Diablo 3 patch 1.0.4 is tomorrow


Sep 3, 2004
Confirmed for Tuesday August 21, 2012. Check out this blue post for the massive patch notes:


It won't fix everything but it will definately make it alot better than before. Some highlights:

  • New and improved Legendaries that are actually cool.
  • "Paragon Levels" - a concept that allows you to improve your character even after you hit level 60. Each Paragon Level gives you 3% Magic Find and 3% Gold Find as well as stats permanently. There are 100 Paragon Levels total.
  • You can now cancel auctions as long as they don't have an active bid.
  • You can now search for a total of 6 affixes instead of 3 in the auction house.
  • Monster HP reduced slightly.
  • Player damage greatly increased.
  • Normal monsters now drop approximately 4x as many blue/yellow items.
  • Monster HP increase when in groups not as high as before. This further encourages group play.
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Not sure we needed a separate thread for this, seeing as it's been discussed in the main one for quite some time now...
Not sure we needed a separate thread for this, seeing as it's been discussed in the main one for quite some time now...

It's been confirmed for tomorrow by an official blue post less than an hour ago, there was speculation before if it was going to be tomorrow or the 28th. The actual patch notes have also been released. I gave it a new thread for those that don't read the D3 thread but still have played it before so they can hear the news.
Getting better... now just remove the Auction House altogether. :D
Thank you for posting this, I probably would not have read it otherwise, maybe I will actually play it again someday. They probably need to do more tweaking and add some extra content before I play it again. They need to nerf Inferno difficulty significantly.
Thank you for posting this, I probably would not have read it otherwise, maybe I will actually play it again someday. They probably need to do more tweaking and add some extra content before I play it again. They need to nerf Inferno difficulty significantly.

They did. Didn't you read the patch notes?
Oh, and one more thing that's pretty huge is:

  • Patch 1.0.4 will allow you to sell a stack of 1,000,000 gold for as low as $.25

So instead of $2.50 per million the new floor is $.25 per million. REALLY good if you're buying gold, not so great if you're trying to sell it obviously.
Monster HP reduced slightly
Player Damage significantly increased.

I'm not seeing it, will take more than that to equalize it.

Bonus health granted to monsters in co-op games has been reduced to 75% per additional player for all difficulties:
Normal: (no change)
Nightmare: 85% → 75%
Hell: 95% → 75%
Inferno: 105% → 75%

Monster damage and health...for Inferno as follows:
Act I Elite monster health reduced by 11%
Act II Normal monster health increased by 4%. Elite monster health reduced by 8%Overall damage done by all monsters reduced by 8%
Act III and Act IV Normal monster health increased by 10%.Elite monster health reduced by 2.5%Overall damage done by all monsters reduced by 15%

I dunno what to tell you, but that seems like a substantial nerf to me. Act III and IV elite damage reduced by 15% is quite a bit. And the 75% bonus HP instead of 105% HP in Inferno is also a big nerf.
Monster HP reduced slightly
Player Damage significantly increased.

I'm not seeing it, will take more than that to equalize it.

They already nerfed it significantly in 1.0.3 (to the point where some considered it too easy already), and they're nerfing it again, just how easy do you want the game to be?
Monster HP reduced slightly
Player Damage significantly increased.

I'm not seeing it, will take more than that to equalize it.

Monster damage and health and drop rates has been adjusted for Inferno as follows:

-Normal monsters now have a greatly increased chance to drop Magic (blue) and Rare (yellow) items
- Act I
Elite monster health reduced by 11%
- Act II
Normal monster health increased by 4%
Elite monster health reduced by 8%
Overall damage done by all monsters reduced by 8%
- Act III and Act IV
Normal monster health increased by 10%
Elite monster health reduced by 2.5%
Overall damage done by all monsters reduced by 15%

The toughest acts got hit the hardest. This is on top of the nerfs that were made a while back in 1.0.3 (in case you weren't aware of those nerfs either).

