Direct2drive VS. Steam


Limp Gawd
Jan 31, 2008
What is your preferred method of Digitally downloading games(If you download games to begin with)?
I would rate steam at a higher user level but from what i have seen D2D has a bigger catalog of games than steam.
I haven't used D2D yet - can I go back after a year and redownload the game if the files I have became corrupt? Or do they pull something out of EA's book and charge you extra to hold the download for x years?
Steam would be the ONLY one I would trust. I did use Gamersgate once for the last Penumbra game because that was the only place that carried it. I prefer to have hard copies but dont mind getting Valves games through Steam.
Steam becouse D2D is US and Canada only :)

Er no, theres a version as well, pre-orderd WAR through them to get open beta access since they were a partner with EA Mythic. They were good actually, the game came in at £32.95 but apparantly the RRP was dropped a bit and they refunded the difference a few days after I purchased it, which was fantastic!

I still prefer steam however, there's something about having all my games in a neat download list that is very appealing, no doubt It's been built to manipulate people into thinking that, the same kind of quirks that make gamers try and completel achievements to extend the life of a game etc.

Anyhow steam has a lot of merits, I've finally gotten over wanting boxes for my games, I trust steam enough, it's fast and easy to use.
I have heard some real problems with D2D when it came to patches as in the D2D versions did not include the newest patch.
I just tried d2d for the first time. It's ok but nowhere as nice as steam. I'm not concerned about patches since i pre-ordered Warhammer online through it, which has it's own patcher. It was effortless at least.
id def buy games on steam or impulse(stardock) before D2D. But i have no reservations purchasing a game on D2D if it isnt available via one of other aforementioned Digital delivery services.
Its fine.
I usually check Steam before D2D... but if Steam doesn't have it, I'd buy it on D2D. I even used Gamestop for Mass Effect because neither of the other two would sell to a Mexican IP address. It's hard to buy games locally, so I love these digital distributions (when they work)

I do have quite a few games from D2D though, usually just because Steam wouldn't work for me: Beyond Good and Evil, Far Cry, R6 Vegas, Call of Duty 1 and 2, etc etc....

If I had the option of buying it in a store, I probably would, but I don't really, so I use Steam and D2D. Neither have given me much trouble though, I would recommend both, but probably Steam before D2D, just because it is more centralized and auto-updates, etc etc.
I haven't used D2D yet - can I go back after a year and redownload the game if the files I have became corrupt? Or do they pull something out of EA's book and charge you extra to hold the download for x years?

D2D is great.

There's no expiration of your downloads... I have games on D2D that I bought years ago, even stinkers like Silverfall (ugh!). I sort of wish that one would disappear, actually.

That all being said.. I prefer Steam.
I love steam, you ever loose your cd you can always log in with your account and download the game again. Also they take care of all your patches and can even surf for mods.
D2d isn't bad but steam is just great. Great layout, fast downloads and no clutter. I wish every game was available on steam.
D2d isn't bad but steam is just great. Great layout, fast downloads and no clutter. I wish every game was available on steam.

Tell me about it. I have been looking for the serious sam games for a while now and nobody carries them in stores. Steam doesn't even have them. so i am forced to use D2D to get them. I guess that is the only advantage that D2D has over steam is that it has games that steam doesn't.
I have used both and I LOVE steam. I re-install windows alot and steam just seems easier to reload all my games.
I use both, at times I dont like things like steam running the background but its easy to just start it up and then patch what ever I need too. I have never run into a problem with patches with D2D stuff.
I use both as well, and also impulse. I will always buy a game on Steam first, and then Impulse, and if the game I want isn't on there but it is on d2d the I will go ahead and buy it on there.
Steam is a great digital download portal.

I love the weekend deals too. I've gotten some nice games for really cheap on weekend deals.