Diablo 3 Beta - Has to be August?

The outrage I'm seeing is making me chuckle here. It was either this or more trading on d2jsp. People still incorrectly think that jsp automatically equals less-then-legitimate programs, but it couldn't be farther from the truth. Fact is that in-game trading was downright awful in D2. Pre-bots, it was just yelling in channels/trade games. Post-bots...still lots of yelling, except now you're competing with bots. Also you dealt with nubs in the individual games who had not good idea of the true market value of your item. d2jsp was one of the alternative options. Diabloii.net was another...though their posting guidelines are somewhat restrictive, and without fg, you were stuck in an odd place if you didn't have good combinations of pul/um or pgems to make the difference.

Having seen Valve succumb to the microtransanction nonsense, I'm not the least bit surprised to see it pop-up in Diablo 3. Nobody's forcing you to use it either. If you have a moral code where you only use self-found items, that's your choice. PvP is always gonna be the lowest denominator b/c people always seek the easiest solutions. Sorry, but that's how the world works. You can add rules or make your own leagues to try to circumvent the wild-west that is PvP, but that's the best you can hope for.
The outrage I'm seeing is making me chuckle here. It was either this or more trading on d2jsp. People still incorrectly think that jsp automatically equals less-then-legitimate programs, but it couldn't be farther from the truth. Fact is that in-game trading was downright awful in D2. Pre-bots, it was just yelling in channels/trade games. Post-bots...still lots of yelling, except now you're competing with bots. Also you dealt with nubs in the individual games who had not good idea of the true market value of your item. d2jsp was one of the alternative options. Diabloii.net was another...though their posting guidelines are somewhat restrictive, and without fg, you were stuck in an odd place if you didn't have good combinations of pul/um or pgems to make the difference.

Having seen Valve succumb to the microtransanction nonsense, I'm not the least bit surprised to see it pop-up in Diablo 3. Nobody's forcing you to use it either. If you have a moral code where you only use self-found items, that's your choice. PvP is always gonna be the lowest denominator b/c people always seek the easiest solutions. Sorry, but that's how the world works. You can add rules or make your own leagues to try to circumvent the wild-west that is PvP, but that's the best you can hope for.

Yeah I'm pretty much with you too, it's going to happen regardless of whether or not blizzard endorses it. People were buying Grandfathers and Windforces for TONS of money through d2jsp back then.
The outrage I'm seeing is making me chuckle here. It was either this or more trading on d2jsp. People still incorrectly think that jsp automatically equals less-then-legitimate programs, but it couldn't be farther from the truth. Fact is that in-game trading was downright awful in D2. Pre-bots, it was just yelling in channels/trade games. Post-bots...still lots of yelling, except now you're competing with bots. Also you dealt with nubs in the individual games who had not good idea of the true market value of your item. d2jsp was one of the alternative options. Diabloii.net was another...though their posting guidelines are somewhat restrictive, and without fg, you were stuck in an odd place if you didn't have good combinations of pul/um or pgems to make the difference.

Having seen Valve succumb to the microtransanction nonsense, I'm not the least bit surprised to see it pop-up in Diablo 3. Nobody's forcing you to use it either. If you have a moral code where you only use self-found items, that's your choice. PvP is always gonna be the lowest denominator b/c people always seek the easiest solutions. Sorry, but that's how the world works. You can add rules or make your own leagues to try to circumvent the wild-west that is PvP, but that's the best you can hope for.

Wow they must have updated the site recently. I was just listening to the podcast in the previous post about an 1.5 hours ago.
*I'm talking about Diablofans.com, since the mmo-champion site is pulling information from there.
You know there's gonna be a couple people making a living off this.
I'm guessing it has to do with having a more robust item database. Allowing the client system to store items may be exploited for item duplication. So I guess the cost of creating a client-exclusive item database for playing offline probably doesn't exceed the demand. This will be pretty important for the new economic system being put into place.

Overall, I think that due to the fact that everyone will be a legitimate competitor, there probably won't be too much focus from the Chinese farmers. They're probably better off scamming people for WoW gold and stealing their accounts. I just hope the effects of botting will be kept at a minimum.
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Yes, but instead now they let everyone cheat to get ahead.

This will unbalance the game. It will be the people who have money to buy the items, against people who dont have the money to buy the items. Now would have to work there ass off to get items.

