Diablo IV - The Real Official Thread

I'm surprised there are no gambler fixes for necros. Still can't gamble for a 2h sword?
Nerfs I don't really care about, it's not a MMORPG, even though it doesn't know what it wants to be. I'm a solo player anyway.

Slower leveling sucks, but since this game has no content above level 70, it's not a big deal as it's the soft cap and everything after that is pointless.
Played for a few hours, definitely feel the difference on both my 65 Pulverize Druid and my 91 BlizzShards Sorc. Survivability took a hit with the nerf to Disobedience affix but it's not *too* bad but my sorc's crits are roughly 1/7th of what they used to be.

I get why they nerfed things but it doesn't change the underlying issue that there's no substitute for vulnerable as it is in it's own bucket. It's a massive damage modifier and much too critical for all five classes which just underscores that it's a bad mechanic and needs to be reworked, or removed, entirely.

Also, cinder drop rate is indeed bugged. No idea on when it gets fixed but avoid it until they do.
Played for a few hours, definitely feel the difference on both my 65 Pulverize Druid and my 91 BlizzShards Sorc. Survivability took a hit with the nerf to Disobedience affix but it's not *too* bad but my sorc's crits are roughly 1/7th of what they used to be.
Funny, you're playing the exact class/builds I am! There's no shot I'm hopping on my BlizzShards sorc, he was already squishy enough. :banghead:
Didn't have the chance to play last night, but maybe the 25% increase to other damage sources makes up the difference in the nerf to crits and vulnerable? The nerf to armor, our only effective defensive stat, and buffs to the broken resistances just makes survivability much worse, though. It seems Blizzard really hates the Sorcerer class, for some reason.
Not sure why they released the patch now instead of waiting on S1.
Right now everyone is high level and geared and going to feel that nerf pretty badly. Not a lot would feel the nerf hammer if they started a character from scratch.
I swear whoever is making decisions at Blizzard is pretty fucking retarded. Could not wait 2 days. 2 fucking days. Headscratching idiocy.
Not sure why they released the patch now instead of waiting on S1.
Right now everyone is high level and geared and going to feel that nerf pretty badly. Not a lot would feel the nerf hammer if they started a character from scratch.
I swear whoever is making decisions at Blizzard is pretty fucking retarded. Could not have waited 2 days. 2 fucking days. Headscratching idiocy.
The season starts tomorrow. They always release the patch a day or two ahead of a season.
I'm surprised there are no gambler fixes for necros. Still can't gamble for a 2h sword?
Nerfs I don't really care about, it's not a MMORPG, even though it doesn't know what it wants to be. I'm a solo player anyway.

Slower leveling sucks, but since this game has no content above level 70, it's not a big deal as it's the soft cap and everything after that is pointless.
You can gamble for 2h swords now.
Long term Health of the game lol tell that to my eyeballs after playing 15 hours straight on launch week.
Oh so this is why my Rogue was struggling so hard the other day. I used to mow skeletons down with rapid arrow fire, now it takes 2 or more bursts when 1 used to do it. I was wondering why I was getting my ass handed to me by random encounters outside of town..... and I died like 3 times in a row in a random dungeon. I thought it was just me. I guess Bliz is trying to force us to not play solo?

Right now I cannot even stand and fight without getting swamped and killed... it's now shoot.... throw a trap, retreat....potion....shoot.... throw smoke grenade, retreat, shoot, potion.... death.... The rogue was always a strike from a distance class but now I spend half my time running for my life. Not a fan.
Didn't have the chance to play last night, but maybe the 25% increase to other damage sources makes up the difference in the nerf to crits and vulnerable? The nerf to armor, our only effective defensive stat, and buffs to the broken resistances just makes survivability much worse, though. It seems Blizzard really hates the Sorcerer class, for some reason.
I'm not the best player by any means but I usually don't die nine times when taking on a world boss. I don't think Avarice has ever killed me before last night. The group I was in had people from mid 70s up to mid 90s. People were falling left and right. Didn't stop us from killing it but it was annoying. Good thing the season is starting because I don't really want to play my sorc now.
Didn't have the chance to play last night, but maybe the 25% increase to other damage sources makes up the difference in the nerf to crits and vulnerable?
It doesn't.

I'm definitely *not* a theory crafter, but was listening to another streamer discuss how damage is calculated. Your base damage includes stats like "+% Damage to Close Enemies" or "+% Damage to Distant Enemies". Your base damage is then *multiplied* by Crit/Vuln/etc. totals. TLDR; nerfing base damage would have had far less of an impact on damage total than nerfing the multipliers like Vuln and Crit.

At least that's how I understood it. I'm sure there's a 20 sec YouTube video explaining it better.

