Diablo 3 Will Require Players to be Online When Playing


Aug 14, 2005
1UP: Diablo 3 Will Require Players to be Online When Playing

When it's come to other recent titles forcing always online DRM, there is no way I'd touch those titles. However, I only played Diablo 2 online for closed battle.net ladder; I don't recall ever playing offline characters.

How are you guys responding to this? My only portable is a netbook, so I'm accustom to playing indie games and such when I'm on the road without a connection.

The PR spin is pretty annoying. Yes, I like those features, but I'm sure people would have been fine skipping those for offline play.
StarCraft 2 is the same. Blizz games are heavily integrated with online and social features, don't see the big deal.
What's annoying is that anyone with a clue knows they are lying about why they are not including a LAN option in their recent games. It has nothing to do with piracy/cheating but everything to do with CONTROL. They don't want either the Pro Gaming corporations or the Cyber Cafes in the oriental countries (such as South Korea / China / Japan etc) doing anything without their permission.

Blizzard does not want anyone running events/leagues/tournies/or even friendly matches without the ability to shut them down at a moments notice. They can now enter those countries and force these Cyber Cafes and Pro Gaming corps to pay exorbitant license fees, or to bully them around in any and every way possible. It's why the Pro Gaming Leagues have not thrown their full support behind SC2 the way they did with SC1.

The always online requirement isn't why announcements like this suck, but because they are removing features for millions of gamers just because they want the ability to bully the oriental companies/cafes around and have total control over them. Now I can't play in a lag free environment with my buddies because Blizzard wants to bully some companies 5,000 miles away.
I feel the same way about this as I do with SC2 and Ubi's always on DRM. It's annoying and a hassle to deal with. I'd rather not have it and it serves as a giant point against the game. However, I bought SC2 and I will probably buy this as well.
StarCraft 2 is the same. Blizz games are heavily integrated with online and social features, don't see the big deal.

As someone currently playing Median XL, I know I will never see anything similar to it for Diablo 3. No modded TCP/IP games.
Next they will require WOW players to be online while playing. When will this end?
Well the only other alternative would be to completely separate online and offline characters, sort of like D2 (except D2 still allowed you to play online with an offline character). But you know, new Blizz doesn't like LAN and offline play anymore.

You have to understand that with their new virtual item market, they have to eliminate any and all possibility of hacking and item duping. This was rampant in D2 even after multiple attempts to fix it.
I have no problems with this. I generally have no problems with any always online system. Most everyone has stable internet anyways. As for traveling, watch some movies / play something else.

funny meme thats is 90% true for these arguments.
The online only thing bothers me a little as occasionally I will go to LANs were we have no internet (such as up at the lake). It's not as much of a negative for me though as the ability to buy items with real money thing.
The online only thing bothers me a little as occasionally I will go to LANs were we have no internet (such as up at the lake). It's not as much of a negative for me though as the ability to buy items with real money thing.

Yea, it's a bit odd that they're embracing the Real Money = Quick Game Advance route, since they are still trying to crackdown on WoW gold sellers. Guess it goes back to them wanting to control everything.
Haven't looked through the other D3 thread but have people mentioned the auction house where items can be bought and sold for real money? Seems far worse than online only to me.


Heh, nevermind. I guess they have right above me.
Haven't looked through the other D3 thread but have people mentioned the auction house where items can be bought and sold for real money? Seems far worse than online only to me.


Heh, nevermind. I guess they have right above me.

I see the online always thing as worse. People bought D2 items all the time with real money through other websites. People do it right now with WoW and other MMOs. It would be stupid of Blizzard to keep ignoring it or to keep fighting it since it is impossible to stop. The way they're doing it is probably the best way possible. Totally hands off. They won't sell stuff themselves and they won't control the economy, prices will be set by the community entirely.
^^ yea wtf? Is it going to be free to play then???

edit: you make it sound like there's going to be a Blizz shop in D3... yet your last sentance makes it sound like a WoW AH... which is it here ppl? lol
no issues with this. since i highly doubt i will ever be offline and playing this game.
^^ yea wtf? Is it going to be free to play then???

edit: you make it sound like there's going to be a Blizz shop in D3... yet your last sentance makes it sound like a WoW AH... which is it here ppl? lol

It's an AH using real money. There will also be an AH for in game money.
So if Ubisoft just added social features to their always-on DRM like in Assassin's Creed, people would excuse them like they excuse Blizzard?

The mainstream gaming industry (and the subsequent white-knighting of corporations by fans) disgusts me.
I feel less upset about Blizzard requiring an online connection than Ubifail ..for whatever reason. But I'm not loving the other announced changes.
I feel less upset about Blizzard requiring an online connection than Ubifail ..for whatever reason. But I'm not loving the other announced changes.

I was raised on the Blizzard teet, so they're really testing me (and I imagine many other Blizzard baby boomers) by breaking just about every rule in the book with this news. It was easy to boycott other companies, but Blizzard? I have a feeling Diablo 3 will either make or break gamer acceptance to this type of DRM and RMT ethics.
I don't like Diablo enough to really to buy it all costs so will probably skip it based on stuff like always online mode and pay 2 win model.
Well I'm a whore for blizzard so can't say I really give a shit.
wont buy. I didn't buy AC2 for the same reasons. I had no interest to go online with my character and frankly if I did, I understand the idea of making an online character.

