Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

I would say the exact opposite. With my little amount of free time as a working adult, I get pissed when I decide to play a game, and my time is wasted staring as server status lists.

Truth. It's been pretty frustrating so far. Also are they not doing a ladder now?
I have had to break a lot of hearts about Diablo 3 the last couple days. I have had maybe 5 or 6 customers bring in their computers to me and ask what they need to buy in order to run Diablo 3 and almost every single one was a P4 with 512Mb of RAM and onboard graphics. I just said "well pretty much everything sir" lol. Not the answer they were hoping for.
I guess I just dont see what the big deal is. Maybe if I was in college and had a huge amount of free time it would be a different story. For me, I took Tuesday off and my friends and I were able to fit in about 12 hours of gaming with some downtime due to maintenance later in the afternoon. If I was on summer break from school or something, I would probably have been flipping out at any little bit of downtime.

D3 is basically an MMO at this stage. For an MMO launch, this was pretty smooth, Ive seen much, much worse.

You'd think, for a company this size with this much clout, things would go a bit better. If this happened to any other dev studio, the reaction would be much different. People feel invested with Blizzard, so issues that would kill another company are often explained away or justified.

I'm sure they will work things out eventually, but first impressions are pretty important.
Yeah while I agree that the downtime is frustrating due to my limited time to play, I have other things to occupy that time. Like yesterday, that gave me a good hour to go see that bright thing in the sky and do an 11 mile bike ride. Last night, softball game got cancelled, so I got to start working on the new glove.

All in how you look at it.

Was making my way through the first level of a dungeon, about to enter the second floor

server crashes, last checkpoint was near town

honestly don't feel like re-clearing all that bullshit.


Was making my way through the first level of a dungeon, about to enter the second floor

server crashes, last checkpoint was near town

honestly don't feel like re-clearing all that bullshit.

Have you ever played an ARPG before? That's the entire point, clearing bullshit and acquiring loot :p
I have had to break a lot of hearts about Diablo 3 the last couple days. I have had maybe 5 or 6 customers bring in their computers to me and ask what they need to buy in order to run Diablo 3 and almost every single one was a P4 with 512Mb of RAM and onboard graphics. I just said "well pretty much everything sir" lol. Not the answer they were hoping for.

You're a well balanced person. If someone brought me a P4 rig for help, I'd smash it in front of them and blight their womb.
You're a well balanced person. If someone brought me a P4 rig for help, I'd smash it in front of them and blight their womb.

I already have a couple nasty emails to head office about my attitude so I am being a good boy these days :)
for the tiny time i've been able to play between server downage and work, witch doctor has been a blast so far, demon hunter felt really underpowered but that could be from being in a 3 person game and only level 4.. i'll try it again later solo.

Ranger really ramps up later on. Same with all the other ranged classes such as WD and Wizard I believe. Melee are strongest early game.

I also have 5 guest passes to give out. First five to PM will get them. You must have been a member of [H] at least 1 yr. You must include what class you would like to play and why :)

Also, guest passes will allow you to play up to the Skeleton king, basically the end of beta IIRC.
You'd think, for a company this size with this much clout, things would go a bit better. If this happened to any other dev studio, the reaction would be much different. People feel invested with Blizzard, so issues that would kill another company are often explained away or justified.

I'm sure they will work things out eventually, but first impressions are pretty important.

Honestly I don't think you can knock them for this at all. There's only so much you can do to combat millions of people all trying to login at the same time. I'm sure NONE of us have any experience in an environment like that.

They're sort out the issues, peak levels will change and die down, life will go on. The whole 2-3 day launch process is part of the Blizzard world imo. Doesn't phase me in the slightest.

Sounds to me like you think you're entitled to something.
Still waiting on Amazon to deliver my copy. :( I wil never pre-order from them again. I could have gone to at least a dozen places around Las Vegas and gotten a copy for the same amount I paid Amazon to deliver it to me.

I'm also thrilled to know that Bizzard has sent a big "Fuck You" to myself and every other military member who would like to play the game overseas where there isn't internet. I basically have about 2 months to play this and finish Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Reveleations before I deploy again. They wonder why people pirate games!
Honestly I don't think you can knock them for this at all. There's only so much you can do to combat millions of people all trying to login at the same time. I'm sure NONE of us have any experience in an environment like that.

They're sort out the issues, peak levels will change and die down, life will go on. The whole 2-3 day launch process is part of the Blizzard world imo. Doesn't phase me in the slightest.

Sounds to me like you think you're entitled to something.

Good fucking God. I will leave it at that as I think it is immoral to pick on the handicapped.
I'm also thrilled to know that Bizzard has sent a big "Fuck You" to myself and every other military member who would like to play the game overseas where there isn't internet. I basically have about 2 months to play this and finish Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Reveleations before I deploy again. They wonder why people pirate games!