Edit: whoops, already posted above. Anyway, along with Paragon levels, everything will become very easy.
Easy enough to be able to actually work your way through the game without either

a) spending a crapton of real money on the AH to buy your way to victory
b) run your own cluster of 24/7 bot farmers to get you the proper gear
c) spend 10x the time investment in the game monitoring the AH as you do playing the actual game

I have to admit, I would welcome some difficulty reduction since at the highest levels, the entire game revolves around your gear and the current rates/methods to get gear are just too slow/tedious to make it enjoyable.
Confirmed for Tuesday August 21, 2012. Check out this blue post for the massive patch notes:


It won't fix everything but it will definately make it alot better than before. Some highlights:

  • New and improved Legendaries that are actually cool.
  • "Paragon Levels" - a concept that allows you to improve your character even after you hit level 60. Each Paragon Level gives you 3% Magic Find and 3% Gold Find as well as stats permanently. There are 100 Paragon Levels total.
  • You can now cancel auctions as long as they don't have an active bid.
  • You can now search for a total of 6 affixes instead of 3 in the auction house.
  • Monster HP reduced slightly.
  • Player damage greatly increased.
  • Normal monsters now drop approximately 4x as many blue/yellow items.
  • Monster HP increase when in groups not as high as before. This further encourages group play.

Sounds good, we better get on this before they ruin it again.
Bonus health granted to monsters in co-op games has been reduced to 75% per additional player for all difficulties:
Normal: (no change)
Nightmare: 85% → 75%
Hell: 95% → 75%
Inferno: 105% → 75%

Monster damage and health...for Inferno as follows:
Act I Elite monster health reduced by 11%
Act II Normal monster health increased by 4%. Elite monster health reduced by 8%Overall damage done by all monsters reduced by 8%
Act III and Act IV Normal monster health increased by 10%.Elite monster health reduced by 2.5%Overall damage done by all monsters reduced by 15%

I dunno what to tell you, but that seems like a substantial nerf to me. Act III and IV elite damage reduced by 15% is quite a bit. And the 75% bonus HP instead of 105% HP in Inferno is also a big nerf.

This is a real good start, kinda looking forward to the paragon levels, but honestly with the TSW and GW2 here now I don't think I'm going to be playing it much :(
This is a real good start, kinda looking forward to the paragon levels, but honestly with the TSW and GW2 here now I don't think I'm going to be playing it much :(

They made a terrible first impression on the millions of players they initially had. Kind of sad to be honest, but if these changes made it into release (and if perhaps decent PVP too) then the backlash might not have been nearly as bad.
These are good changes. Although I stopped playing for a while, this patch will have me at least trying it again. My main was a WD (which was the worst class on inferno), so I'm curious to see how much the buffs improve the class. I had made a 60 barbarian just to farm things for my WD, since it was 10x easier than my WD.

Even if this patch doesn't make the game great, it's certainly a step in the right direction, and hopefully up to the point of "good."

EDIT: Although I'll probably only be testing out the new patch until Friday night, when GW2 releases to those who preordered. =)
They already nerfed it significantly in 1.0.3 (to the point where some considered it too easy already), and they're nerfing it again, just how easy do you want the game to be?

Are you kidding me,1/2 way through Act2, it's so insanely hard, it is NOT even fun anymore (more like a job).... I know i'm gonna hear, 'you aren't geared properly' yadda, yadda, yadda, I don't have enough gold to buy yet ANOTHER set of gear of the GAH....
It seemed like it was going to be weeks away, the way Blizzard was talking. Tomorrow/today is great.
I'll have about 3 days to try it out before I have put everything on hold for Guild Wars 2 :p

Kind of wish they would have made these changes earlier. Now there's actually motivation to keep grinding past level 60. Overall I think its a good patch.
They already nerfed it significantly in 1.0.3 (to the point where some considered it too easy already), and they're nerfing it again, just how easy do you want the game to be?

For everyone discussing/ranting/praising the inferno nerf. I've been playing the game since release and never stopped and have pretty much followed all of the dev blogs and the conclusion was basically this. They realized that the game is about farming and not about accomplishing the difficult content. The difficult part should be the time sink. People want to feel powerful and mop the floor with the monsters and to do this over and over and over. The nerfing of inferno and adding paragon levels provide this in a nice way.

No one wants to struggle with a certain pack to the point of dying multiple times, all we want to do it farm that pack over and over until our eyes bleed but still progressing somehow while doing this. I think they are finally getting "it."
Is there any reason to come back to the game?

Gear Sets?
Barbarian worth a damn?
Anything interesting in general?
Is there any reason to come back to the game?

Gear Sets?
Barbarian worth a damn?
Anything interesting in general?

