Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

I guess I haven't really messed with smoke screen yet. Been using Caltrops.

So it was a total of 5 seconds (with rune) and now its only 2 with (the rune)?
I guess I haven't really messed with smoke screen yet. Been using Caltrops.

So it was a total of 5 seconds (with rune) and now its only 2 with (the rune)?

3 seconds runed, now its it 2 runed. Which is actually a huge difference.
all the nerfs are in preparation for the nerfs for pvp.

It will eventually get where X says Y is op in pvp so NERF Y each and every week.

that is what killed rift and made wow players go balistic, pvp was the only thing they gave a F about.
Now you are going to see it in spades in D3.

like was asked above....what the Hell were they doing in the so called beta. THIS DOESNT WORK, ok make a note...lets do lunch

They can easily tweak skills for PvP-only. Guild Wars has skills that do different things in PvP than they do in PvE.
Just saw this. Seems Blizzard has no freaking clue how to fix abusive combos. SS and Force Armor were NEVER the issue. It was the abusive combination with other skills that made them over the top. They however decide to nerf the base skills which by themselves were never abusive. These base skills were essential to other non-abusive builds. This is moronic and horrific.

Random bug fixes
Players will now receive an error message when attempting to remove a gem from an item with no sockets (rather than disconnecting)
Players will now properly have their casting interrupted when attacked while performing resurrect on a fallen group member
Resolved over 30 game and service crashes affecting players

Demon Hunter
Smoke Screen
Duration reduced from 2 seconds to 1 second (tooltip will still show 2 seconds)
Skill Rune - Lingering Fog: Now increases the duration of Smoke Screen to 1.5 seconds (tooltip will still show 3 seconds)

Fists of Thunder
Skill Rune - Quickening: Fixed an issue that was causing spirit regeneration to incorrectly trigger off critical hits from other sources, such as Sweeping Wind
Mantra of Healing
Mantra of Healing will now correctly provide only two times the base healing effect for the first 3 seconds after activation, down from four times the base healing effect (tooltip will still show the old value)
Skill Rune - Boon of Protection A maximum absorption amount has been set to 1000 Life. This skill will be redesigned in an upcoming patch.

Arcane Torrent
Skill Rune - Cascade: Fixed an issue that was causing Arcane Torrent to fire 3 new missiles per kill instead of only 1 new missile per kill Number of new missiles generated from this rune will now cap at 10 missiles
Energy Armor
Skill Rune - Force Armor: Amount of damage absorbed from a single attack will now cap at 100% of a player’s maximum Life

The rare chest in the Town Cellar in Alcanus will now only spawn 50% of the time, down from 100%
Players can no longer dual-wield two-handed weapons
Level 54 Wizard now with about 16k health, 3200 dps, 2800 armor (with force armor). I find that I can steadily (but slowly) work my way through Hell alone. But playing with my usual group of DH and Monk yesterday was a completely different story. We each died until our armor went yellow and called it quits. Yellow mob down to 80% health. After they quit the group I try the encounter solo and am able to finish it with just one death. I thought the game was made with grouping bonuses in mind? Don't mobs simply have 175% health with 2 people playing and 250% healthy with 3 or something like that? It seems like the amount of damage they are capable of is much higher in multiplayer as well.
Level 54 Wizard now with about 16k health, 3200 dps, 2800 armor (with force armor). I find that I can steadily (but slowly) work my way through Hell alone. But playing with my usual group of DH and Monk yesterday was a completely different story. We each died until our armor went yellow and called it quits. Yellow mob down to 80% health. After they quit the group I try the encounter solo and am able to finish it with just one death. I thought the game was made with grouping bonuses in mind? Don't mobs simply have 175% health with 2 people playing and 250% healthy with 3 or something like that? It seems like the amount of damage they are capable of is much higher in multiplayer as well.

Nope, it's +75% hp and +0% dmg in normal per player. More in Nightmare, even more in Hell... by Inferno with 4 players it's 430% hp and 145% damage.
Wow, I think I hit a brick wall in Act II Inferno lol. I can't even take out an "easy" pack of champs before triggering the enrage timer.