I don't believe that was their agenda, nor intention, nor aim, nor anything like that.
Still waiting on Amazon to deliver my copy. :( I wil never pre-order from them again. I could have gone to at least a dozen places around Las Vegas and gotten a copy for the same amount I paid Amazon to deliver it to me.

I'm also thrilled to know that Bizzard has sent a big "Fuck You" to myself and every other military member who would like to play the game overseas where there isn't internet. I basically have about 2 months to play this and finish Assassin's Creed Brotherhood and Reveleations before I deploy again. They wonder why people pirate games!

Interesting, my two CEs came on the 15th early in the morning. Strange that Amazon would mess up. Sucks though :(
Honestly I don't think you can knock them for this at all. There's only so much you can do to combat millions of people all trying to login at the same time. I'm sure NONE of us have any experience in an environment like that.

They're sort out the issues, peak levels will change and die down, life will go on. The whole 2-3 day launch process is part of the Blizzard world imo. Doesn't phase me in the slightest.

Sounds to me like you think you're entitled to something.

I wouldn't assume. :rolleyes:
Gerbils must be getting their 15 min break every 8 hours or so.

Just got home, waiting for my bro and his wife to finish installing.
Just started my 5 chars to watch the intro (all girls)
Monk: Unity
Demon Hunter: Harmony
Witch Doctor: Symphony
Barb: Calamity
Wizard: Catastrophe

are the names actually used or viewable anywhere? I gave my character a name but so far it isn't even on the character screen or social screen,... anything lol
are the names actually used or viewable anywhere? I gave my character a name but so far it isn't even on the character screen or social screen,... anything lol

Don't think so, I could make all my characters the same name.

Sorta wishing I rolled female wizard...oh well not like it matters late game anyway :p
stop derailing the thread with your bickering. this is for diablo 3 discussion not petty arguments.

I feel its pretty easy to hate on Blizzard right now due to the server instability and to be honest it sucked last night I logged on right when they went down and a buddy of mine had no warning and he was about to end the game on normal when he got booted which I think is pretty lame.

Its impossible to prepare for something like this i mean were talking millions of users with all different set ups and connections along with a vast game that has a couple of unsquashed bugs. It's easy to hate and say that if it wasnt online there wouldnt be any down time but really the down time isnt that bad.. 3-4 hours out of 36 hours its been down.. it hasnt been perfect while its been up but its worked pretty well. In a few days you'll be able to play all you want forever with no issues anyways lets be patient
are the names actually used or viewable anywhere? I gave my character a name but so far it isn't even on the character screen or social screen,... anything lol

only your battletag shows a lot of people were complaining about that!
It's not. There are several firms that specialize in load testing, especially server side. Just need to throw a bit of money at it.

Exactly. For blizzard, money should not be a problem. Therefore, talent should not be a problem either. They have access to the best talent and as many servers as they want. They would not be having these issues if that's what they wanted. Simply, they chose to have problems and are okay with that.
Just turn vsync off...

speaking of which, V-Sync totally murders FPS in this game.

I've been having a lot of fun. I've ventured in 3-4 "side quest dungeons" so far and I'm only level 11. I feel like I cheat myself if I don't explore every little pixel on the map...

Also, it looks like Inferno Leoric has been beaten by some Korean group. Go figure.

I've been having a lot of fun. I've ventured in 3-4 "side quest dungeons" so far and I'm only level 11. I feel like I cheat myself if I don't explore every little pixel on the map...

Also, it looks like Inferno Leoric has been beaten by some Korean group. Go figure.

yeah that is awesome. . . have you hit act 2 yet?
I just died in HC just before the end of Act 3. I'm not hating the story but also not enjoying it as much when compared to the first two Diablo games. My take so far playing my barbarian is as follows.

What they got right:
-crafting is much more enjoyable
-variety in levels,atmosphere
-pace of combat
-new merc system

That they got wrong:
-skill system (there isn't much variety and I used the same skills from 14ish to 29)
-its very linear and confined feeling. I feel like i'm playing xmen legends or marvel alliance and in individual levels and not a world.
-only being able to opt out of rmah by playing hc

What they should of improved on:
-crafting. let me start with a white item and craft it with components that add attributes, enchants, and such. let me customize and make my own legendary items not predefined stuff
-allow me to swap skills out faster and save which rune I pick. My barb was stuck using leap, groundstomp, seismic smash with stun rune, earthquake, cleave, and rend. Anything else in my experience didn't give me enough cc, or damage. I wrecked with frenzy but could only use it in boss fights. That sure isn't variety. Very frustrating to be trained with and certified on hmg's, have one on your back but never being able to use it.

I'd give the game a B at the current time.
Also, it looks like Inferno Leoric has been beaten by some Korean group. Go figure.