Shame too because I really liked the story of Diablo.

But fattypants you're right, Blizzard does it and it's ok! Also can't get my blizzard games on steam!
So if Ubisoft just added social features to their always-on DRM like in Assassin's Creed, people would excuse them like they excuse Blizzard?

The mainstream gaming industry (and the subsequent white-knighting of corporations by fans) disgusts me.

This will be another Blizzard game I won't buy because of crap like this. The last one was SC2. I wasn't all that excited about SC2 but I would've bought it if it didn't have DRM (and if it had LAN play. Probably could live without that but it's a dick move to remove it.)
I dont even care that Ubisoft has this. However Ubisoft will pause the game if you lose your connection. Nobody knows if that will be the case for D3. Luckily my connection is 99% of the time stable.
So if Ubisoft just added social features to their always-on DRM like in Assassin's Creed, people would excuse them like they excuse Blizzard?

The mainstream gaming industry (and the subsequent white-knighting of corporations by fans) disgusts me.

i'm definitely a mainstream gamer, so i'm sorry if posting in this thread disgusts me, but if the game i plan to buy and play online requires me to be online to play it, i see no problems.

i can understand if you don't want to buy it on the principle of it, but expecting me not to buy it is stupid and a lesson in futility. i'm gonna be playing Diablo3, you have fun playing with your principles
i'm definitely a mainstream gamer, so i'm sorry if posting in this thread disgusts me, but if the game i plan to buy and play online requires me to be online to play it, i see no problems.

i can understand if you don't want to buy it on the principle of it, but expecting me not to buy it is stupid and a lesson in futility. i'm gonna be playing Diablo3, you have fun playing with your principles
Haha what? How did you come to the conclusion that I expect people not to buy it?

Look at this thread, both before this post and after this post. People will excuse anything Blizzard does to them. I fully expect that people will buy it. I wish they would stand up for themselves, but you can't always convince a bruised wife to leave her husband.

More butthurt from the l33t PC gaming elitist. Some of you need to get a grip on reality.
Haha what? How did you come to the conclusion that I expect people not to buy it?

Look at this thread, both before this post and after this post. People will excuse anything Blizzard does to them. I fully expect that people will buy it. I wish they would stand up for themselves, but you can't always convince a bruised wife to leave her husband.

how am i being taken advantage of? was i going to play diablo3 offline? no how does this affect me?

More butthurt from the l33t PC gaming elitist. Some of you need to get a grip on reality.

And what reality would that be?
That these DRM are actually doing anything good at all? Perhaps in a different universe

Its like mounting big speakers on the top of your car. Pointless and a nuisance

More butthurt from the l33t PC gaming elitist. Some of you need to get a grip on reality.

These are all major steps in a direction that most gamers don't want to see games go. Yes, I could probably still enjoy the game (I actually don't know with pay to win. I know it happens anyways but it's going to be far more widespread now). The idea that we shouldn't be upset about a game going in a direction that I'm guessing even you would say isn't as good for the gamers, is kinda ridiculous. Should we wait until the point where the shit they're piling up becomes too much to be able to enjoy the game? If you're not going to provide any argument as to why this isn't a step in a bad direction, or suggest that we shut up and accept it, then GTFO.
heh UBIsoft does it its satanic Blizzard does it its ok lol

it sucks that single player has to be online.
how am i being taken advantage of? was i going to play diablo3 offline? no how does this affect me?
Prime example of what I'm talking about. You won't see that you're being abused until years later.

It's a good thing all games aren't like Diablo 3, Assassin's Creed, or other upcoming Ubi and Blizz titles. Imagine not being able to play all your old NES/SNES/PC games because someone shut down the server that gives you permission to play the game you purchased.
You can play sc2 offline. I did it when my internet was out. They do not let you LAN though/

battle.net is nice. You can re-download game clients and connect through other clients with your ID and play single player sc2 where you left off.

We are online near 24/7, its not going to effect us much. I doubt this will effect piracy much. Considering most people will be playing d3 for online and chances are people will still be able to steal the game.
Prime example of what I'm talking about. You won't see that you're being abused until years later.

It's a good thing all games aren't like Diablo 3, Assassin's Creed, or other upcoming Ubi and Blizz titles. Imagine not being able to play all your old NES/SNES/PC games because someone shut down the server that gives you permission to play the game you purchased.

But people like you are a very small minority. Same goes for the people that play for oodles of hours every day. Blizzard (and other game companies) at the end of the day are trying to make enough money so they have enough money to make another game that will let them make more money. Since games are taking more and more money to be a A level game....they have to do something.
wont buy. I didn't buy AC2 for the same reasons. I had no interest to go online with my character and frankly if I did, I understand the idea of making an online character.

Shame too because I really liked the story of Diablo.

But fattypants you're right, Blizzard does it and it's ok! Also can't get my blizzard games on steam!

They didn't say that you couldn't play single player. Being connected to the internet is not going to effect you.

Fattypants, there will never be a day were you will be unable to play diablo3 because its too old of a game. They can always patch it later. Most companies aren't as worried about piracy after the first few years.