Edit: Yay, I took it down!
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Level 54 Wizard now with about 16k health, 3200 dps, 2800 armor (with force armor). I find that I can steadily (but slowly) work my way through Hell alone. But playing with my usual group of DH and Monk yesterday was a completely different story. We each died until our armor went yellow and called it quits. Yellow mob down to 80% health. After they quit the group I try the encounter solo and am able to finish it with just one death. I thought the game was made with grouping bonuses in mind? Don't mobs simply have 175% health with 2 people playing and 250% healthy with 3 or something like that? It seems like the amount of damage they are capable of is much higher in multiplayer as well.

Yea they had the right idea with scaling, but didn't give people any reward for grouping up. Just another thing they failed to think through, like lots of other shit.

and LOL at those hotfixes, and an even bigger LOL at the "(Tooltip will still show old value)" notes. Lazy motherfuckers first don't bother to think through the fixes they're implementing, completely ruining synergies (which are fun, DUH), then don't even fix it right.
3 seconds runed, now its it 2 runed. Which is actually a huge difference.

Patch notes say it is actually 1.5 seconds runed....it's even worse than I thought it would be. Again I would be fine with the change if they would just make the other DH defensive abilities even remotely useful in Inferno. Until then, it looks like it's going to be miserable trying to even farm gear in Inferno, much less make any progression into it.
Patch notes say it is actually 1.5 seconds runed....it's even worse than I thought it would be. Again I would be fine with the change if they would just make the other DH defensive abilities even remotely useful in Inferno. Until then, it looks like it's going to be miserable trying to even farm gear in Inferno, much less make any progression into it.
It'll get fixed. It has to. I'm only in Act II of NM and noticing my caltrops aren't exactly what they used to be. I cant even imagine how worthless they'll be in Inferno. Now SS is useless (even runed) now that just leaves Shadow Power.

Does anyone use Shadow Power? Sounds kinda like the Wizards Force Armor.
and LOL at those hotfixes, and an even bigger LOL at the "(Tooltip will still show old value)" notes. Lazy motherfuckers first don't bother to think through the fixes they're implementing, completely ruining synergies (which are fun, DUH), then don't even fix it right.

I think to fix the tool tips they would have to send out a patch because they are client based. Whereas the values are calculated server side so they can hot fix them. making and sending out a patch just for a few issues probably isn't worth it. When the next big patch comes out it will fix the tool tips.
I think to fix the tool tips they would have to send out a patch because they are client based. Whereas the values are calculated server side so they can hot fix them. making and sending out a patch just for a few issues probably isn't worth it. When the next big patch comes out it will fix the tool tips.

Ahh how observant! That does make sense.
Level 54 Wizard now with about 16k health, 3200 dps, 2800 armor (with force armor). I find that I can steadily (but slowly) work my way through Hell alone. But playing with my usual group of DH and Monk yesterday was a completely different story. We each died until our armor went yellow and called it quits. Yellow mob down to 80% health. After they quit the group I try the encounter solo and am able to finish it with just one death. I thought the game was made with grouping bonuses in mind? Don't mobs simply have 175% health with 2 people playing and 250% healthy with 3 or something like that? It seems like the amount of damage they are capable of is much higher in multiplayer as well.

for each extra character in your group mobs get:
Normal - +75% Health
Nightmare - +85% Health;+5% Damage
Hell - +95% Health;+10% Damage
Inferno - +110% Health; +15% Damage

As I recall, at lvl 55 wizard I had 4300 dps and 24000 health.
Now level 60, 29k health, ~11k dps.
Well. I'm bored with it. That feeling I had in D2 where it was always "just one more run" and cool stuff was dropping...it's just not here. I'm act III NM and not having any issues, but just have no incentive at all to continue playing. This is the first Blizzard game I have ever been disappointed in, at least initially so.
Yea they had the right idea with scaling, but didn't give people any reward for grouping up. Just another thing they failed to think through, like lots of other shit.

and LOL at those hotfixes, and an even bigger LOL at the "(Tooltip will still show old value)" notes. Lazy motherfuckers first don't bother to think through the fixes they're implementing, completely ruining synergies (which are fun, DUH), then don't even fix it right.

