Digital Drugs Are Killing Your Kids

I find it hard to believe that any so called "expert" would rely on the "slippery-slope" logical fallacy to back up their claim. However, the article never really states what these people are "experts" in, but my guess would be bs.
haha, I remember trying this little program several years ago.

All it succeeded in was making my right eye spasm when one certain "dose" was played.. that is all I remember about it. Well, that and remembering that it was so full of it.
LOL! Anyone who could believe that, probably thinks The Onion stories are true.

This just proves that teachers, school administrators, and most so called drug experts are complete idiots.
Anybody have some warez links to the good .drgs? All the ones I have been torrenting sux0r.
I swear we're in the midst of an epidemic of idiocy. This is proof that anyone who calls themselves "experts" really don't know a damn thing.
Really! (in reference to the article.)

Makes me want to smack these kids and tell them to go buy some damn pot like I used to do 15 years ago.
so um, is this related to those tones that only kids are suppose to be able to hear and not us old foggies?

got some right here.... blargleblarhgblarghghghgg ahhhh get. me. to. the. (hospital)
oh my god I am getting freaking high reading the [H]ard forum, it must be the red background.

The [H] is messing me up!
Man I tried this a while ago and never really got anything out of it. I had used a program called brainwave generator or bwgen. I guess it only works for people who are highly suggestible, kinda like hypnotists.
It all self hypnosis and if your good enough at it you can do it to yourself, all you have to do is be able to except what you are doing to yourself and you can go places. Works the same way as those self motivational programs, you have to be able to convince yourself (which alot of people can't do) or be gullible enough to believe everything that is being done to your. Like a Jedi mind trick on the weak of mind, you don't need to be telepathic, the other guy just has to believe you are. Same way most hypnosis works, it doesn't work on everyone.

Mind is a funky thing and it works off of nerve impulses which can be manipulated by lights, sounds and frequencies (getting splitting headaches from flashing lights I'm a believer).
Oh wow...good Nyborg!

I never said anything about girls being dumber then boy, so nothing to do with Nyborg, thus more gullible/simple/weak-minded/susceptible to influence. Just that some people (no sexes) are more gullible/simple/weak-minded/susceptible to influence then others and that if you can let go that you can actually let yourself be hypnotized (self or otherwise) even if your not gullible/simple/weak-minded/susceptible to influence.

Think of it as higher meditation and simple minds being closer to contempt (enlightenment, one of the MANY concepts there of) because they have less to worry about, same basic concept.
One of my friend's had this program and the music / tones that went with it. Never tried it out, I say no to drugs digital or not! ; D
I never said anything about girls being dumber then boy, so nothing to do with Nyborg, thus more gullible/simple/weak-minded/susceptible to influence. Just that some people (no sexes) are more gullible/simple/weak-minded/susceptible to influence then others and that if you can let go that you can actually let yourself be hypnotized (self or otherwise) even if your not gullible/simple/weak-minded/susceptible to influence.

Think of it as higher meditation and simple minds being closer to contempt (enlightenment, one of the MANY concepts there of) because they have less to worry about, same basic concept.

WTF are you talking about?

Good Nyborg.
The human mind is drawn towards new methods of stupidity.

I'll tell you one thing though, never underestimate the power of placebo, imagination, and suggestion. Sometimes being open minded isn't a good thing, lest you get a little too wacko.