Digital Camcorders - What is a CCD?


Jan 2, 2006
Can someone define what this spec means and how it relates to the quality of picture?
A CCD is a "charge coupled device" which basically turns photons into electrical signals. Basically. It's an image sensor. If you can, get a CMOS image sensor since those typically have better image quality and use less power which is important when you're running on battery. See here for more information.
Yeah I've read the article on Wiki. It's pretty helpful but what I guess I'm wondering is what's the difference in image quality between say a 2x CCD or a 3.7x CCD. And what does that mean? Also when I'm looking at Camcorders on NewEgg they all have a CCD spec it seems.
Also I've noticed the CMOS camcorders are either very cheap or very expensive.
Yeah, the guy above got it mostly backwards. While I have heard of some very high end CMOS cameras floating around, I am assuming they are using some new version of CMOS, the one I am familiar with was always used in el-cheapo devices like webcams or cheapie straight to memory card 'camcorders'.

As for the CCDs - one number listed on newegg is the size, and sometimes they will tell you the number of actual CCDs.

In general, larger CCDs are better. Think of it like a larger aperture on a camera, it captures light better, will give you a better exposure, better low light performance, less grainy, better resolved resolution, etc.

As for the number, most camcorders use one CCD to record Red, Green, and Blue. A 3x or 3 CCD camera has one for each color, again, for better image quality.

So, a 1/3" 3CCD camera like the Canon XL2 will be capable of capturing a higher quality image than a 1/6" single CCD camera like the Canon ZR300 .

BTW, if you are looking, Canon, Sony, and Panasonic make some of the best camcorders on the market.
I recently researched cameras and bought the Canon Optura 50 for $450. It has a 1/3 inch chip which is larger than any others in that price range which are mostly 1/6 inch.