DICE Boss Says Battlefield V’s Women Are Here to Stay


Aug 20, 2006
Following excessive complaints of Battlefield V’s British female soldier and other historical inaccuracies, DICE’s general manager is telling gamers to suck it up. Oskar Gabrielson has announced that the studio will not be making any changes, as they intend to expand player choice and customization.

Some people say they're upset about women in Battlefield V because it's not "historically accurate". Gabrielson said this misses the point of the series. "Our commitment as a studio is to do everything we can to create games that are inclusive and diverse. We always set out to push boundaries and deliver unexpected experiences. But above all, our games must be fun!
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Look, it's this garbage again. It's ok. It's difficult to get excited about bad kid field.
man wait til they discover doom...

- I'm pretty sure there is no hell on mars please do it over...
- Yeah hell is on earth
- no acutalyyyyyy hell is in another dimension
- There is no hell its all christian propaganda. pleaser remove it offends my atheism
- Denying hell is giving power to muslim terrorist. nobody wants to be nice if they don't get punished for beeing evil,
- Why doe it always have to be religions and terrorist. why cant we just have a green sky like in supermario
- im highly offended that mario jumps in my satuday fun snack...
- Drugs are bad you son, you need jesus
- im offended that you say my habbits are bad
- im offended too
- im offended that you are offende of what i say.
- Trump can make hell great again
- Well Hillary is clearly the end boss so i dont know about that
- Then ima gonna buy the game so I can kill Hillary and release her sex slaves
- I though we where talking about Doom..
- Im offende you think you know what Im talking about

For all of the research I've done on both world wars since I was a kid there's one elite unit I've never been able to find. That's the one made up of gamers.

More women fought an died in WWII on all three sides than gamers.

The Soviets had a bunch of them. Like, a lot of them. Thousands. With guns and shooting and everything.

The British had hundreds of them. A few of those ones were even brown. They used bunches of mere females to coordinate, supply, and (Oh wait for it!) lead resistance cells in France.

Some times the fantasy isn't going to be made up of people just like you. Especially when the reality is that those women gave more and did more in their short lives than these gamers ever will.
For all of the research I've done on both world wars since I was a kid there's one elite unit I've never been able to find. That's the one made up of gamers.

More women fought an died in WWII on all three sides than gamers.

The Soviets had a bunch of them. Like, a lot of them. Thousands. With guns and shooting and everything.

The British had hundreds of them. A few of those ones were even brown. They used bunches of mere females to coordinate, supply, and (Oh wait for it!) lead resistance cells in France.

Some times the fantasy isn't going to be made up of people just like you. Especially when the reality is that those women gave more and did more in their short lives than these gamers ever will.

Captain white knight trying to get laid over here.
For all of the research I've done on both world wars since I was a kid there's one elite unit I've never been able to find. That's the one made up of gamers.

More women fought an died in WWII on all three sides than gamers.

The Soviets had a bunch of them. Like, a lot of them. Thousands. With guns and shooting and everything.

The British had hundreds of them. A few of those ones were even brown. They used bunches of mere females to coordinate, supply, and (Oh wait for it!) lead resistance cells in France.

Some times the fantasy isn't going to be made up of people just like you. Especially when the reality is that those women gave more and did more in their short lives than these gamers ever will.
You are right, of course. Can't argue with historical facts. However, to be fair, it's just a very loud minority of misogynist, supremacist gamers. I'm pretty sure most normal gamers would be delighted to see inclusion and diversity in games.
You are right, of course. Can't argue with historical facts. However, to be fair, it's just a very loud minority of misogynist, supremacist gamers. I'm pretty sure most normal gamers would be delighted to see inclusion and diversity in games.

I hope most wouldnt expect realism. Frankly, a total lack of the truly gimped nationalist Chinese army armed much worse than the Japanese is what grinds my gears more.
Is anyone complaining about having the ability to play as FemShep in WW2? Nope.

People are having shitfits in being able to play Elite 101st airborn with face paint and steampunk arms as a woman in WW2.

