Differences between BF3 and BC2?


Oct 16, 2009
I've logged many hours into BC2, but I can't seem to get excited over BF3. From the videos I've seen, it looks exactly like BC2, but with jets.

What are some of the different essences of BF3 that makes it better than BC2?
I've logged many hours into BC2, but I can't seem to get excited over BF3. From the videos I've seen, it looks exactly like BC2, but with jets.

What are some of the different essences of BF3 that makes it better than BC2?

64 player server limit instead of BC2's 32 player limit. Better graphics. Prone (did BC2 have that ?) That's all I got but my play time with BC2 is limited.
is the Battlefield series team-based only?...I would love to buy it for the graphics alone but I'm much more into free-for-all Deathmatch type of multiplayer where it's every man for himself...does this mean I have to skip B3 and stick with CoD or does BF have a free for all type of Mode?
is the Battlefield series team-based only?...I would love to buy it for the graphics alone but I'm much more into free-for-all Deathmatch type of multiplayer where it's every man for himself...does this mean I have to skip B3 and stick with CoD or does BF have a free for all type of Mode?

All team based. No free for all in previous BF games and none I have heard of for BF3. There is a campaign if you want it for graphics.
Also, guns actually have recoil that you have to manage in BF3, unlike BC2. That isn't to say you can't just spray but if I spray I have to actively pull down the mouse with my firing to keep it steady. I'd say 64 players and Jets in multiplayer are the biggest differences. Also, Comm Rose. Squad leader commands are supposed to be fleshed out compared to BC2 in final release.
I've logged many hours into BC2, but I can't seem to get excited over BF3. From the videos I've seen, it looks exactly like BC2, but with jets.

What are some of the different essences of BF3 that makes it better than BC2?

Once we get a proper conquest mode, it's going to be nothing like BC2
Prone, 64-players, slightly similar graphics doesn't seem enough to justify a full game price. Looks and feels like an expansion.
Prone, 64-players, slightly similar graphics doesn't seem enough to justify a full game price. Looks and feels like an expansion.

You seem to have convinced yourself before even starting this post, despite what anyone tells you. If you've ever played a proper BF game (BC2 isn't) then you'd already know whats in store. If you haven't played a proper BF game and think you've got BF3 all figured out, the loss would be yours should you stay with BC2.
Game appears to be an improvement in evry respect so far. I have only played Metro but yeah. they have improved the game. The beta is metro only atm I can't play caspian. Based on that, and giving the beta is about 70% of the finished game in terms of finish: it is going to be THE game for multi fps. I was hoping Ro2 would be better but yeah. Not for me.

BF3 is going to suck a lot of time from me.

MW3 is looking to be more and more the retards refuge.
Game appears to be an improvement in evry respect so far. I have only played Metro but yeah. they have improved the game. The beta is metro only atm I can't play caspian. Based on that, and giving the beta is about 70% of the finished game in terms of finish: it is going to be THE game for multi fps. I was hoping Ro2 would be better but yeah. Not for me.

BF3 is going to suck a lot of time from me.

MW3 is looking to be more and more the retards refuge.

completly agree with this sentiment.
I'm still upset that there's no commander mode :(. I can't believe they took that out, I really liked to take a break from ground pounding every so often and just command/support the troops. It really added a whole other level of game play.

But yeah, after sinking 500+ hours into BF2, then playing BC2, it just didn't compare. I couldn't play BC2 for more than a couple weeks after it launched since so much was different/missing. They're almost like two completely different games from different developers, IMO.
I'm still upset that there's no commander mode :(. I can't believe they took that out, I really liked to take a break from ground pounding every so often and just command/support the troops. It really added a whole other level of game play.

But yeah, after sinking 500+ hours into BF2, then playing BC2, it just didn't compare. I couldn't play BC2 for more than a couple weeks after it launched since so much was different/missing. They're almost like two completely different games from different developers, IMO.

