Digital boost gauge with Volvo OE sensor

Sep 7, 2004
I have a 2001 volvo s40 1.9t. I purchased the full wiring diagram because I love electroincs.

Reading through it it looks like it has 2 boost pressure sensors for the ECU running at 5v logic. Has anyone heard of anyone using one of these sensors for a boost gauge? Or at the very least, does anyone know how accurate the signal is? If anyone is curious, I will probably try a LM3914 to provide an LED bar graph like this guy did: I would appreciate any ideas! I figure ill get a better responce here then any volvo forum.

Thanks, jSd
I'm just suprised that you don't already have a boost guage. I had one in my '89 760 Turbo. Maybe you can find one out of another model or the wiring diagram to a model that has a boost guage and work it backwards to see if you have all the right stuff. But first, I would check to see if the sensors are there and not just on the diagram.
yeah, the sensors are realy there; they are for the ECU and not for a gauge. but that is a good point, if they have been used for gauges in the past then they will probably work now.

I just need to figure out a way to hook a multimeter up to it while im driving... that cant be safe.