Difference between 3.6GHz - 4.2GHz i7 for gaming at 1920x1200?


Sep 3, 2007
Is there going to be difference in overall gaming from a Intel 920 i7 clocked at 3.6GHz to 4.2GHz in gaming at resolutions of 1920x1200? I've seen some crazy overclocks on the D0 and was poundering how much of a difference you'll see in your games from the varied overclocks? Is it mostly bragging rights? Or will you honestly see a gameplay difference from 3.6 to 4.2 or so?
I might be wrong, but i think it would make a difference in games that uses the Source engin, as it is more CPU dependent than games like Crysis or COD etc.
I might be wrong, but i think it would make a difference in the games using the Source engin, as it is more CPU dependent than games like Crysis or COD etc.

At 3.6GHz, an i7 is already more than powerful enough to handle the most demanding situations in a Source-based game.
It couldn't hurt, it depends on your video card and what games you play. For simulations and crysis I'd love to be able to hit 5ghz if it were possible. Keep in mind those I7's are actually slower in some games than the previous generation of cpus.
It couldn't hurt, it depends on your video card and what games you play. For simulations and crysis I'd love to be able to hit 5ghz if it were possible. Keep in mind those I7's are actually slower in some games than the previous generation of cpus.

Are you being serious? Since when was an i7 slower than a 45nm quad?
i go from 3.67 undervolted to 4ghz + at stock volts and feel no difference whatsoever in L4D with 4890CF or any other game i have tried.