Digital Audio G4 Model Power Supply Question


Jan 20, 2003
Does anyone know if all the Digital Audio models have the same wattage power supply? Or is it just the dual 533 that has the 338watt PSU?

I'm currently searching for a Digital Audio G4 to transfer all the hardware from my Sawtooth G4 into. (and then sell my stripped down (stock) Sawtooth). My ULTIMATE plan is to put a dual CPU upgrade in it down the road - but was hoping to save $$ by just getting a single cpu model Digital Audio G4. Does that make sense? I hope so. It's probably a big waste of time as there won't be much performance boost going from the Sawtooth to the DA mac. (cpu will be a Sonnet 1.2ghz for now). But I do want the ability to use a 9600 Pro video card, and have two cpu's eventually.