
Capcom might be the best multiplatform developer out there right now. PC versions always get special attention and look/run really well.
Is it just me or do camera controls suck? I'm playing with a controller and it seems there's no option to match vertical sensitivity with horizontal sensitivity. So the game has this weird locked to the horizontal axis feel. I put vertical sensitivity all the way up which helps, but it's still not as fast as horizontal sensitivity.
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Are you guys playing this with PS4/Xbox controllers, or using the keyboard mouse?
It's ok... I'm not a huge fan of this type of battle-fight game, so may not be the best judge, however. Fun in 5 -minute stints to whack a few demons, but gets old quick.

Like the Metal Gear games, the dialogue and character design is a god-awful cringe fest. Do yourself a favor and skip the cut scenes.

Got this game for free
This game looks great.
Itching to try this if someone wants to sell me their AMD game bundle ;)
If you like hack and slash and don't mind a lot of cut scenes, you will like it. I am enjoying it. Graphics are great and it runs really well at 1440 75Hz on a Vega 64.
Feels like this is one of those game that could probably pull 200+ FPS with the right hardware. It still looks really good, too.
After playing so many games with the attacks mapped differently, I need to re-adjust to the control scheme, though. I keep trying to use the shoulder buttons whenever things get hectic.
It's ok... I'm not a huge fan of this type of battle-fight game, so may not be the best judge, however. Fun in 5 -minute stints to whack a few demons, but gets old quick.

Like the Metal Gear games, the dialogue and character design is a god-awful cringe fest. Do yourself a favor and skip the cut scenes.

Got this game for free

Bah! Half the fun of the DMC series is the over the top outrageous cutscenes. The other half is the usually lightning fast timing perfect gameplay. Only topped by Bayonetta 1.

Anywho, anyone wanting to squeeze a hair more performance out in the config file you can switch the rendered from DX11 to DX12. The performance increase is noticeable right from the title screen even.

Odd thing with this game, it defaulted me to 4K for my resolution. Which honestly might be playable but I bumped down to my monitors 2560x1440 with everything maxed and damn does everything feel buttery smooth. Getting those exceed hits like it’s nothing.
Are you guys playing this with PS4/Xbox controllers, or using the keyboard mouse?

Pad, although I play just about everything short of Counter Strike with one. After so many games have started using Dark Souls style controls (shoulder button attacks), it takes a little adjustment to go back to using the face buttons. Otherwise I have no complaints. DMC basically invented this genre and control scheme going back 18 years.
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After putting some space between myself and Sekiro (which has polar opposite controls), I've come back to this game. Feels like any talk of it disappeared immediately.
I'm 7 levels in at this point. I'd say it's okay. 80% of the time you're basically just slaughtering everything in sight and trying to avoid taking hits that can mess up your combos. In a typical 10-15 minute level, you'll probably get hit less than 5 times. Yet when you get to a boss, the game seems to think it's Dark Souls and things get pretty tough. They take tons and tons of hits and your hits seem to do no damage when the bosses are almost dead.
Gameplay is completely linear thus far. It's reminiscent of Ninja Gaiden 2 where if there's a fork in the path, one route just leads to a dead end with an item.
Performance is fantastic, though. The graphics are really good and even a modest system can pull 60fps with details cranked. I could probably pull 200fps if I had a monitor that could show it.
The writing and acting are juvenile at best. Say what you will about DmC, but even it was more mature than this.
The further I get the more ridiculous this game gets. I don't remember this type of humor in the earlier games. It's corny to the point of being cringeworthy.
The game is okay, but it's extremely repetitious. The surroundings change, but the battles are mostly the same. Nothing is really a challenge to kill you, enemies only attack to screw up your combo chain. They keep introducing new enemies, but they're 75% the same as the previous ones.

I really liked the first two games along with 4 and DmC (I never played 3), and I think this is probably the weakest offering. It isn't awful or anything, but I don't know if I'd call it a good game either.