EDIT: They also seem to have included buffs to skills/aspects that increase Elemental Resistance totals (IE; increase Lightening Resistance by x%). Which doesn't make any sense to me, considering Devs have already stated Elemental Resistance is broken and won't be functional until Season 2.
Just picked up the Ultimate Edition last night and played for a couple hours. Damn I didn't know abut the latest patches and nerfs. Probably won't notice it much as I am starting from scratch.
WTF, Helltides are now almost pointless. The chests were almost worthless to begin with but at least I could open them fast enough collecting shards easily. I haven't gotten a equipment upgrade drop in so long i can't even remember when it was. The only thing left was griding Xp to get those minor paragon points and they nerfed that shit as well...what were they thinking?
The best way not to care about the nerfs is not to follow the game very closely, lol. In my case, I just kept playing the same way I always have and everything seems the same. Not necessarily good (I generally find Diablo 4 to be kinda boring), but I haven't noticed anything different about anything minus some visual effect changes. The game still feels like a total drag once you beat the main story and end up replaying the same rando 4-5 dungeons over and over as your daily chores.
The end game has plenty of variation to do, at least this early in the game.

World Bosses
Nightmare Dungeons
The Tree

The problem is they are forcing people into doing dungeons only. And honestly out of all those, I'd probably do dungeons most of the time even if everything was perfectly balanced. But I want alternatives and the current alternatives suck, except we're forced into Helltides and the other alternatives suck.
Started a Barbarian got to like level 6 and quit your horse transfers over to your new character and your Gold. Game is just boring think it's from my eyes refocusing on every little thing as the actions scrolls out. Larian should use this engine for Baldurs Gate 4 but have pause tactical combat.
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Damn what's the deal with the servers, trying to download the update and it's trickling in at ~100kB/s lol
Damn what's the deal with the servers, trying to download the update and it's trickling in at ~100kB/s lol

From BlizzardCS Twitter: "We're currently investigating an issue affecting our authentication servers, which may result in failed or slow login attempts."

- I'm guessing their servers are getting slammed every-which-way. (Glad I downloaded the big update yesterday and the little update early this morning. Still not gonna log in till this authentication server BS is resolved tho..)

EDIT: Gives me an excuse to play some more Outer Worlds: Spacer's Choice anyways (y)
From BlizzardCS Twitter: "We're currently investigating an issue affecting our authentication servers, which may result in failed or slow login attempts."

- I'm guessing their servers are getting slammed every-which-way. (Glad I downloaded the big update yesterday and the little update early this morning. Still not gonna log in till this authentication server BS is resolved tho..)

I was able to login fine now...did the new season just start within last hour?
Funny I talked to the first main quest npc when you spawn in town, the camera was locked onto him and my character was able to move outside the camera. Fortunatelly I was able to teleport to town and it was again locked on my character.
The game is unplayable. Tried to get into a dungeon, infinite loading screen.
The game crashed 3 times or so already. Tons of bugs and a 15 minute queue. Worse than game launch.
So hold my hand cuz this shit is so convoluted... You can play the season without battle pass ? What do you get if you pay $10 ? How do you start the season ? Just start a new character and hop in ? Like the game but blizzard is dumb. Or maybe I am ?
So hold my hand cuz this shit is so convoluted... You can play the season without battle pass ? What do you get if you pay $10 ? How do you start the season ? Just start a new character and hop in ? Like the game but blizzard is dumb. Or maybe I am ?
You can play the season without battle pass ?
What do you get if you pay $10 ?
Every season, you complete achievements and earn experience. You fill a bar full of Seasonal XP, you 'level up' and unlock a cosmetic/potion/whatever. You fill the Seasonal XP bar again, you unlock more cosmetics/potions/whatever
BattlePass users get the same unlocks, but more of them. Most, if not all, are cosmetics or XP Buff potions.

How do you start the season ?
You create a new character and select 'Seasonal Character'
You can play the season without battle pass ?

Every season, you complete achievements and earn experience. You fill a bar full of Seasonal XP, you 'level up' and unlock a cosmetic/potion/whatever. You fill the Seasonal XP bar again, you unlock more cosmetics/potions/whatever
BattlePass users get the same unlocks, but more of them. Most, if not all, are cosmetics or XP Buff potions.

You create a new character and select 'Seasonal Character'

Thanks !
Now to skip campaign or not ...
Thanks !
Now to skip campaign or not ...
I actually decided not to, just so I'd have something to do. Should get to at least level 40 or so by completing the campaign.

Man starting a new toon is brutal when it comes to having zero movement speed buffs. Decided to try Necro for the season, still trying to figure out which route take with her.
I was never going to boycott Season 1, especially since I bought the Ultimate edition with season pass and 20 tiers unlocked.
I don't hate the game, I hate its end game. It's fun to play up until 70 or so when you manage to collect 780-810 gear and have basically no upgrade path at all and grinding the other 30 levels for e-peen and digital acomplishment, both something I'm too old to care about.
Tier 5 world is probably saved for a paid addon.

Anyway I started a sorcerer and played until lvl 17. Those new hearts are dropping way too much and I have accessories that I replace constantly and fill with new hearts.
We asked for a separate tab for all the gems because it cluttered the stash, Blizzard said they will give it to us. Except they didn't and instead they gave us hearts that drop like crazy, just another thing that is going to take space in the stash.