Yes, yes, and yes.
You're better off just reading the patch notes b/c they pretty much overhauled almost every aspect of the game. Classes/skills, items, legendaries, difficulty, AH, new leveling system. Even small crap like adding a repair button to the blacksmith, I mean who really cared about this. It shows to me at least that they are looking at the nooks and crannies of the game and making some good changes. I feel as though D3 might actually have a future.
Yes, yes, and yes.
You're better off just reading the patch notes b/c they pretty much overhauled almost every aspect of the game. Classes/skills, items, legendaries, difficulty, AH, new leveling system. Even small crap like adding a repair button to the blacksmith, I mean who really cared about this. It shows to me at least that they are looking at the nooks and crannies of the game and making some good changes. I feel as though D3 might actually have a future.

On more than one occasion I found myself thinking, "Why the hell can't I repair at the blacksmith?"

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw they had added that.
Sure looks like he did. Not everyone is into micro-transaction based RPG games.

It doesn't look like it to me.
Gear sets are already in the game, although diffiicult to acquire.
Barbs are one of the better classes with many options. Double tornado barbs, or loh heavy barbs are both viable builds.
1.4 is making many positive changes, including the paragon system.
On more than one occasion I found myself thinking, "Why the hell can't I repair at the blacksmith?"

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw they had added that.

Yeah, it def makes sense, I mean the guy can make and salvage armor but cant repair it lol. I guess I was always salavging and vendoring so it wasnt a game breaker in the least is what I was getting at I guess, its just cool that they are clearly looking into even the small things.
For everyone discussing/ranting/praising the inferno nerf. I've been playing the game since release and never stopped and have pretty much followed all of the dev blogs and the conclusion was basically this. They realized that the game is about farming and not about accomplishing the difficult content. The difficult part should be the time sink. People want to feel powerful and mop the floor with the monsters and to do this over and over and over. The nerfing of inferno and adding paragon levels provide this in a nice way.

No one wants to struggle with a certain pack to the point of dying multiple times, all we want to do it farm that pack over and over until our eyes bleed but still progressing somehow while doing this. I think they are finally getting "it."

There are several things I like about the patch. I'm at the point of farm mode right now, so don't care about the difficulty decreases. No fallen hero elites in ZK's dungeon (although what does this do to the achievement which requires you to kill them?), Nightmare having immunity (I dreaded Nightmare horde, as even with a control effect cooldown bonus, I'd be in a state of endless fear until I was killed), etc.

The paragon levels I'm unsure about though. Not because it makes the game easier, rather, it makes blacksmithing even more pointless than before. The only items that ever sold for more than their cost were either perfect affix gear (crit chance + crit damage + stat of choice + vitality + resist all), which almost seldom ever comes up, or gear which had gold find or magic find. Now that you can cap magic find without gear, all that's left is to spend 50 million gold to make your 1 decent item.
This is the huge patch the game needed.

And at least the game has no monthly fee. Those millions of initial players can just jump in and try it again.
I like the A2-A4 Inferno adjustements because that would make it more enjoyable in the sense that you must work one monster at a time (hence the hp increase on normal monsters) while at the same time not dying with one hit, which only make it frustrating. After the changes, dying in latter Inferno acts would only be due to your own stupidity (taking too much at the same time or not using strategy enough).

With the other changes, it start to get closer to the D2 feel. Remain the lack of new content to address (like random side quests, which aren't the same as events and triggered by talking to certain people).
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Blizzard are such fucking trolls.

Server page says servers are up but they are not :(


Looks like the Europe servers are being trolled too. It says you need to download a new patch even if you have it and won't let you play.
Blizzard are such fucking trolls.

Server page says servers are up but they are not :(


Looks like the Europe servers are being trolled too. It says you need to download a new patch even if you have it and won't let you play.

Ugggh, sorry to rag on you but this same post comes up every tuesday.


They prob have some intern or whatever that changes their web status manually. Its not like its synced with the actual game servers.
Barbs have basically been the best class since day one. They have been complete easy mode, but also a lot of fun.

agreed -_-

i struggled with death in inferno on my wizard


came back and played a barb and just face rolled shit hahaha quit again though

no ima come back for some paragon sexiness
Ugggh, sorry to rag on you but this same post comes up every tuesday.


They prob have some intern or whatever that changes their web status manually. Its not like its synced with the actual game servers.

I was actually joking with that :S

The only thing that pisses me off is that I can't even play on EU servers because it thinks I don't have the latest patch.
Well it started around 6am est and is scheduled to last for 10 hours so that puts it ending at 4pm est. Then add in Blizzard time and that puts the servers coming back up at 12am est.

Their patches do take a really long time, but you have to grow to expect them if you want to play their game. Every Tuesday for half the day. Don't take a Tuesday off expecting to spend it playing the game.