EDIT: And things keep getting zanier. I'm on the final level, so I think I've seen most of it. I swear they must have let some drunk teens storyboard some of this stuff. There's nothing wrong with the overall story, but all of the characters and plot points resemble a John Waters fever dream.
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Won the game last night. Seems there were actually several more levels after what I thought was the end. There are 20 levels in total, although the last one is basically a gimme. Levels 16-19 involve some pretty rough boss fights. If you're shooting for an A or S rank, that's a serious challenge. On the other hand, you can basically resurrect at will with red orbs or the somewhat rare gold orbs. I had almost 40 gold orbs and hadn't used any up to that point. I ended up just blowing through the last couple fights without a care. I still got B's after dying and just spamming the devil moves. Normal attacks barely do much of anything in the final battles, so that's kinda what you have to do.

Overall I'd say the game is probably a 6 or maybe a 7 out of 10. It looks and plays great. It's mindless fun, but it's repetitious and the difficulty is really uneven. Levels = waste of time trying to built up giant combos. Bosses = challenging to the point of occasional Dark Souls type difficulty. There's a lot of thought that went into Dante's style and combo options, but there's rarely much point to most of it. You can get SSS combos with only a few different attacks and all the new moves in the world don't help much with the bosses. Then there's simply the ability to resurrect at will. Unless you're going for high scores, the whole game is a breeze if you just keep resurrecting. I went for all A and S ranks until level 16 and then just got bored.

The less said about the characters and how they interact the better. It's like an 80's action movie that was written specifically for Cinemax.
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On Steam one of my few friends just convinced me to pick this up wanting a similar experience to Dantes Inferno see if that pans out. I never played any of the series so this is a first. At launch I think the game was 59.00 or something so I kept overlooking it picked up a CD keys version for 16.00.
Picked this up since it's under $10 on Steam. I had never played a DMC game before and kind of expected it to be similar to most 3rd person action games (AssCreed, God of War, Dark Souls, etc) but it's more like a 3rd person Street Fighter combo game where you enter a tiny area, mow down some AI enemies, and then move to another tiny area, and repeat until you get to a boss that is a bit more difficult (I did only play to the 2nd boss though). Put in an hour and it was already feeling incredibly repetitive so requested a refund (Going to give Nioh a try since it seems to be more akin to the game style I prefer). Also does not support Ultrawide resolutions and the older fixes are no longer working; there could be one that does but I didn't think there was much point in spending any more time on it.
Picked this up since it's under $10 on Steam. I had never played a DMC game before and kind of expected it to be similar to most 3rd person action games (AssCreed, God of War, Dark Souls, etc) but it's more like a 3rd person Street Fighter combo game where you enter a tiny area, mow down some AI enemies, and then move to another tiny area, and repeat until you get to a boss that is a bit more difficult (I did only play to the 2nd boss though). Put in an hour and it was already feeling incredibly repetitive so requested a refund (Going to give Nioh a try since it seems to be more akin to the game style I prefer). Also does not support Ultrawide resolutions and the older fixes are no longer working; there could be one that does but I didn't think there was much point in spending any more time on it.
Assassin's Creed (RPG-lite action-adventure), God of War (hack & slash action-adventure), and Dark Souls (action-RPG) are all very different games. The original God of War games were similar to Devil May Cry. God of War 2018 doesn't have the same freedom of movement the originals had.

When DMC originally came out in 2001 it felt very fresh. It launched a genre along with other video games at that time (Onimusha, God of War) that was quite popular during the sixth console generation. These days its style of gameplay feels a bit outdated. I was honestly over it with DMC4, when I similarly got quite bored after an hour or two. And I absolutely still love the original game.
Assassin's Creed (RPG-lite action-adventure), God of War (hack & slash action-adventure), and Dark Souls (action-RPG) are all very different games. The original God of War games were similar to Devil May Cry. God of War 2018 doesn't have the same freedom of movement the originals had.