VERY unbalanced.

Not necessarily depending on if they have a BoE/BoP system like in World of Warcraft where the best items available currently(See: Firelands boss drops) are mostly BoP. Meaning you have to actually kill the boss to get the item. Sure, there are a few trash BoEs but at most you can upgrade '4' slots out of 18 equipment slots and only --if-- you decided to spend rl-money instead of in-game money.

The really-geared people with 18/18 slots in ilvl378 gear and starting to work on ilvl 391 gear would still be those who can 'actually down bosses' aka those people with a bit more skill. It would just make an ilvl of 365ish buyable but 378-391 would not be.
Selling items for real money straight through the Auction House? Wow. Farming bots probably just became the #1 development priority.
Let me get this straight...

Pay 2 Win
Constant internet connection required
No Mods

When did the FailBomb drop!? I must have blinked and missed it.

Requires a persistent internet connection to play SP as well. Good thing I am not a diablo fan :cool:

This -- makes sense. They did the same thing with Diablo 2 if you didn't know this. There was two versions of Battle.Net. 'Closed' battle.net which was for online-characters and you could play single player 'online' via creating your own room and setting a password like 134AqqweAzerw23324ddqwes that nobody would ever guess in a million years. This was strickly monitored and you had to remain connected to ensure trainers weren't used, hacks, dupes etc. If your friend's liked multiplayer and you were thinking you might someday like to play with them, you'd have to create a closed battle.net character pretty much. This is explained in the url above even; albiet people are still raging.

There was also 'Open' battle.net that allowed characters made in single player offline that would often be magically instantly leveled to 80 with the best gear within 3 minutes. These characters could then be used in Open Battle.net to ...well...battle other people who duped/hacked or wanted to cheat their eyeballs out. Open battle.net characters were rather worthless in a way. Nobody wanted to play with 'Open' characters b/c they were probably ....cheaters. Open Battle.net was used so rarely infact, developers decided not to include it in D3. It makes sense in a way too since Open Battle.Net encourages the creation of cheats/trainers/dupes/hacks.

If you were legit, you'd do closed battle.net. All they've done is removed the free-to-cheat-your-heart-out realm. Aka they removed Open Battle.net. Old D2 to make online character progressoin required a consistent internet connection even if you progressed in single player.

Yes, so? Once again, I let you a sigh and respond with 'big deal'. They didn't specifically say modification to the interface is prohibited --and-- traditionally most blizzard games have not had any mod support officially and was done offline via editing MPQ files. Take for example the Total Conversion of the original starcraft into Star Trek theme. You can't play it online on battle.net or via lan without it crashing b/c almost nobody else would have the same mod installed. Clients become out of sync and boom game crashes.

There was no offical tool released to allow updated/changing/modifying of MPQ files. That was all done by the independant community. Also, no offical guides for how to make models, interchange models, etc. No guidelines for what format models/gifs/resolution/color models should use, etc. Despite mods being 'prohibited' in original SC, the mod community still made 'total conversions' and significant changes through inginuity. There's a good chance we might still see D3 mods even if they are prohibted thanks to the modders and hacking communities out there.

OOC though, what mods were you hoping for in Diablo 3? Like a Diablo 3 - Street Fighter Edition Mod? Diablo 3 - FF Total Conversion? Diablo 3 - Ultra Ultra Gore Mod? I have some faith that Blizzard will deliver a fairly completed well polished product that doesn't really require much in the way of modification to the core-game so most mods people would attempt to make would be to fundamentally change the theme of the game to another theme. That's fine but I'd think it would be easier to almost make your own independent game that try to convert Diablo 3 into Diablo 3 FF edition.
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This -- makes sense. They did the same thing with Diablo 2 if you didn't know this.

No they didn't. Diablo 2 can be played offline, Diablo 3 can not be played offline. What they did with D3 now is the equivalent in D2 to making a battle.net character and joining your own passworded game if you want to play "single player". You're still online.
No they didn't. Diablo 2 can be played offline, Diablo 3 can not be played offline. What they did with D3 now is the equivalent in D2 to making a battle.net character and joining your own passworded game if you want to play "single player". You're still online.

Read the rest of the paragraph. If you wanted to play your character you leveled in single player with others, you had to play on closed battle.net which meant you had to make your own room with your own password when playing single player while connected online.