I'm all for allowing you to make your WerePanda Transgendered Sith Lord in a doctor octopus suit fight 'bad guys', just don't call it World War II.
Why is this an issue? Just make a good battlefield game, which shouldn't be hard but recent track record begs to differ.

Plus side, if there is a third person mode, I almost always make a female, mmm digital booty.
For all of the research I've done on both world wars since I was a kid there's one elite unit I've never been able to find. That's the one made up of gamers.

More women fought an died in WWII on all three sides than gamers.

Wow the strawmaning, false dichotomy, and Ad hominem really makes appear ignorant.

The Soviets had a bunch of them. Like, a lot of them. Thousands. With guns and shooting and everything.
Where they were force to pick up the gun in front of the person who was shot because the Soviets didn't have enough weapons and used people as cannon fodder. You make Stalin proud for omitting historical facts for your naritive.

The British had hundreds of them. A few of those ones were even brown. They used bunches of mere females to coordinate, supply, and (Oh wait for it!) lead resistance cells in France.
Having women, I fucking hope so. Especially since the continuation of the British Empire requires children.

Some times the fantasy isn't going to be made up of people just like you. Especially when the reality is that those women gave more and did more in their short lives than these gamers ever will.
Wait? Women gave up more in WWII? Now that is just bulvine excrement coming out of your mouth. Now we know you are troll. Especially since most gamers love to have more inclusiveness in video games.
Trust me, you don't want to go toe to toe with me on Moral and Ethical measuring stick. A lot of veterans who are gamers here have gave up more than "you need to know" in their lifetime. I've had the privileged to work with such people, including some from the Greatest Generation who I enjoyed playing video games with in my childhood.

Honestly, I would rather that DICE said "it's just a Video Game" as their explanation instead of using identity politics to build up more PR by using obvious false moral outrage. It fucking two-faced.
I thought people like you are anti-capitalists and corporatism. Especially the shit that EA is. Are some paid EA shill?
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Captain white knight trying to get laid over here.

While you may have no personal experience, it's actually possible to care about something for reasons other than personal gain. Also, one doesn't "get laid" through the Internet.

Grow up.
I personally think it's a little disingenuous to have a woman as the main picture and pretend it's about being inclusive. I'm not sure if that is the box art, but it's clearly a ploy used by DICE to send a message. But lets move beyond the fact it's a female. We need to be outraged that she is thin and attractive! Why is she not fat? Why is she not homely looking. Looks to me they are just trying to use her to attract men, which means they are just objectifying her.
well they could at least make up a backstory about her being a female soe operative rescued naked from imprisonment by the Germans and given a uniform to wear, a plausible plot shouldn't be that hard.
I personally think it's a little disingenuous to have a woman as the main picture and pretend it's about being inclusive. I'm not sure if that is the box art, but it's clearly a ploy used by DICE to send a message. But lets move beyond the fact it's a female. We need to be outraged that she is thin and attractive! Why is she not fat? Why is she not homely looking. Looks to me they are just trying to use her to attract men, which means they are just objectifying her.

Of course they are, sex sells, especially when your selling it to teenagers. Also, these SWJ's seem to want to be all inclusive, well there's a problem with that, if you're all inclusive you become exclusive. The idea has become the institution.
After the big disappointment BF1 was if gameplay turns out to be what DICE is claiming I don't really care what the character models are. They could be koalas for all I care (to some extent lol)
For all of the research I've done on both world wars since I was a kid there's one elite unit I've never been able to find. That's the one made up of gamers.

More women fought an died in WWII on all three sides than gamers.

The Soviets had a bunch of them. Like, a lot of them. Thousands. With guns and shooting and everything.

The British had hundreds of them. A few of those ones were even brown. They used bunches of mere females to coordinate, supply, and (Oh wait for it!) lead resistance cells in France.

Some times the fantasy isn't going to be made up of people just like you. Especially when the reality is that those women gave more and did more in their short lives than these gamers ever will.

