Digital Foundry Tests Just Cause 4 PC Performance


Mar 3, 2018
With on-screen action and physics that would make Michael Bay green with envy, Just Cause 3 was a notoriously CPU heavy game. According to Digital Foundry, Just Cause 4 pushes the envelope even farther, implementing weather-based physics and even more outrageous stunts for Rico to deploy. The devs have reportedly been hard at work optimizing this version of the game for multi-core CPUs, and DF seems to think that it runs surprisingly well, given the pre-release nature of the testing and the sheer amount of in-game action.

Check out the analysis video here.

I initially saw the game being played at maximum settings at 4K on a Core i9 9900K system paired with a GTX 1080 Ti. This is a comprehensive work-out for the GPU in particular, and frame-rates average out in the mid-40s - though bear in mind that both Nvidia and AMD are still working on their GPU driver updates for the game's launch, which were not available when we took a look at the game. Interestingly, Just Cause 4 is slated to include support for Nvidia's DLSS upscaling technology. Assuming that the quality level holds up and that the DLSS gains we've seen in demos so far translate across to actual gameplay, there's scope here for the RTX cards to hit a consistent 4K60 without the need to dial back quality presets.
I wouldnt get all fired up. RTX cards hitting 4k60 will probably flame out under the workload. It'd be a smokin' experience before then, I suppose. I suppose the whole experience could be enlightening. I mean, a graphical demonstration like that surely warms the heart, with so much action it ignites the passion for gameplay...
Like all the new PC games, its just a console port.
I'll buy it and play it on PC but I already know it will run like all the other console port games
I wouldnt get all fired up. RTX cards hitting 4k60 will probably flame out under the workload. It'd be a smokin' experience before then, I suppose. I suppose the whole experience could be enlightening. I mean, a graphical demonstration like that surely warms the heart, with so much action it ignites the passion for gameplay...

well played
Graphics look good enough. Thermals remind me of Pilot Wings 64 a bit. Really liked the last game, hope this one play similar.
OMG, looks even worse than the previous ones. I actually thought the last one was 4 but who cares to keep track of it.

A Next level lack of Newtonian physics. First law ignored - Second law ignored - Third law ignored - CHECK CHECK CHECK .

Game ignored by me CHECK
A little over the top. Wish they'd use these fancy physics to make it actually look and play somewhat realistic, and not so arcade.
A little over the top. Wish they'd use these fancy physics to make it actually look and play somewhat realistic, and not so arcade.
Over the top physics is literally the point of the series. Your statement would be like saying "I wish Doom didn't have all of these demonic references".
A little over the top. Wish they'd use these fancy physics to make it actually look and play somewhat realistic, and not so arcade.

This series of games are not for you then. I love the arcadey super hero movie explody stuff in this game. That is why I play these.
I can't even imagine how many buttons you need to hit to shoot a container, toss a balloon on it, grapple it, then deploy your chute. That seems more tedious than fun.
I can't even imagine how many buttons you need to hit to shoot a container, toss a balloon on it, grapple it, then deploy your chute. That seems more tedious than fun.

Like tony hawk pro skater, not everyone can pull off the high point tricks :p
This is an arcadey game, always has been. Realism can be boring af and has its place but not in every game.

This. The game is a 3rd person shooter where you use a bunch of basic vehicles with the sole purpose of blowing up just about everything across an island. Realism never applied here. 3 was damn fun and did what it aimed to do very well. The death system was a lot more practical and allowed you to toy around with various features without punishing you so hard. Loved flying over a massive port with docked ships, knocking out the SAMs, helis, then bailing when my chopper was damaged. Hijack another ship, rain damage from the main gun. Or use a fighter to do some attack passes and pick off a few targets one by one. Nothing more realistic than jumping out of a fighter to hijacking a frigate sized warship. :p
The Havok physics look and perform far better than any Physx stuff I've seen in a game. More devs need to use it.
Hope the game offers more variety with what you are able to interact with compared to jc3 which was primarily red objects. Also jc3 got extremely repetitious after a few bases to me. Lessen the amount of overall bases to liberate and get rid of the tacky spawning of enemy troops when you alert the authorities. Design the game around high tier hardward that can handle a large fixed number of ai on the map that will close in on your position when you get a star.

Thats asking for too much since the game is obviously geared for consoles as the primary platform for sales. Pc just gets gfx enhancements, nothing that takes advantage of highend hardware that changes the core structure of the game really making it different than the console version.