Different ATI cards in CF


Limp Gawd
Feb 4, 2006
Quick question...

I was reading about the newly planned ATI physics / HavokFX. The ATI guys were saying that we should be able to use two different video cards ...one doing physics and one doing grafix, as long as they were x1000 series cards or newer. So I'm assuming that means you basically have them crossfired and one acts as the physics card.

But...my question then is this: will future ATI cards be able to Crossfire with different series cards purely for graphics (not physics)? For example, my x1900 card in CF with the x2000 card but have both just doing graffics not physics.

If so then I could get a x1900 now, CF it with the ati DX10 card, and even throw in an Ageia card for physics. Oh, the power.... :D

Anyone know?
What ATi said was two cards can be used, not in crossfire but with one handling physics. In crossfire, the cards have to match crossfire specs and one will not be dedicated physics.