If you made a single player open battle.net character, you couldn't play with your friends really since anyone who was legit used closed battle.net. Also, if you tried going online on open battle.net you'd just get destroyed by hackers with rediculously good gear they certainely didn't earn.
Read the rest of the paragraph. If you wanted to play your character you leveled in single player with others, you had to play on closed battle.net which meant you had to make your own room with your own password when playing single player while connected online.

If you made a single player open battle.net character, you couldn't play with your friends really since anyone who was legit used closed battle.net. Also, if you tried going online on open battle.net you'd just get destroyed by hackers with rediculously good gear they certainely didn't earn.

You didn't have to play on closed or open battle.net in Diablo 2, and that's the whole point. Anyone who decided to play offline could if they wanted to, and there's actually an entire online community around offline Diablo 2 ironically enough (usually involving older patches). It's not possible to play Diablo 3 offline.
I really hope this is as dull and repetitive as diablo 2 because then it will hook me and make me play for hours...

Playing Diablo 2 again.....still dull and repetitive as it was in the past....but I can't stop slaughtering stuff for treasures....
Requiring a persistent connection is a huge pain. I loved D2 because when I couldn't do anything else, it was fun to run around chopping monsters.

I do mostly play MP games now, so maybe I won't notice much, but it just seems like Blizzard could have found a better solution.
You didn't have to play on closed or open battle.net in Diablo 2, and that's the whole point. Anyone who decided to play offline could if they wanted to, and there's actually an entire online community around offline Diablo 2 ironically enough (usually involving older patches). It's not possible to play Diablo 3 offline.

Open battle.net and single player characters are interchangeable(the same thing). You can convert a SP char to Open battle.net or vice-versa. You CANNOT convert a single player character to Closed Battle.Net.

Everyone, inc friends and family, unless they were a cheater/modder/hacker tended to play on closed battle.Net. If you wanted gain a few levels to catch up to your friends, family, co-workers or what not, while they were offline, you couldn't play single player offline as online characters were seperate. You'd have to create your own lobby with your own password and grind the levels online.

There was virtually no difference betwen HOSTING a PRIVATE game LOCALLY versus playing single player which effectively created the same experience except 1 lead to the ability to play the character multiplayer should you choose to and the other did not. Playing single player offline was in effect a bit useless of an exercises versus hosting a private game online if you play MP at all.

The fact is, its true that if you level up to level 50 offline in single player and later want to play with your friends online, its discouraging to have to throw away all your items, gear, level, skills and talents to experience the same game multiplayer from level 1. Removing offline-single player removes a reason to players not to play with the online-community and encourages online-d3-community participation.

I haven't seen anyone chime into the Battlefield 3 thread about how they want the option to be able to play in single player locally-hosted BF3 servers with 1 player slot against bots and gain offline levels to unlock up an offline-character's talents. I wonder why that is? On right, b/c, it wouldn't be that much fun to play against bots and ppl playing single player would be p'd off having to start again from 'Newbie' status when they decided they wanted to play Multiplayer. So much so, it might encourage them not to play multiplayer and reduce the online player base for a primarily multiplayer game. It sounds stupid when you apply that system to BF3 and equally stupid when applied to D3.

It's 2011; not having the internet in today's day and age is considered a human rights violation by the UN. I know of very very few people on this forum at least and in real life who don't have an internet connection. If that's the WORST thing about Diablo 3 is it requires an internet connection in an attempt to reduce hacking/exploitation/RMT farming, etc; then the game is in a lot better shape than a lot of recently released titles!
Open battle.net and single player characters are interchangeable(the same thing). You can convert a SP char to Open battle.net or vice-versa. You CANNOT convert a single player character to Closed Battle.Net.

Everyone, inc friends and family, unless they were a cheater/modder/hacker tended to play on closed battle.Net. If you wanted gain a few levels to catch up to your friends, family, co-workers or what not, while they were offline, you couldn't play single player offline as online characters were seperate. You'd have to create your own lobby with your own password and grind the levels online.

There was virtually no difference betwen HOSTING a PRIVATE game LOCALLY versus playing single player which effectively created the same experience except 1 lead to the ability to play the character multiplayer should you choose to and the other did not. Playing single player offline was in effect a bit useless of an exercises versus hosting a private game online if you play MP at all.

