DI(De-ionized) water help any?


May 20, 2008
Where I work uses quite a lot of DI water for parts washing and plating, so I could get some for free. Would this offer any benefit versus regular distilled water? We make our own DI water by a reverse osmosis process. There are no ions dissolved in the water so it is non-conductive and mineral-free.
It works fine. Free is great, but it is not expensive. add a couple of drops of PT nuke and you are good to go.
distilled water normally works the best, with deionized water you eventually get corroded parts due to it suckin' the ions out of the blocks.
Not really. Both are non-conductive enough not to be a problem when first put into your loop, but after a few weeks both will dissolve enough stuff from your blocks/rad/air to become a short hazard if they leak.
after a few weeks both will dissolve enough stuff from your blocks/rad/air to become a short hazard if they leak.
Any water-based coolant is a short hazard as soon as it touches the dust on your hardware. The point of the various "non-conductive" coolant mixes isn't leak safety, it's to prevent galvanic corrosion when using aluminum radiators and copper blocks.

If you're using all copper parts then all you need is pure distilled water and some sort of biocide (like a silver coil or a couple drops of a CuSO4 solution).