So on the one side where women did play a big role, women were a whopping 3% of of the armed forces, and most of them were pilots, snipers, or auxiliary troops. If they wanted to have a game including a factually accurate female sniper who is fighting for the Russians, I'd be all for it.

Ditto for female resistance fighters in France.

So why shoehorn "muh diversity" where it is clearly historically inaccurate? She even has a prosthetic arm, but she's whooping men in hand to hand combat?

And what the hell do you know about "these gamers?" I know lots of "gamers" who are veterans. Obviously, WW2 was 70 years ago, so nobody playing games today is likely to have fought in that war, unless they are 90 or over. That's a ridiculous point.

Personally, I thought the trailer was just over the top in general. I mean, they are flying through the air and pulling off super human feats and you can see V2 rockets come flying into the battlefield. I mean, come the fuck on...

So on the one side where women did play a big role, women were a whopping 3% of of the armed forces, and most of them were pilots, snipers, or auxiliary troops. If they wanted to have a game including a factually accurate female sniper who is fighting for the Russians, I'd be all for it.

Ditto for female resistance fighters in France.

So why shoehorn "muh diversity" where it is clearly historically inaccurate? She even has a prosthetic arm, but she's whooping men in hand to hand combat?

And what the hell do you know about "these gamers?" I know lots of "gamers" who are veterans. Obviously, WW2 was 70 years ago, so nobody playing games today is likely to have fought in that war, unless they are 90 or over. That's a ridiculous point.

Personally, I thought the trailer was just over the top in general. I mean, they are flying through the air and pulling off super human feats and you can see V2 rockets come flying into the battlefield. I mean, come the fuck on...

Agreed, but it was a V1. :p

Also, the guy yelling "that's no rocket" in the trailer was entirely wrong. Which backs up our outrage for historical inaccuracies.
I genuinely have no issue with having women in this game and setting; especially less so in the multiplayer.

What I do have major problems with is the spazztastic way that "WW2" is being presented in a Battlefield game.
Battlefield was never realistic, it was never a simulator, it had it's share of goofyness, but at the end of the day it was grounded in reality and authenticity (yes, experimental weapons can be authentic). Using a submachine gun, sniper rifle, and beating a man to death with a cricket bat using a fragile, WW2-era prosthetic limb is neither goofy nor authentic nor realistic.

This trailer is a disgrace for both Battlefield and using WW2 as a setting IMO.

Again I ask, why the fuck did they bother to frame this as being set in WW2? Because CoD did WW2? Why does the trailer look like some Fortnite-esque bullshit?

So on the one side where women did play a big role, women were a whopping 3% of of the armed forces, and most of them were pilots, snipers, or auxiliary troops. If they wanted to have a game including a factually accurate female sniper who is fighting for the Russians, I'd be all for it.

Ditto for female resistance fighters in France.

So why shoehorn "muh diversity" where it is clearly historically inaccurate? She even has a prosthetic arm, but she's whooping men in hand to hand combat?

And what the hell do you know about "these gamers?" I know lots of "gamers" who are veterans. Obviously, WW2 was 70 years ago, so nobody playing games today is likely to have fought in that war, unless they are 90 or over. That's a ridiculous point.

Personally, I thought the trailer was just over the top in general. I mean, they are flying through the air and pulling off super human feats and you can see V2 rockets come flying into the battlefield. I mean, come the fuck on...

Yeah. If there was an asymmetric mode where you played as resistance fighters it would have been fine. Balance would be a pain as they typically had no armor or heavy vehicles, and I'm not much of a fan of that in Battlefield. But it could have worked. But that would have required effort. A British lady running around with a missing arm, blue war paint and whatnot on the front lines is downright cartoonish. Yes all the games are not the epicenter of realism, but striving for an authentic feel is always good because it allows you to become immersed in the game.

You have to hand it to DICE though. They can avoid all criticism for their cheesy direction and micro-transaction scheme by painting anyone who doesn't like that business model as a sexist. They learned from their mistake with Battlefront II, and now they're practically immune from backlash. And fucking idiots (check this thread) will go along with it because they're too stupid to see the real issues.