I think to fix the tool tips they would have to send out a patch because they are client based. Whereas the values are calculated server side so they can hot fix them. making and sending out a patch just for a few issues probably isn't worth it. When the next big patch comes out it will fix the tool tips.

Nah they just left it so when they have to fix it and put the values back it's less work.
Well. I'm bored with it. That feeling I had in D2 where it was always "just one more run" and cool stuff was dropping...it's just not here. I'm act III NM and not having any issues, but just have no incentive at all to continue playing. This is the first Blizzard game I have ever been disappointed in, at least initially so.

Yeah. I think you are pretty accurate there. This game does not have that item hunt interest that D2 had. Theres no super unique items in the game really, no runewords, nothing to really build to or figure out, since theres no skill trees theres no builds to test or learn, there are no places to really farm or hunt at. Items drop based on your level so theres no way to get anything really good since they all have lvl reqs for dropping.

The game is further screwed up with the fact that you cant pick and choose which game to join which makes it almost impossible to find 4 person games.

The game is still "fun" but its not worth $60 nor is it going to have the same long 10 year replayability D2 had by any means. If it wasnt for the fact I sold 2 D3 CE editions for about $55 profit on each making D3 free for me, id be more disappointed in my purchase.

Ill be checking out Path of Exile and Torchlight 2 when they come out.

I almost feel bad for them really. Kind of bizzare to say but, its like they had this really good model with D2 and then took 10 steps backwards with D3. Dont you guys think so?
I for one love this game, enjoyed the story and everything, still enjoying it - barb up to act 4 on nightmare and a DH that I just finished normal with. Couple others that are low wiz/wd roughly halfway through act 1. The barb I was usually/mostly duoing with a monk or his wizard for a little bit. At one point in Act 3 we kept getting owned by some of the combo abilities (fire chains/arcane was a pretty nasty one), until we respec'd for more defensive and health regen - I think we were sporting ~400hp/sec regen that made us practically unkillable.

I'm pretty surprised at all the hate talk that's in this thread, but then again maybe I'm not as it seems every game that's come out in the past couple years with a thread on here is full of hate... maybe it's just this forum.
Thank god for Irrational not being as dumb as hell as Blizzard with their "QUICK FIX IT AND BREAK IT" mentality. Or I'd be out of a job. That sh*t doesn't fly everywhere. Don't they read forums and posts, emails, anything?

It's pretty clear that they're going full reckless on everything, hoping that the audience will approve. They need to listen, then do. Not the other way around.

What was the meeting like when they started making this? Going over to the WoW team during their lunch: "Hey guys, who wants to f*ck some sh*t up?!* Then they made Diablo 3.
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Yeah. I think you are pretty accurate there. This game does not have that item hunt interest that D2 had. Theres no super unique items in the game really, no runewords, nothing to really build to or figure out, since theres no skill trees theres no builds to test or learn, there are no places to really farm or hunt at. Items drop based on your level so theres no way to get anything really good since they all have lvl reqs for dropping.

The game is further screwed up with the fact that you cant pick and choose which game to join which makes it almost impossible to find 4 person games.

The game is still "fun" but its not worth $60 nor is it going to have the same long 10 year replayability D2 had by any means. If it wasnt for the fact I sold 2 D3 CE editions for about $55 profit on each making D3 free for me, id be more disappointed in my purchase.

Ill be checking out Path of Exile and Torchlight 2 when they come out.

I almost feel bad for them really. Kind of bizzare to say but, its like they had this really good model with D2 and then took 10 steps backwards with D3. Dont you guys think so?
I really honestly think that 1 week after release is a bit to early to trash a game thats as big as this one. Even if I hated the game, I would maybe stop playing for a while, let some patching or whatever happen then give it another try.

All these people who are saying they want their money back and saying they wasted $60 is a bit of a stretch. Seriously. Very few people can respect what goes into a project as big as this. $60 isn't even a drop in the bucket. I mean, I can understand that some people won't like it as much as other and hey, that happens. But the sense of entitlement some of these people have is almost laughable. I think I even saw one guy on the b.net forums talking about getting a lawyer or something. lol.

