DFI LANPARTY DK X38-T2R, who's got it?


Limp Gawd
Feb 26, 2008
I've been searching around and this mobo has gotten the most of my attention (as a potential mobo to put in my pc) together with the "LT"-version of it.

Now it seems the DK version is just slightly stripped down with things like: 1 less PCI-E slot, fewer SATA connectors, and such.

But I'm also hearing things about it being a 4-layer board and that the PWM not digital and much different, etc.

When I check out the DFI website, I don't see any of these differences, but overclocking-abilities and stability is of great importance to me.

So... who has the board? How good is the overclocking? And does anyone know if the LT is better at it?

The LT is slightly more expensive, but if it only has features I don't use, I don't need to spend that money. Can't really manage to find reviews either, just reviews of the LT board. :(
Already managed to find that thread.

The thing is that there's 2 versions, the DK and LT and I need to find information about the DK.
completely irrelevant post coming up...

i cant wait to get my LanParty Dk 790fx-m2rs :).

all of their new boards look really good.
I am looking into getting the dk x38 board from dfi also.

Maybe i will be the first to gueina pig this bad boy.
I'm considering the dk for a new build as well... prob going to go with a q6600
I finally got around to setting mine up. Currently running a Q6600 G0 at 3.7ghz so far it is has been a very easy board to work with once I figured out the BIOS.
Did anyone find this a problem? comare the DK and LT qith the same quad - which gets higher clocks?

I only have the DK but I was able to get my G0 to 3.78 on air at 1.4v. It is currently running 24x7 folding.
ive got the DK X48... as far as i know its just an upgraded bios and better chipset cooling.

either way im using it with a q6600 and its been nothing but 100% stable.