Differences between ESET NOD32 versions


Apr 16, 2005
When comparing items from big chain discount resellers (such as The Egg)....it's hard to always find consistency in pricing. Their prices sometimes reflect differences based on bulk purchases. And sometimes their description varies. I cannot see the official Eset part number on Eggs site...

Can't see a difference in items 1 and 2. MSRP is $59.99 at Esets site.
Item 3...3 user license.
Item 4 is disco'd...version 4 is old for "Home" editions, as version 5 is out for them now..and soon for the business version.
Item 5..Family Security pack...adds smart phone licensing.
items 1 and 2, simply version one is in the french language, item 2 is what they are looking for, a single user english version
So I've eliminated item 4 and 5. I still don't understand why item 1 is so much cheaper than item 2. It says item 1 is also english, but also has french as well, so I don't see why.

Though really, I've found the cheapest to be buying from ESET directly for 2 PCs/2 years is $105, whereas buying it in retail packaging is more expensive. True?
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Though really, I've found the cheapest to be buying from ESET directly for 2 PCs/2 years is $105, whereas buying it in retail packaging is more expensive. True?

Not always true....you don't need a retail box. Eset licensing is controlled by a username and a password. You download the software from Esets website also using your username and password. You don't need a box..you don't need a CD (the CD would have an outdated version anyways).

As to Neweggs price differences...perhaps they have a leftover stock of that english/french package..and just want to clear it out on sale pricing. Look at Esets website...that's the actual MSRP you see. If a vendor wants to sell it cheaper/at discounts...that is their right.