The fact is, its true that if you level up to level 50 offline in single player and later want to play with your friends online, its discouraging to have to throw away all your items, gear, level, skills and talents to experience the same game multiplayer from level 1. Removing offline-single player removes a reason to players not to play with the online-community and encourages online-d3-community participation.

I haven't seen anyone chime into the Battlefield 3 thread about how they want the option to be able to play in single player locally-hosted BF3 servers with 1 player slot against bots and gain offline levels to unlock up an offline-character's talents. I wonder why that is? On right, b/c, it wouldn't be that much fun to play against bots and ppl playing single player would be p'd off having to start again from 'Newbie' status when they decided they wanted to play Multiplayer. So much so, it might encourage them not to play multiplayer and reduce the online player base for a primarily multiplayer game. It sounds stupid when you apply that system to BF3 and equally stupid when applied to D3.

It's 2011; not having the internet in today's day and age is considered a human rights violation by the UN. I know of very very few people on this forum at least and in real life who don't have an internet connection. If that's the WORST thing about Diablo 3 is it requires an internet connection in an attempt to reduce hacking/exploitation/RMT farming, etc; then the game is in a lot better shape than a lot of recently released titles!

You're rambling and kind of veering off topic. The difference between offline mode and online mode is pretty simple. One requires you to be online, the other requires you to be offline. They removed one of those and that's the issue. And your BF3 example does not compare because they are two entirely different genres. One is a hack and slash RPG and the other an action FPS. According to your logic, Torchlight (single player only Diablo clone) should have been a total failure.

Instead of giving options they are removing them, that's the problem.
I think you have a point and it's pretty unfortunate that playing D3 offline won't be a possibility. That is, unless they implement specific systems to accommodate it. But from what I'm reading, it will rely heavily on retrieving data from their servers, probably so items can be generated and tracked more easily.

I'm personally not bothered by it, but I can see how D3 would have been nice to have with no internet connection around.

edit: personally *not* bothered by it :D
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I got a lot of friends in the military that will be skipping Diablo 3 now. Many of them don’t have the luxury of being able to play online whenever they want.
Requiring online is bullshit. They should allow characters to be rolled up that are prohibited from ever going online, and allow those character to be played offline.

I understand the persistent connection. It's the only way to ensure that there's no cheating, duping, etc. But not everyone cares about that shit.
I found out about the news reading Rock, Paper, Shotgun.

As good as a game might be, there is no chance of me purchasing a title that requires a constant Internet connection DRM to be played. I will not support this kind of practice. It is sad that Blizzard is following Ubisoft's footsteps...
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My Gold Find Barbarian just turned into Cash Find Barbarian. No longer just a past time hobby.
None of this really concerns me.. this is stuff you could already do.

All they did was put it inside the game so that they can make $ from it.. this probably has a lot to do with activision also.

Selling and buying loot/dupe methods/hacked items has been happening for almost 10 years now.. Its too bad about the offline mode but I never used that anyway.
Let me get this straight...

Pay 2 Win
Constant internet connection required
No Mods

When did the FailBomb drop!? I must have blinked and missed it.

Some friends and I are actually playing median XL right now. Diablo 3 just became a serious no buy for just about everyone I know. Torchlight 2 it is, LAN, mods, and everything you could want.
No character builds, no mods, no offline, sanctioned pay to win, no thanks.

I'm still not done with diablo 2 thanks to mods like eastern sun, zy-el, andd median XL, and torchlight 2 has all of the features I'm looking for.
I see two positives to this:

1. They will most likely have a transaction fee that goes to Blizzard which will fund the game so we don't have to pay a monthly fee.
2. Because real money is in play, the game will have a beefy back-end to keep track of all the items and transactions and therefore preventing duping.

The only downside is 'lazy' people can buy gear, but that was happening anyway. At least now it happens completely in game so those people don't have to rely on third party sites and deal with sketchy unofficial trades. If for some reason I quit the game it's nice to know I can possibly liquidate my items and go buy pizza and a beer for my troubles.
There's also a huge difference between this and Ubisoft's DRM: D3 is practically an MMO-lite. There's a shit ton of online mechanics and it's designed from the ground up for multiplayer.

Most of Ubisoft's titles are single-player only with no reason to actually be online, besides the DRM.