Patrick Bach is ashamed of BFBC2, for what it's worth...
You've got to try out the BF3 open beta. There you will see the difference. For me there is a lot.
Buildings do not collapse and you do not get destruction 2.0 kills :(
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he should be ashamed of Operation Metro

BC2 Rush maps were much better than Metro and I wouldn't be surprised if Metro is BF3's worse Rush map by far

in terms of gun damage between non-hardcore BF3 and BC2, it definitely feels like it is higher in BF3.

I'm also not sure if it is better to fat finger the fire button in BF3 or burst. in BC2, burst fire was definitely the way to go, but I'm not so sure about that in BF3.

edit: now that I think about it, Nelson Bay is the closest equivalent that BC2 has to Operation Metro and it has plenty of stuff that is destructible unlike Metro's indestructible bushes and it has so much more open space to work with unlike Metro's much more linear design.

I have no idea what DICE sees in Operation Metro. It won't appeal to CoD players because BF's objective/team based modes & maps do not match with what CoD fans like. If DICE made a 50*50 meter map and plopped down some buildings and objects inside of it then let players have at it in a FFA or TDM game mode, then it would be more CoD like.
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What are some of the different essences of BF3 that makes it better than BC2?

The guns feel absolutely nothing like BC2. And with all of the different guns and attachments, there are really many more ways to play the game now, IMO. Whereas in BC2, didn't matter if you had the pp2000, you were just as good long range as short. Now with the UMP in BF3, you need to get in closer and you can gun from the hip much better, so that gun gives you a bit of an advantage in reaction time.

Laser sights, flash suppresors, silencers, heavy barrels, different types of guns all seem to heavily influence how you're going to play your soldier, and so far I love it.
As others have said... you can't lock on to someone with a gun and just hold down left mouse like with an AN 94 noobwand in BC2 in this that approach will get you about 3 hits out of 20 rounds and dead :)
Oh and it seems like No Gustav whoring which by ITSELF is a huge improvement and this is coming FROM a Gustav whore :)
As others have said... you can't lock on to someone with a gun and just hold down left mouse like with an AN 94 noobwand in BC2 in this that approach will get you about 3 hits out of 20 rounds and dead :)

Isn't the AN 94 semi auto; so you can't just hold the trigger down...lol
The guns feel absolutely nothing like BC2. And with all of the different guns and attachments, there are really many more ways to play the game now, IMO. Whereas in BC2, didn't matter if you had the pp2000, you were just as good long range as short. Now with the UMP in BF3, you need to get in closer and you can gun from the hip much better, so that gun gives you a bit of an advantage in reaction time.

Laser sights, flash suppresors, silencers, heavy barrels, different types of guns all seem to heavily influence how you're going to play your soldier, and so far I love it.

i did hate that about BC2, getting killed across a town or something with a semi-automatic short range weapon, always pissed me off, here i am with a proper rifle and i am getting killed with nothing.

BC3 need bullet drop in it.
Let's be honest; both BC2 and BF3 have their advantages, and disadvantages. The main 3 reasons people will be drawn to BF3 are: 1) it's the latest and greatest, 2) it's got new maps, and 3) everyone else will be migrating there (people).......
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i did hate that about BC2, getting killed across a town or something with a semi-automatic short range weapon, always pissed me off, here i am with a proper rifle and i am getting killed with nothing.

BC3 need bullet drop in it.

BF3 has bullet drop, and its pretty massive at that.
I played the beta yesterday and you are right, it is quite similar to BC2. In fact, I'd say that BC2 was a polished BF3. I preordered the game but I am somewhat disappointed, it really is not as impressive as the hype I got caught up in.
I played the beta yesterday and you are right, it is quite similar to BC2. In fact, I'd say that BC2 was a polished BF3. I preordered the game but I am somewhat disappointed, it really is not as impressive as the hype I got caught up in.

