DirecTV receiver/D-Link dir825


Jan 18, 2006
i share an internet connection with my tenant (roadrunner/twc), so i have to keep the d-link router in the basement so she can access it (it's the only "common" area in the house)...

i want to hook my directv receiver up to the internet for on-demand content, and i REALLY don't want to run a network cable two floors down to the basement/router...

the computer on this floor catches a signal (through a d-link pci adapter), but my question is what route do you guys think i should go, wireless or powerline? i've read that the d-link 303 powerline adapters are better than the 301, but the two outlets in question definitely aren't on the same circuit, and the wiring in the house is old...

is d-link picky about using powerline adapters from another company/brand?

if i go wireless, what's the best route? what's the most cost effective?

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bestbuy was out of the wga600n, so i picked up the wet610n for the same price...

but i can't get it set up, there seems to be a conflict between the setup cd and vista 64, which i later confirmed...

however, manual set up is also a no-go, i can't access the wet610n through a browser page, utilizing a few different ip addresses that are supposedly the device's default...

i think it's not communicating with the d-link router (dir825)...

any ideas on what the problem is accessing the wet610n through my browser?
Did you directly connect it to your computer with a LAN cable and then manually set the IP info for your computer to be within the same range of its default IP?

Also, did you try just plugging it into the Directv might be able to configure it onscreen like it can with the WGA600N.
apparently there's no pop-up window on the directv receiver if you connect the wet610n directly to it, like there is for the wga600n...

i tried connecting it directly to the receiver and no dice...

but i finally got it working...

after reconnecting it several times to the d-link router, i noticed that although i couldn't access the wet610n through the browser, when i looked into the d-link i saw it was pulling an ip address, which was, which IS NOT what it says in the linksys manual...

after trying a few times i FINALLY accessed the setup page for the wet610n using the above ip addy...

from there it was a snap to manually put it a few settings (SSID and security), and boom, hooking it back up to the directv receiver worked...