When DMC originally came out in 2001 it felt very fresh. It launched a genre along with other video games at that time (Onimusha, God of War) that was quite popular during the sixth console generation. These days its style of gameplay feels a bit outdated. I was honestly over it with DMC4, when I similarly got quite bored after an hour or two. And I absolutely still love the original game.
Yeah, I loved the original God of War games back in the day. While the gameplay is similar there's something that's different enough to make DMC5 not very enjoyable (for me).
Assassin's Creed (RPG-lite action-adventure), God of War (hack & slash action-adventure), and Dark Souls (action-RPG) are all very different games. The original God of War games were similar to Devil May Cry. God of War 2018 doesn't have the same freedom of movement the originals had.

When DMC originally came out in 2001 it felt very fresh. It launched a genre along with other video games at that time (Onimusha, God of War) that was quite popular during the sixth console generation. These days its style of gameplay feels a bit outdated. I was honestly over it with DMC4, when I similarly got quite bored after an hour or two. And I absolutely still love the original game.
I loved the first one but the series died off for me after 2. 2 was terrible and I didn't even play 3. I gave 4 a good go but got bored of it like half way through.
lol I love all the ones everyone hates and was bored by the ones everyone loves

old high school friend was into this so that's how I first played 1 and didn't like it - he got 2 and I gave it another try and loved it - didn't like 3 - loved 4 - everyone regards 1 and 3 as the best and hate 2 and 4 - no one likes that abortion of a reboot

I plan on picking up 5 now that I can get it cheap with Steam card money seeing as the series is even hit or miss for me - sucks this thing never got ray tracing, capcom updated resident evil 7 even :/
This game is awesome. I loved the gameplay in 4 and this (DMC5) is like how Metal Gear Solid 5 has the best gameplay above the others (which you gotta admit even if you hate the story/that MGS5 didn't end or whatever, the gameplay way awesome and still made the game worth it). Also RE engine looks amazing here as usual 👌 Story is retarded as ever but that's what I came here for, as well.

I bought the Mega Man arm

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I remember when the Mega Buster was a reward for just completing the game in Dead Rising, and now you have to pay for it...
I remember when the Mega Buster was a reward for just completing the game in Dead Rising, and now you have to pay for it...

I got the game for free with Steam card money, figure they already earned at least 3 actual dollars from me for what I've played and enjoyed so far :p

But yeah, Capcom loves their DLC - could be worse - could be some model train game with $47k worth of DLC
I swear I've got the mega buster on my ps4 version dmc5 without paying a dlc on it. Must have been a pre order bonus I didn't think much about.

If you ever played Lady in Devil May Cry 4 Special Edition, it makes fighting more like that - good change up from everyone else just being different hack and slash styles (I know, I shouldn't be surprised of that in a hack and slash game)

Edit: And the Vergil DLC was free with the game at least, so got that too
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This game is awesome. I loved the gameplay in 4 and this (DMC5) is like how Metal Gear Solid 5 has the best gameplay above the others (which you gotta admit even if you hate the story/that MGS5 didn't end or whatever, the gameplay way awesome and still made the game worth it). Also RE engine looks amazing here as usual 👌 Story is retarded as ever but that's what I came here for, as well.

I bought the Mega Man arm

The Megaman Arm was a preorder bonus. So, Capcom just finally made it available to late buyers.

As for, MGSV, I love that it basically became Splinter Cell and got praised. Which is deserved. As a stealth series, Splinter Cell was vastly superior. Sure the story wasn't as wacky or fun...but the mechanics were always better. I just find it funny because of the fanboy wars at the time. Eventually, the games just became one. HAHA.
The Megaman Arm was a preorder bonus. So, Capcom just finally made it available to late buyers.

As for, MGSV, I love that it basically became Splinter Cell and got praised. Which is deserved. As a stealth series, Splinter Cell was vastly superior. Sure the story wasn't as wacky or fun...but the mechanics were always better. I just find it funny because of the fanboy wars at the time. Eventually, the games just became one. HAHA.

Yeah, the stealth and interrogation of MGSV felt so much inferior to Splinter Cell Chaos Theory.