Did Google Earth Find Atlantis?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Has Google Earth finally solved the mystery of the lost city of Atlantis? Probably not but Google’s explanation doesn’t sound like it holds water either:

"It's true that many amazing discoveries have been made in Google Earth including a pristine forest in Mozambique that is home to previously unknown species and the remains of an ancient Roman villa," a statement from Google read. "In this case, however, what users are seeing is an artifact of the data collection process. Bathymetric (or sea floor terrain) data is often collected from boats using sonar to take measurements of the sea floor. The lines reflect the path of the boat as it gathers the data."

If this is true, and it is simply a data artifact as they claim, where are all the other lines like this on the bottom of the ocean? Or is Google claiming that only data from that area was collected using a boat that drives in perfectly square patterns?
I read this story earlier. Very interesting. I have also read that in the same area they have built oilrigs off the African/European coastlines they have found strange artifacts on the ocean floor that shouldn't be there. Artifacts that seem to be modern, but have been down there for thousands of years. Course these are rumors, but they came straight from those working on the oilrigs.
maybe it's a secret underwater military base, and google is covering it up. zomg.
Those lines are awfully geometric to be natural, but there's no telling what is is without sending some deep water subs to check it out.
I have also read that in the same area they have built oilrigs off the African/European coastlines they have found strange artifacts on the ocean floor that shouldn't be there. Artifacts that seem to be modern, but have been down there for thousands of years.
Could it be the remains of a time-travelling U.S. space ship containing a large plasmid sphere that, when entered, allows you to manifest the objects of your worst fears?

"Im in ur aquatic lab, manifesting ur sea snakez"
the patterns are similiar to city layouts of other lost ocean cities due to erosian off south or central america... (other false atlantis)...

but it could also be delayed ship patterns/trails... think how photos were in the 1800s... if anyone moved the image would trail... look like ghosting...

this could be the same thing here although it is a nice pattern im not sure. it could be bad photoshopping/blending of images like how bad google maps looked like when it first came out (strning several pics together, leads a shading border between images...)

who knows

got any articles on the european oil riggers?
Those data artifacts are all over the place.
Try west of Ireland for instance.
What really happened at Google:

"Well the next version of Google Maps will include a map of the entire ocean floor"

"How are we going to do that? We don't have a map of the ocean floor."

"We'll just draw it in MS Paint, and fill it in as we go. Who would want directions out to the middle of the Atlantic anyways? Plus, it isn't like anyone will try and dispute it."
What really happened at Google:

"Well the next version of Google Maps will include a map of the entire ocean floor"

"How are we going to do that? We don't have a map of the ocean floor."

"We'll just draw it in MS Paint, and fill it in as we go. Who would want directions out to the middle of the Atlantic anyways? Plus, it isn't like anyone will try and dispute it."

And then Google falls apart as the Open-Sourcers insist on using GIMP.
Speaking as an expert in a completely unrelated field I'd have to agree that this is just an artifact caused by the pathing of the sonar vessel.
If it were real google would be all over it with press releases etc...
"Google, we discovered the friggen lost city Atlantas... now use our search engine to find out about it!"
I can't imagine those lines to be a trail of boat travel, that would be an awful long time to map the ocean if they did it in such a pattern.

Either way, it's worth looking at for interest sake.

In other news, Google earth visitors found Jimmy Hoffa wearing clown shoes.
It's obviously a weather balloon filled with swamp gas reflecting the light of Jupiter as an airplane goes by. Move along.
Speaking as an expert in a completely unrelated field I'd have to agree that this is just an artifact caused by the pathing of the sonar vessel.

Really, so boats make hard 90 degree turns? What about the corners? Did the boat just keep going and shut off the sonar, swing around and start back up after it achieved a perfect 90 degrees off it's last course? Sorry, I cannot buy that even a little bit.

Keep in mind, the simple answer is usually the right one. Trying to complicate it with bogus explanations only raises more suspicions. The patterns end too exactly to be called an "data artifact". It's easy to just assume the earth has always had the same ration of land to liquid water it has now, but the fact is it hasn't. That ratio has fluctuated wildly over time. There has been several times within human existence that the land to liquid water ration was MUCH higher then it is now. And we're still on a decline of land mass even now. It's much easier to buy the theory that this is of a now submerged city then it is to buy perfect pattern artifacts, and it's easier because it's simply more likely.

I'll need some proof from Google that this is what they say it is.
Keep in mind, the simple answer is usually the right one.

So the simpler answer is that a super advanced ancient civilization that was lost to the sea never to be heard of again? Or is the simple answer it's a digital artifact on a mapping program? You said it buddy, not me ;)
Really, so boats make hard 90 degree turns? What about the corners? Did the boat just keep going and shut off the sonar, swing around and start back up after it achieved a perfect 90 degrees off it's last course? Sorry, I cannot buy that even a little bit.

Keep in mind, the simple answer is usually the right one. Trying to complicate it with bogus explanations only raises more suspicions. The patterns end too exactly to be called an "data artifact". It's easy to just assume the earth has always had the same ration of land to liquid water it has now, but the fact is it hasn't. That ratio has fluctuated wildly over time. There has been several times within human existence that the land to liquid water ration was MUCH higher then it is now. And we're still on a decline of land mass even now. It's much easier to buy the theory that this is of a now submerged city then it is to buy perfect pattern artifacts, and it's easier because it's simply more likely.

I'll need some proof from Google that this is what they say it is.

Google: Sarcasm
Could it be the remains of a time-travelling U.S. space ship containing a large plasmid sphere that, when entered, allows you to manifest the objects of your worst fears?

"Im in ur aquatic lab, manifesting ur sea snakez"
Never read the book. Movie is alright. I dunno about time traveling or anything, but it has been speculated by Atlantis researchers that Atlantis was a more modern civilization that we are currently. I don't know what to believe. There could be so much we don't know. I just rely upon information from sources I think are credible. Hard to find those these days.
If it were real google would be all over it with press releases etc...
"Google, we discovered the friggen lost city Atlantas... now use our search engine to find out about it!"
Unless they already found it and there is information that they don't want you tl know. You have to remember who Google is. They give ease of access to tons of information. If you think for one second that they don't censor information that governments and special interests don't want people to know you have another thing coming. I think this was a mistake. They probably wished they had photoshopped that out now.
Actually, I now believe it to be an add campaign for etcha-sketch :p