Yeah, when I got to work this morning one of the first headlines I saw was that a team of Koreans beat D3 in 7 hours (normal of course)
Exactly. For blizzard, money should not be a problem. Therefore, talent should not be a problem either. They have access to the best talent and as many servers as they want. They would not be having these issues if that's what they wanted. Simply, they chose to have problems and are okay with that.

speaking of which, V-Sync totally murders FPS in this game.

Going to go ahead and uh, sort of, disagree with you there.

Office Space quotes aside, Vsync, from beta until now, has been the only way to play this game BUTTERY smooth for me. Having it off is jittery and weird, feels like my system is under-powered (anything but).

Maybe just me.
not sure if I should start another thread.

Having issues with brief pauses (not mp or anything) to the point that the character will pause and catch up (running super fast). Does this occasionally. Any advice?

That sounds like your hard drive is spending too much time loading new data at some points in time, causing it to wait on IO.
I just died in HC just before the end of Act 3. I'm not hating the story but also not enjoying it as much when compared to the first two Diablo games. My take so far playing my barbarian is as follows.

What they got right:
-crafting is much more enjoyable
-variety in levels,atmosphere
-pace of combat
-new merc system

That they got wrong:
-skill system (there isn't much variety and I used the same skills from 14ish to 29)
-its very linear and confined feeling. I feel like i'm playing xmen legends or marvel alliance and in individual levels and not a world.
-only being able to opt out of rmah by playing hc

What they should of improved on:
-crafting. let me start with a white item and craft it with components that add attributes, enchants, and such. let me customize and make my own legendary items not predefined stuff
-allow me to swap skills out faster and save which rune I pick. My barb was stuck using leap, groundstomp, seismic smash with stun rune, earthquake, cleave, and rend. Anything else in my experience didn't give me enough cc, or damage. I wrecked with frenzy but could only use it in boss fights. That sure isn't variety. Very frustrating to be trained with and certified on hmg's, have one on your back but never being able to use it.

I'd give the game a B at the current time.

I understand your feelings with the skill system atleast with the barbarian!

as far as the wizard though now that I have a lot of skills at lvl 25 I am really having a hard time choosing what ones I want to use.. its constantly a difficult decision and I like it... it means all my spells are good.. I do have preferences though but sometimes situations dictate my decisions

I had to change up my skills for belial after he transforms to arcane orb and hydra to beat him
A+ game so far

Loving it so far a lot more than d2 which I played on and off for many years. There is some room for improvement and a lot of growth which will be inbound from additional patches and eventually the XP.
A+ game so far

Loving it so far a lot more than d2 which I played on and off for many years. There is some room for improvement and a lot of growth which will be inbound from additional patches and eventually the XP.

You must of missed the dev post about patches. There will be no new content patched in other than the promised PvP. Everything else will simply be bug fixes.
I understand your feelings with the skill system atleast with the barbarian!

as far as the wizard though now that I have a lot of skills at lvl 25 I am really having a hard time choosing what ones I want to use.. its constantly a difficult decision and I like it... it means all my spells are good.. I do have preferences though but sometimes situations dictate my decisions

I had to change up my skills for belial after he transforms to arcane orb and hydra to beat him

Why? I found that I could use blizzard/meteor just fine. Looks like it misses but it actually hits from what I could tell....just curious.
What little time I put into it shows me that it is indeed better than the Beta.

I don't think they should have taken it easy at the beginning, though. Sure, you have to ease people into it a bit, but I felt it went too far towards assuming the player has never played this type of game. Oh well.
A+ game so far

Loving it so far a lot more than d2 which I played on and off for many years. There is some room for improvement and a lot of growth which will be inbound from additional patches and eventually the XP.

It’s important to understand that Diablo is not World of Warcraft, meaning that there will be no major content patches with new dungeons, or bosses, or enemies. We have plans on patching in PvP of course, but in general the only ‘content’ we would patch in would most likely just be new items.

Diablo III will see patches to adjust things like game balance and potential system improvements, but any actual content additions is not something you should expect to see.

The purpose of the randomized dungeons and items in any Diablo game is to provide an endless amount out of content right out of the box.

you can bet your ass there will be an expansion though :p
Finished act 1 with my huntress.... playing ranged is great fun, especially with two light crossbows and crusader acting as tank. Everything dies before it comes closer :)

However, I wanted to check barbarian, and I'm puzzled. EIther I had bad luck, or there are no more randomly generated maps - second playthrough is exactly same as 1st - mobs, chests in same places.... no more randmoness that let you feel like you been playing completely different game.
Playing with friends is a blast!

Honestly i'm dissaponited by how the team play has been. I was really hoping it'd be more complex than D2, but from what i've seen so far i have a feeling solo play will be more strategic and fun.

Part of my opinion may be because i'm playing a wizard behind a monk and a barbarian and they just steamroll everything while i try to aoe a bit. Very repetitive and gets old quick. Also, i haven't found any of the "signature" moves to be cool at all. I feel very weak as compared to my friends both in aoe damage and especially single target damage.