Diablo III might not be in 2012

They should just make everything computer controlled. That way you never have to aim for anything and you can just watch the bot do it all for you. Remove the little customization that is left as well. That way Blizzard can choose everything for you- skills, stats, gear, etc.... Anything number based should be removed as well since those things especially numbers scare people. They should just give every character god mode. Even with all that, the game is still not too casual. It needs to be dumbed down some more somehow.
That is ruining Diablo 3?

I just went back in and played after the new beta patch 10.

I was overreacting.

After playing through again I see the problem is simply over sized mesh boxes.

I will have to reevaluate my impression and say the target system simply needs to be improved and has not ruined Diablo III.

Everything about this game is still intact and holds true to the Diablo series.
I'd be hesitant to criticize any developer for pushing a release date out while they work on improvements to the game--or at least, what the devs feel are improvements.

Then, once it's released there will still be bugs and people bitching about paying to beta test. :rolleyes:

<3 Torchlight - It's total fluff but I got addicted to upgrading gems to flawless and put something like 224 hours into it.

TQ couldn't hold my interest much past the beach/lake area and the town that followed. I kept waiting for things to pick up but it never felt like it did, and my character always seemed so weak and powerless.

Still haven't played more than an hour of Diablo II - Maybe I should give that game a shot.

I can't even fathom this. How did you pour 224 hours into a purely single player shallow indie action RPG game and you couldn't get into the vastly superior TQ or Diablo 2? Diablo 2 is old enough that the graphics can turn people off, but Torchlight was just so ehhhhhh. These games just don't work without multiplayer. They are fundamentally built off of the loot system, playing with other players, trading with other players, and with only SP most of the foundation on which the genre is built collapses before you even get out of the gate.
I put 214 hours(steam) into TQ singleplayer total, but after the first couple games I was running with defiler / 4x drop rate just so I could actually get some rare items to drop from the bosses without having to run them 10+ times. Great game regardless and the game itself is epic in length. Traveling through all of greece, then egypt, olympus, china, then to an island that eventually leads to hades / that tower level / elysium / final dungeon.

Can't even begin to count the number of hours I've spent on diablo 2 between battle.net and singleplayer mods. The loot and skill trees in torchlight were so shallow and uninspired that I had trouble playing through it once. Compared to runes (runewords), gems, charms and the cube in diablo / TQ I don't see how it held your interest.
Interesting fact vs the SC2 beta, it ran for a little over 5 months, the D3 beta is running now about 4 months so if they will not make an announcment end of feb/march then its not very likely this game will come before summer like SC2 no way...

Starcraft II Announced
May 19, 2007

Beta Start Date Announcement
Feb 10, 2010

Beta Begins
Feb 17, 2010

Release Date Announced
May 3, 2010

End of Beta Date Announcement
May 17, 2010

End of Beta
Jul 19, 2010

Release Day
Jul 27, 2010

Diablo III Announced
Jun 28, 2008

Beta Start Date Announcement
May 9, 2011

Beta Begins
Sep 20, 2011

• The beta had, overall, 18 patches.

• The beta consisted of two phases, resulting in a total running length of Feb 17 -> Jul 19. About 5 months.

• Blizzard did not miss the final game's release date once announced.

• "still tracking toward our goal of a mid-2010 release."

• "On May 17, 2010, Blizzard announced that the first phase of the beta test would be coming to an end in all regions on May 31, but it was later extended to June 7."

• The Diablo III beta is currently on its 10th patch, counting today's.

• Diablo III's beta has been running for just over 4 months.

• All dates given by Blizzard were not a guarantee, except for the final release date.

• No "windows" were missed. The beta began around when they wanted it to begin and the game was indeed released in "mid-2010" (July).

• All announcements were made well before a 2 month period before the release date.

• The difference between the release date announcement and the actual day was nearly 3 months.

The pattern tells us that the next announcement is going to be the release date. Also, judging by how long the Diablo III beta has been running, that announcement is going to come around the end of February, or early to mid-March.

Additionally, we're probably going to be notified of the release date 2 months in advance, at a minimum. Also, the beta is likely to keep running up to within 1-2 weeks of release.
You guys have to realize something.

The lead producer just walked out.


A producer is a pretty good title or job in the video game industry and for one of the most stable game development companies. In my opinion the only way this guy houses it is because some shit went down. I am going to take a stab at these reasons:

1. So much game shifts. Redesigns etc can be frustrating.
2. A push to release. Blizzard has always been a "it will be ready when its ready company". Can't imagine that same timeline exists with so many delays on D3. Probably a lot of pressure here.
3. Maybe he had another job lined up.

Either way I am speculating, but what I have heard from my friend playing beta that the game isn't that good. I know it is just act 1 in the beta, but with the all delays etc. I do not have high hopes.
I played a run last night and i am liking most of the changes. Not having to goto town to change skills again is nice. Now that the new ability to swap to has a 30sec cooldown before you can use it prevents people from abusing the system like in the beginning of the beta.
Game bandits? Never heard of this site but the article is horrible, no link to the actual tweet and is a full day behind compared to Shack News (http://www.shacknews.com/article/72102/diablo-3-producer-leaving-blizzard) which provides supporting articles and less conjecture.

Actually, the producer didn't "walk out" (he is leaving this Friday, which is half of a typical 2-weeks notice) nor is he the Lead Producer. He's a Senior Producer and that can mean many things. Blizzard is well known for having several producers (see any of their Warcraft DVDs). I have been playing beta and I am glad they are making adjustments in regards to feedback. If anything, I am surprised considering Act 1 is actually very well polished.

Making assumptions and throwing darts in the air, hoping one will stick, is probably not a good measure of judging progress on development.
I played last night with the new patch and everything seems great. Didn't put a lot of time in it yet though. Still very much looking forward to the release.