Difference between these 3 AMD CPU's?

the gamer

Mar 14, 2005
Hey I am going to be getting a AMD X2 4800+ soon and I want to know whats the difference between that and the X2 4400 and FX60?

assuming we are talking s939 toledo cores:

x2 4400 - 2.2 GHz 2x1 mb L2 cache
x2 4800 - 2.4 GHz 2x1 mb L2 cache
Fx 60 - 2.6 GHz 2x1 mb L2 cache (and multi unlocked)
ah ok so I should see the same performance if I had gotten a FX60? (not sure what core it is)
No, you'd see a slightly faster performance with the FX-60, combined with more overclocking potential because the multiplier was unlocked.

However, from what I've seen of the prices in my search for either of the two top ones, you'd get the 4800 for half of what you'd pay for the FX.