yup, Metro was a pretty shit map and I got bored quickly. I might get BF3 at some point, when there is a $20-30 sale or something. (Since it's not on steam I guess there is less chance of that, bummer).
64players cap so you can play conquest mode the way it's supposed to be played
SQDM with 6 squads
Much better graphics, period.
12hour long SP campaign
more reliable hitreg
much better implementation of 3D spotting
seems to be less cpu bound, i pump a lot of FPS in the beta with a stock clocked gtx570 and a c2q @ 3.3ghz
Movement looks much more lifelike and feels more responsive as well, BC2 felt very clunky especially at low framerates.
Seperate weapon slots for knife and grenade + adjustable fire modes, WOW ! :D
Flashlight attachment and scope glare, no more ninja wookies with VSS.
Better class balance with the tried and true bf2142 system.
TONS of unlocks and rewards, you could unlock pretty much gun at bc2 in less than 30 hours total
Strike and karkand and wake island remakes !!!

want more ? :D
Well yeah but everyone fires them as quickly as an auto and they have almost zero recoil.

Well in RL, AN-94 has extremely low recoil for two round burst. Of course firing full clip down range without felt recoil is different issue. :D
You seem to have convinced yourself before even starting this post, despite what anyone tells you. If you've ever played a proper BF game (BC2 isn't) then you'd already know whats in store. If you haven't played a proper BF game and think you've got BF3 all figured out, the loss would be yours should you stay with BC2.

sorry, BF3 is nothing like a proper BF game...it much more closely resembles BC.
Well in RL, AN-94 has extremely low recoil for two round burst. Of course firing full clip down range without felt recoil is different issue. :D

In rl you fall down after the first few rounds hit you :)
sorry, BF3 is nothing like a proper BF game...it much more closely resembles BC.

Until you play a map that isn't the BC2 mode called "Rush" I guess one could say that... but they'd be ill-informed doing so. I got a few hours in of Caspian Border on BF3 and it is WAY different (plus better).
Honestly, after playing this beta extensively now (and also was able to play some Caspian border in the beginning), i have to say that the difference between the two are mainly these:

1. No prone in BFBC2. I am arguing that it's even better that way.
2. Revive actually works in BFBC2. It's just a royal pain in the ass in BF3
3. The mini map is useful in BFBC2
4. Squad system in BFBC2 works better than in BF3.

Honestly, seeing how this beta works out so far, the only advantage i saw for BF3 so far is Caspian Border. Essentially, BFBC2 feels like a better BF3 with less interesting maps. Hate me for it or not, but i'd say BFBC2 is the better Battlefield game. And btw, for all you rush haters...you DO know that BFBC2 had other modes than rush, right?
Oh and it seems like No Gustav whoring which by ITSELF is a huge improvement and this is coming FROM a Gustav whore :)

Same, I've tried to rpg some folks in the tunnels with occasional success. But it's nothing like bc2. (thank goodness). The RPG in infantry combat feels much more like a cover remover than a people killer. No chance to try it on vehicles yet.

Prone (can) add a much more tactical, slower, sneaky feel.

The guns feel much better. pulse pulse pulse that trigger.

The flashlights and scope glare are retarded in their implementation IMO at the moment. Flashlights feel pretty good in the tunnels. Outside they are just as powerful though, and from long range to boot.

Bipods on weapons for increased stability is great... when you can get it to deploy how/when you want it. No no damnit, don't put the bipods on that bush.

Grenade range seems to be shortened dramatically.

Hit detection and damage seems dicked up honestly. If I have the drop on someone with an m249 and pump 4-5 rounds into them center mass they should be affected. Dead or at least severely damaged. Some guns feel like you're shooting tennis balls. I don't think game devs are gun nuts. Otherwise they would have hemorrhoids and stomach cancer from allowing weapons into games operating the way they do.

You can throw medkits through concrete.

you can unlock a little robot to arm the bomb for you.

You vault over objects instead of jump. Sometimes you vault and don't go anywhere. ::p

supposedly caspian was HUGE. Like Battlefield of old.

Oh, and on RPGs. They're fast. The real ones I mean. Very fast.
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The Metro map does feel like that...but judging from the videos, that Caspian Border gameplay looks very Battlefield.

Judging from playing Caspian, it's very Battlefield ;)

I don't know though, the more I play Metro, the more I like it. They should just remove the park section though.

BC3 need bullet drop in it.

There is bullet drop. Atleast when I was scoping with an M416 there was quite a bit of drop.