I think one of the biggest problems that no one seems to be mentioning is the expectations of this game. So many people wanted it to be so many different things (tailored to what they like of course) then when it's not the game is shit and they want their money back. :rolleyes:

I dunno. I guess to each their own but people seem to quick to cry over spilt milk these days.
Energy Armor
Skill Rune - Force Armor: Amount of damage absorbed from a single attack will now cap at 100% of a player’s maximum Life

I dont understand this. Does that mean, if I have 10k life, a hit should be reduced to 3.5k, but if someone hits me for 20k dmg, it will do 13.5k (maximum life + 35%)? So I will still get one shotted everywhere I go. Which is lame. The whole point of the skill was to allow wizards to actually be able to survive later difficulties.
I really honestly think that 1 week after release is a bit to early to trash a game thats as big as this one. Even if I hated the game, I would maybe stop playing for a while, let some patching or whatever happen then give it another try.

All these people who are saying they want their money back and saying they wasted $60 is a bit of a stretch. Seriously. Very few people can respect what goes into a project as big as this. $60 isn't even a drop in the bucket. I mean, I can understand that some people won't like it as much as other and hey, that happens. But the sense of entitlement some of these people have is almost laughable. I think I even saw one guy on the b.net forums talking about getting a lawyer or something. lol.

I think one of the biggest problems that no one seems to be mentioning is the expectations of this game. So many people wanted it to be so many different things (tailored to what they like of course) then when it's not the game is shit and they want their money back. :rolleyes:

I dunno. I guess to each their own but people seem to quick to cry over spilt milk these days.

I agree with everything here, it's just that when they finally go to fix issues, they don't listen to anyone but themselves, and end up ruining it more. I tend to think there's a difference between listening, and doing.
I really honestly think that 1 week after release is a bit to early to trash a game thats as big as this one. Even if I hated the game, I would maybe stop playing for a while, let some patching or whatever happen then give it another try.

All these people who are saying they want their money back and saying they wasted $60 is a bit of a stretch. Seriously. Very few people can respect what goes into a project as big as this. $60 isn't even a drop in the bucket. I mean, I can understand that some people won't like it as much as other and hey, that happens. But the sense of entitlement some of these people have is almost laughable. I think I even saw one guy on the b.net forums talking about getting a lawyer or something. lol.

I think one of the biggest problems that no one seems to be mentioning is the expectations of this game. So many people wanted it to be so many different things (tailored to what they like of course) then when it's not the game is shit and they want their money back. :rolleyes:

I dunno. I guess to each their own but people seem to quick to cry over spilt milk these days.

You know I can see both sides of it I guess. A lot of people just wanted a graphically updated D2 with extended story line? I wouldn't have expected that, and I never would. Especially after 12 years or whatever it's been. Different team, different people, different ideas. You gotta try new things sometimes. Not everyone is stuck in the "old days," nor do they want to be.

I just don't let the little shit bother me I guess. I played the open beta, so did the GF. We both enjoyed it and I bought the game. No regrets. We've each put around 40hours into it, so regardless I feel we got our money's worth. And I'm sure we will keep playing in some capacity for a while.
The monk stuff they fixed was all completely broken. So for at least those fixes, yeah, I understand it had to happen. But that leaves the class in a survivability bind. I might go back and look at double-stacking resists with One with Everything (maximizing Resist All and one resist).

Not seeing the witch doctor mentioned anywhere in balance fixes. Think I might level that up next while the monk gets sorted out.
The monk stuff they fixed was all completely broken. So for at least those fixes, yeah, I understand it had to happen. But that leaves the class in a survivability bind. I might go back and look at double-stacking resists with One with Everything (maximizing Resist All and one resist).

Not seeing the witch doctor mentioned anywhere in balance fixes. Think I might level that up next while the monk gets sorted out.
Yea, if it's not one class it's another. Everyone will eventually get nerfed/buffed and it's basically a never ending cycle. I'm sure chicken heads or whatever will become OP and the WD will have his day.

That's why I'm not terribly concerned about this first round of nerfs. Or really any for that matter. I guess I don't take these games as seriously as some others but I've been playing long enough to know that it will all average out..
From what I've read, SS also has a hidden 3s cd (so you can't cast it consecutively). Can someone confirm this?