I genuinely have no issue with having women in this game and setting; especially less so in the multiplayer.

What I do have major problems with is the spazztastic way that "WW2" is being presented in a Battlefield game.
Battlefield was never realistic, it was never a simulator, it had it's share of goofyness, but at the end of the day it was grounded in reality and authenticity (yes, experimental weapons can be authentic). Using a submachine gun, sniper rifle, and beating a man to death with a cricket bat using a fragile, WW2-era prosthetic limb is neither goofy nor authentic nor realistic.

(I apologize for the rant)

Agreed. But these idiots think that simply because it is a video game, anything should go. Neon dragons in WWII, because its just a game!!!111 We're fighting for da wiminz rights.

If they wanted to do woman, do them properly.
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This is a business decision, how can we get more people playing our games? Well you start off by not alienating 51% of the population. Forgive me if I am being cynical here but I cry bullshit about their commitment to diversity, it's about money. Battlefield has never been historically accurate, so anyone using that as a pretense for bitching about female characters in games has some weird mommy issues or something. I have no issue with studios trying to be more inclusive and diverse in their games but let's not pretend this is about anything other than money.
I genuinely have no issue with having women in this game and setting; especially less so in the multiplayer.

What I do have major problems with is the spazztastic way that "WW2" is being presented in a Battlefield game.
Battlefield was never realistic, it was never a simulator, it had it's share of goofyness, but at the end of the day it was grounded in reality and authenticity (yes, experimental weapons can be authentic). Using a submachine gun, sniper rifle, and beating a man to death with a cricket bat using a fragile, WW2-era prosthetic limb is neither goofy nor authentic nor realistic.

This trailer is a disgrace for both Battlefield and using WW2 as a setting IMO.

Again I ask, why the fuck did they bother to frame this as being set in WW2? Because CoD did WW2? Why does the trailer look like some Fortnite-esque bullshit?
This was probably the main reason why the trailer was so cringe worthy. It's not even the woman thing, really. The whole video reminded me of the poochy sequence of Itchy and Scratchy from "The Simpsons." IT'S WW2 action! TO THE EXTREME!!!!!!
This was probably the main reason why the trailer was so cringe worthy. It's not even the woman thing, really. The whole video reminded me of the poochy sequence of Itchy and Scratchy from "The Simpsons." IT'S WW2 action! TO THE EXTREME!!!!!!

Hahaha!I think you nailed it :D

Moe's reaction lol....
This is a business decision, how can we get more people playing our games? Well you start off by not alienating 51% of the population. Forgive me if I am being cynical here but I cry bullshit about their commitment to diversity, it's about money. Battlefield has never been historically accurate, so anyone using that as a pretense for bitching about female characters in games has some weird mommy issues or something. I have no issue with studios trying to be more inclusive and diverse in their games but let's not pretend this is about anything other than money.

Of course its about making money, as they're legally obligated to do for their shareholders. But the internet outrage bandwagon that's now masturbating violently to the latest contrived controversy only have themselves to blame. I say contrived because it's almost as if the manboob brigade on reddit is entirely too predictable, and EA knowing that a woman on a boxcover or in a trailer would instantly trigger them, seems to be playing into BFV's marketing and awareness efforts far better than any conventional advertising ever could.

Either they were going to release another AAA MP shooter - which people expect to be supported at least two years with new maps and modes - and it would cost $110-120 for the base game (the bitching would never end), or as they've done in the past charge for optional DLC's and map packs (or $50 Premium) and deal with people bitching about "fragmentation" of the playerbase). Or the final option, monetization through customization, which seems to be the least offensive and best working scheme for other AAA games engaged in the practice.

Let's face it, if the monetary reward for the developer's work were left up to the average, fickle gamer ("make the game free, the add-on maps and modes free, free skins, free customizations, free mods, free servers, support it for 20 years, work for free too, I'm bored) then these companies would be bankrupt.
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