DFI 680i LT in-stock


Feb 20, 2005
DFI 680i boards are finally showing their face on the market.

First stop, ewiz!: DFI LANPARTY UT NF680i LT SLI-T2R - $285.00


Yeah the price is steep, but if you want a DFI 680i board, there it is.
Looks like it's still there. I just don't know if I can justify over $100 more than the eVGA 680i LT board.
Looks like it's still there. I just don't know if I can justify over $100 more than the eVGA 680i LT board.

I don't know if I could justify paying for SLI to begin with but let alone almost $300 for nearly the same performance as a $150 650i board yeah I dunno. I guess people who want to spend their money on this stuff can.
Personally, I just went with a 975X board 6 months ago and haven't looked back.
Yeah, I really want to know if this board is any good..

If I were in the market for one of these, I'd probably just get the eVGA and settle for 95% of the performance compared to what I might get out of the DFI...and then pocket the $100 difference ;).
Yeah that's a fair call, however the there's the following Pros and Cons to consider.

Pros (For DFI instead of EVGA):
- I need 2 Firewire ports for sound recording and video editing.
- SPDIF-In frees up antoher recording spot in my sound card to use another device in. This saves me having to buy a bigger external sound card.
- I live in Australia and after a few quick google searches it seems as though sourcing a DFI board might be easier than sourcing an EVGA board.

Cons (For EVGA instead of DFI):
- Cost; although if I am saving myself the hassle of buying a bigger video card because the DFI board has an extra SPDIF-In slot, then this point might be null and void.

I need to be absolutely certain this board is compatible with the 6400C3DF Domainators in a 4x1GB setup so I don't have another STRIKER on my hands. :rolleyes:
"GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT!" DFI 680i LT in-stock

No SHOUTING or extraneous crap in thread titles. And no hotlinking of images from other sites.
I would have to lean towards the DFI Board, I am also in Australia and the price Difference isnt that much. The other problem I have with all the other 680i Motherboards is the Layout, I have aftermarket Fans on my VideoCards which would block the PCI slots on all those motherboards, but the DFI one has a different layout, which doesnt block off to much
"GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT!" DFI 680i LT in-stock

No SHOUTING or extraneous crap in thread titles. And no hotlinking of images from other sites.

My bad. I didn't mean it as shouting. I just copy pasted the "GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT!" from ewiz.

I'll just upload the image to a host then. That's ok right?
Yeah that's a fair call, however the there's the following Pros and Cons to consider.

I need 2 Firewire ports for sound recording and video editing

Unless you're running more than 63 devices from 1 firewire port, you don't need to have 2 firewire ports. Any device that complies to the firewire (IEEE1394a or b) specification has a passthrough firewire port, for daisy chaining. The exception to this rule? MACINTOSH PRODUCTS.

I've never paid over $2200 for a board, and despite the DFI name it on, I don't think I will be getting this one, either. For the record, yellow and orage looks good one sports cars, not motherboards. DFI boards have always been ugly as sin to me (yes, when you consider the performance, this should not be an issue...but it is)
WOW, the PCI layout is HOT.

Man, that is the perfect layout for slot space. You can score an extra PCI slot using dual 8800gtx's and a PCIE PPU.
Unless you're running more than 63 devices from 1 firewire port, you don't need to have 2 firewire ports. Any device that complies to the firewire (IEEE1394a or b) specification has a passthrough firewire port, for daisy chaining. The exception to this rule? MACINTOSH PRODUCTS.

I've never paid over $2200 for a board, and despite the DFI name it on, I don't think I will be getting this one, either.
Yeah, well my camera only has a single Firewire port, and my sound card is powered by the Firewire Bus. The manual for my sound card also says that daisy chaining through my sound card may interfere with the recording signal quality because it is powered by the Bus. Conclusion: I need 2 Firewire ports... ;)

I've never paid over $2200 for a board either. That would be ridiculous! Maybe in 20 years I might pay that much, although I don't think we'll even have motherboards in 20 years. Everyone knows that computers are going to be made completely of light emitting chemically enhanced genetically altered organic nano-matter. :p
I'm compiling some overclocking results and tips, tricks, known issues with this board on my blog... http://virtualrain.blogspot.com/

Are there any owners of this board here? I'd like to compare quad-core overclocking results.

I'm up to 355.5x9 (3.2Ghz) Stable on my Q6600. Stock Vcore (103.5% Over to dial out droop)

Tony's GTL settings for 1.4v LDT.

Already matches my 975, and blows the hell out of my IN9-32X max.

Layout is damn near perfect on the board, and I like the bios. I do want my Integrated Memtest back however.
Wow, Nice work... I thought this board had problems with overclocking the quad cores like most of the other 680i boards but 355FSB is better than I have seen on some..

This board might be an option afterall.
This is quite a good board, but
I am going to go for the new Intel P35 chipset.

This board is quite expensive, and I am just not a big fan of the 680i SLI chipset.
DFI did a nice job though.
This is the 680i LT chipset, not the traditional 680i. The LT OC's quad cores better and is stripped of some of the features of the 680i, and supposedly costs less (although you couldn't tell by the price of this DFI board).
This is the 680i LT chipset, not the traditional 680i. The LT OC's quad cores better and is stripped of some of the features of the 680i, and supposedly costs less (although you couldn't tell by the price of this DFI board).

Most of the features which arent in the 680i LT boards, DFI has added back in (such as Dual LAN Ports)

the only reall thing missing is it wont support 1200 RAM

or course you could overclock
Most of the features which arent in the 680i LT boards, DFI has added back in (such as Dual LAN Ports)

the only reall thing missing is it wont support 1200 RAM

or course you could overclock

That is true. Personally, I wouldn't hesitate getting a 680i LT board as it seems to me as if Nvidia actually fixed most of the issues with the 680i and didn't want to piss off all the people that originally bought the high end boards at a premium.
The chipset still supports 1200 RAM, but just not officially. If you set manual timings you would have no problems whatsoever.
The chipset still supports 1200 RAM, but just not officially. If you set manual timings you would have no problems whatsoever.

Thats Interesting to know, How long do you guys recon before the prices on these might drop a bit ?