Did Blogging Juror Affect DUI Trial?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
This is interesting, does a juror blogging about a trial that is in progress affect the outcome? The courts didn’t think so, what do you think?

On April 4, 2006, the first day of appellant's trial, this juror wrote: "Serving on this case just goes to show how opinionated I am. Perhaps I'm more of a leader than I'm willing to give myself credit for. But, I dare anyone to cross me on this verdict."
The court is correct. As long as the juror does not enter information on the case then he/she is in the right. Think about it. At work when someone goes off to serve on a jury they can say that they are going. But as long as they don't talk about the subject they are following the intent and liter order of the law.
Not only was the person not smart enough to get out of jury duty he also appears to suffer from a misplaced sense of self worth. Please. It's a freakin' DUI case, not the OJ trial. Who seriously cares about your "verdict"?

If the person made no mention of case specifics and did not discuss it with anyone outside the jury I don't think that he violated any rules.
The court is correct. As long as the juror does not enter information on the case then he/she is in the right. Think about it. At work when someone goes off to serve on a jury they can say that they are going. But as long as they don't talk about the subject they are following the intent and liter order of the law.
Drat, I type too slow!
Not only was the person not smart enough to get out of jury duty he also appears to suffer from a misplaced sense of self worth. Please. It's a freakin' DUI case, not the OJ trial. Who seriously cares about your "verdict"?

If the person made no mention of case specifics and did not discuss it with anyone outside the jury I don't think that he violated any rules.

Hey, not everyone wants to get out of jury duty. Personally, I just got my calling in the mail and I hope I get to go. Not only does my business match my normal pay (deducting what the state pays me for duty) but I have never been and I'm interested in going.

The guy sounds a little puffed up over himself, however I don't think he's in the wrong.
Hey, not everyone wants to get out of jury duty. Personally, I just got my calling in the mail and I hope I get to go. Not only does my business match my normal pay (deducting what the state pays me for duty) but I have never been and I'm interested in going.

The guy sounds a little puffed up over himself, however I don't think he's in the wrong.

Don't expect a hair-raising CSI type trial. People get out of jury duty because it's tearfully boring 99% of the time. It gets much worse if a lawyer or a defendant or plaintiff wants to drag it out for days or weeks.

I have a feeling you're going to change your mind about wanting to go.
So color me a Nazi. Meanwhile, quit pretending that every perp is worthy of the time & exepense of a trial by judge or by jury = end of problem, esp when you've got the offenses on tape.
Jurors should stick to doing thier duty and keep thier mouths shut outside of the jury room.

The object is a fair trial for an accused, NOT the self agrandizement of individual jerkoff's who won the jury duty lottery.

Wonder if this idiot would be thrilled to know the jurors hearing HIS trial for some offense were taking thier duty so lightly. Comedy is for Tee Vee, in real life just do your friggin job and shut the hell up.

Seems the lackadazicle attitude toward democracy and its duties on the part of givernment officials is trickling down to the peoples. Doomed I say doomed :rolleyes::p:D
I've done jury duty before. More interesting than work, even if it is a boring case. It's interesting to see first hand how one of the most important foundations of our society works. It's called jury DUTY for a reason. I know that's not a very popular notion these days, but everybody sure does want their day in court when it their ass on the line. I hear a lot of people talk about how they say dumb shit to try to get removed or make excuses to never go. Because they have "more important stuff to do." That would be your misplaced ( and over-inflated ) sense of self-worth.