Did I break my ulta X3?


Limp Gawd
Apr 23, 2006
I had a brain fart a few days ago and on my new rig put in molex power and SATA power on a drive. The circuit board on the drive prompty exploded.

So I got a new drive.

After everything is all set up, about a half hour into operating I put my other three hard drives in. After I put the last HD in and install it in Vista via device manager, everything is fine for about a minute.

Then I see sparks flying out of the PSU! 1 Kw PSU, but I'm not taxing it...

8800GTS (watercooled)
QX9650 (watercooled)
Easy tune 5 shows system running @ 36 C, CPU running at 14. Not sure if that's possible.

8 gigs of DDR2 ram. Four SATA drives.

Is there any way of testing the PSU or something?
Are you sure that the Molex you had plugged into the PSU wasn't plugged in backwards? I've seen it done. Those plastic shields have enough give to allow someone to force the connector in the wrong way.

Wouldn't it short out immediately, though? I plugged it into the SATA port on the mobo while Windows was active, but it had been plugged into the PSU for at least 15 minutes.

While we're on the subject of power, quick easy question: A video card that is water cooled doesn't need a 6-pin power connector, correct? I was under the impression that's for the fan, which was removed in favor of the water bracket. Even less power to the PSU if I can get it off...
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that 6 pin is for power to the card because the PCI-e 16x doesn't supply enough power to the card. The video cards I've had used a 2 or 3 pin, very small, connector for the fan that was right on the board...

I could be wrong, but I'm thinking that 6 pin is pretty important...
If sparks shot out of the power supply is it possible for it not to be toast? I'd quietly RMA it.