Customer Appreciation Day


Limp Gawd
Mar 3, 2008
Today [10/28/2010] is our bi-annual customer appreciation day. If anyone is local we're having a big in store show:

22 different manufacturers are in store including Microsoft, AMD, Intel, Muskin, Asus, MSI, Gigabyte, and more. Free Lunch & Free T-Shirts at the event til 3pm. We're treating it kind of like a Black Friday event with a bunch of instore only stuff.

For online we're doing the following:
1) A bunch of special deals [like 100ish]

2) Free 2GB USB Pen Drive with any order over $30.

3) Hourly Giveaways of stuff like Core i7 CPU / Motherboard Combos, Phenom II X6 Processors, Lots of nice stuff and more stuff getting added all the time. Free Signup for that or auto-signup if you make an order during one of the drawing periods. Signup is at:

Whew! What a day, attendance was up for the main event. Lots of people. We'll post a gallery online later tommorow of the local event and announce the local winners.

1) Hourly Drawing is over -- but we decided to do the Second Chance Drawing again .. it's not linked from the home page yet though because we haven't rounded up the prize list yet. Some of the vendors left extra stuff after the event and that goes into things like the second chance drawing .. got to take an inventory of it.

I know we have some completely unexpected stuff from Noctua including a NH-U12P but will post full list tommorow.

If anyone wants to signup before the list you can though at:

Note that we call it a second chance because it's a second chance. . if you entered any hourly drawing or placed any order on 10/28 -- your in already.

2) Second Chance drawing ends 11/1 at noon.

3) You can still get in on the Free Pen drive thing til midnight.
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thats not to far from me (I'm in Katy) if I wasnt buried in medical bills I'd go check it out, just found out this morning my wifes mobo is on its last legs AND one of her monitors died
Good thing my work is within walking distance! Be sure to visit during my lunch-hour! :D
Ya!!! I won!!

Thank you. First time I won something online.

Intel Core i7 875k [Unlocked] Processor, and a Intel DP55KG Extreme Series motherboard.

I was waiting till next year to build a new comp with sandy bridge and stuff.

I guess I need to buy ram, psu, case, and other stuff soon to go with the new i7 and motherboard.
Ya!!! I won!!

Thank you. First time I won something online.

Intel Core i7 875k [Unlocked] Processor, and a Intel DP55KG Extreme Series motherboard.

I was waiting till next year to build a new comp with sandy bridge and stuff.

I guess I need to buy ram, psu, case, and other stuff soon to go with the new i7 and motherboard.

nice, I'm keeping my fingers crossed i win also
Ya!!! I won!!

Thank you. First time I won something online.

Intel Core i7 875k [Unlocked] Processor, and a Intel DP55KG Extreme Series motherboard.

I was waiting till next year to build a new comp with sandy bridge and stuff.

I guess I need to buy ram, psu, case, and other stuff soon to go with the new i7 and motherboard.

how do you sign up for online prizes?
Of course it would be the day I can't get away from work, even for an hour :( The store isn't that far from Sugarland, but my day is booked with back-to-back interviews...

Actually, going to the store would probably end up beng bad for my wallet anyways ;)

Oh well, at least I can enter the online contest....

Add item to cart, shipping calculator is at bottom of cart page. Once you set zip once it auto-totals as you come back.
Now I'm curious since I didn't notice it stated anywhere how long is the contest going on? All weekend or just today?
Now I'm curious since I didn't notice it stated anywhere how long is the contest going on? All weekend or just today?

it is stated, you have to actually click on the links provided and read the website
it is stated, you have to actually click on the links provided and read the website


"How it Works
Those entering on our form below or placing a order during our contest period are eligible to win. This is an hourly drawing. Each hourly drawing is a separate contest. Place an order during the time, or register during the contest period and your in that hourly drawing. Those registering before the first giveaway are registering for the first giveaway. Winners will be chosen at end of each contest period. Multiple entries during an hourly period will not enhance your chances of winning. Multiple entries for a single person are automatically discarded. You can however sign up for each contest by signing up on the form below during each period or by placing orders during each period. Entry started 10/27/2010. Drawing Schedule Drawings will be held: 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm."

It states when it starts but not when it ends there Sherlock. :rolleyes: One would think its just for today, but it wouldn't be the first time I've seen companies do things like this and have them through the weekend even though the deals are over.
Pretty sweet giveaways, have to check these guys out next time I need some gear - newegg just isn't as hot as they once were.
It's a day-- and it ends when the last drawing is over. It's one day only. We actually say it's 10/28 only on the banner at the top. Most people just look at the banner. I went ahead and added a line to the how it works bit.

Sometimes we do hold a second chance drawing but that's not guaranteed. If we do a second chance then it runs Friday - Monday but prizes on second chance are barely as good as one of the hourly

"How it Works
Those entering on our form below or placing a order during our contest period are eligible to win. This is an hourly drawing. Each hourly drawing is a separate contest. Place an order during the time, or register during the contest period and your in that hourly drawing. Those registering before the first giveaway are registering for the first giveaway. Winners will be chosen at end of each contest period. Multiple entries during an hourly period will not enhance your chances of winning. Multiple entries for a single person are automatically discarded. You can however sign up for each contest by signing up on the form below during each period or by placing orders during each period. Entry started 10/27/2010. Drawing Schedule Drawings will be held: 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm."

It states when it starts but not when it ends there Sherlock. :rolleyes: One would think its just for today, but it wouldn't be the first time I've seen companies do things like this and have them through the weekend even though the deals are over.

yeah I can see how it saying 10-28 only and it being a "Customer Appreciation Day Hourly Giveaway! " one might think it would be Thursday - weekend :rolleyes:
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It's because the local event is/was today [10/28] and the online event runs at the same time. It's setup this way because you'd have a chance to get similar kinds of prizes if you attended the event. The manufacturers would rather it be on the Thursday than the Friday due to other events going on. The date changes slightly each year but is around the same time .. and we have two events a year, once in spring, once in fall.
Whew! What a day, attendance was up for the main event. Lots of people. We'll post a gallery online later tommorow of the local event and announce the local winners.

1) Hourly Drawing is over -- but we decided to do the Second Chance Drawing again .. it's not linked from the home page yet though because we haven't rounded up the prize list yet. Some of the vendors left extra stuff after the event and that goes into things like the second chance drawing .. got to take an inventory of it.

I know we have some completely unexpected stuff from Noctua including a NH-U12P but will post full list tommorow.

If anyone wants to signup before the list you can though at:

Note that we call it a second chance because it's a second chance. . if you entered any hourly drawing or placed any order on 10/28 -- your in already.

2) Second Chance drawing ends 11/1 at noon.

3) You can still get in on the Free Pen drive thing til midnight.