The 1.5s with rune is utterly infuriating. They didn't even bother addressing the fact that this breaks the other skill runes (generated 6 hatred...for 14 discipline). Seriously this makes the SC2 balance team look like Mensa members.
So is smoke screen even still worth using? I did notice today I used to be able to smoke screen and run and kill a fallen shaman quick but now I get halfway through the fallens.

Has anyone got anything good off of bosses in nm on up? All I ever get is blues. Guess this is intentional to stop boss runs?
When I was in Normal, I killed the 3rd boss (big A) in 4 seconds with ~450 dps. Took no damage. Is that typical?
Considering SS was the only thing allowing a DH to survive in Inferno... not sure why they decided to nerf that instead of Night Stalker or something. It's going to be almost impossible (at least with current gear) for any DH to solo Inferno now.
From the youtube comments: "Difficulty levels: Normal, Nightmare, Hell, Inferno, Asian"

Thank god for Irrational not being as dumb as hell as Blizzard with their "QUICK FIX IT AND BREAK IT" mentality. Or I'd be out of a job. That sh*t doesn't fly everywhere. Don't they read forums and posts, emails, anything?

It's pretty clear that they're going full reckless on everything, hoping that the audience will approve. They need to listen, then do. Not the other way around.

What was the meeting like when they started making this? Going over to the WoW team during their lunch: "Hey guys, who wants to f*ck some sh*t up?!* Then they made Diablo 3.
I think it was more like "Hey, WoW makes us crap tons of money, right? So, we should try and make Diablo 3 like WoW since that's what people want/play these days".

I've never played WoW, so I have no ideas what the similarities are, but I have seen this complaint many times so I assume it has merit.

With that said (and granted I haven't played D2 in a long time), I don't really see much difference in Diablo 3. I mean, it still feels like Diablo to me. But then, maybe what I was enjoying about Diablo isn't what most people in this forum enjoy about Diablo. I do agree that it's overpriced. Fortunately, I got my copy for $10 since I had some gift cards. I probably would have paid $30 for it though.
It's not a hidden cooldown, it's the cooldown of the spell, which it's always had. It was 2 seconds before, not sure that it's changed.



The guy in the video has about 12k dmg in character sheet (which is very low).

I can't view that at work, but that's the Asian guy taking down the Inferno boss in like a minute right? Yeah I'm retarded. For some reason I thought were were talking about Wizard, don't ask why.
It's not a hidden cooldown, it's the cooldown of the spell, which it's always had. It was 2 seconds before, not sure that it's changed.

Oooh you know what. I think cuz the spell only acts for 1s now (instead of the original two), that the cooldown actively prevents you from using it back to back.

Of course with the +0.5s rune (what a rip off hahaha), there's still a 0.5s of vulnerability between casts, unless the cooldown extends to 3s (which would create 1.5s of vulnerability). I haven't tested this in game, so don't quote me haha.
Considering SS was the only thing allowing a DH to survive in Inferno... not sure why they decided to nerf that instead of Night Stalker or something. It's going to be almost impossible (at least with current gear) for any DH to solo Inferno now.

Forget soloing... grouping up is even more difficult. Grouping in Inferno is already a pretty big liability. Now that you can't burst anything down inside of SS, it's going to be a complete disaster.

Blizzard really blew it big time. They saw an abusive combination of skills / itemization and went ahead and nerfed the base skill instead of addressing how these skills / items played off of one another. Now all the players have left are broken base skills that were perfectly fine and tuned well by themselves.
I think it was more like "Hey, WoW makes us crap tons of money, right? So, we should try and make Diablo 3 like WoW since that's what people want/play these days".

I've never played WoW, so I have no ideas what the similarities are, but I have seen this complaint many times so I assume it has merit.

With that said (and granted I haven't played D2 in a long time), I don't really see much difference in Diablo 3. I mean, it still feels like Diablo to me. But then, maybe what I was enjoying about Diablo isn't what most people in this forum enjoy about Diablo. I do agree that it's overpriced. Fortunately, I got my copy for $10 since I had some gift cards. I probably would have paid $30 for it though.

I don't think it's anything like WoW, aside from maybe they both have some sort of Auction House, and I also think that it could merit the full retail. That's my opinion though.

I really don't think they were looking to make some sort of second-hand WoW game with D3.