Dirk Meyer Leaving AMD?


One of our sources, a former executive within the company was less than kind in his texts: "Dirk touched everything into Gold at DEC. In AMD, everything after K7 turned into Sh*t." When asked to elaborate, we were told that "Dirk and Hector run the company to the ground by selling the family jewlery. Dirk did not believe in Cellphone business and gave everything to BroadCom and Qualcomm. We lost Nokia, Motorola, Sony Ericsson and look who is now taking all the deals. Graphzilla."
lol i like that quote. If anything is to blame its the lack of vision. In the areas where all the growth is AMD is nowhere to be found, or very late to the game. Nvidia really did a nice job of hitting those growth areas after their chipset market diappeared.
Somebody with the vision to propel the company forward. Someone who is "Ingenious" who can think outside the box.

AMD has the pieces in place to do something special it's just tapping someone of Steve Jobs mindset to lead the company forward.
So... what exactly does this mean for AMD?

I actually like AMD as a company, had several chips, and almost every graphics card I have owned has been made by ati.

Are they going to try and make their own version of a mobile ARM chip like nvidias tegra?

Are they too late to the game and behind to even try? Will they ever be able to match intel on process technology? Even if bulldozer does well, how long before the 22nm intels hit? and how much longer until AMD gets there?

It seems like perpetual roadblocks and hurdles. At least the desktop and notebook gpus are coming along nicely. And if the llano parts perform well enough, they may be fantastic laptop chips for combined cpu/gpu performance, even in high end laptops.

But where do you think AMD should/can go from here?
So... what exactly does this mean for AMD?

But where do you think AMD should/can go from here?

Nothing... it's all an ad for people to think about subconciously, then perhaps they will go and check out the AMD chips today (and buy one). Marketing "news" at its finest.... who truly gives 2 shits about Dirk leaving the company, some other guru will take his place and life will continue on.
As a stockholder, this makes me a bit jittery because something really big is coming. We just don't know yet whether this "something big" is going to be good or really really bad. Considering how much money they've lost, I wonder when they will run out of money........

Why do people on this board think tech companies are going under? Intel and AMD are going to be around for a long time, I don't know where you people are getting these paranoid issues from but AMD has not had any trouble selling cpu's lately, believe me.......2011 is looking awesome for computing, and gaming in general. Hopes and looks to be a good year! :D
It is easy to be an expert after the fact.

There will be a million editorials from a million people citing a million anonymous sources...none of which had a clue before the story was broke today (or they would have broke the story themselves). Most of them hadn't even heard the rumor before the press releases came out.

Anyhow, hat tip to Dirk for doing the best he could with the company that he was handed when Ruiz left. Let's also cross our fingers for the folks at AMD, let's hope they land the person they need, stay competitive (we need healthy competition) and thrive.
Have to say I wasn't expecting this. Despite the lack of profitability for several years now, with Dirk Meyer at the helm, AMD seemed to be going in the right direction.
Some seem to be accusing Dirk of lack of vision now, after he resigned, but that seems like the power of hindsight. Some also accuse him of pushing a lot of people around at AMD, which isn't good if true, but the reasons for him to do that are relevant/important, but not known.

This is definitely an interesting and surprising turn of events and doesn't create a very good environment at AMD. If all this is any indication of the state Bulldozer's in, then AMD is going to have a very rough 2011...
Makes me wonder even more about Bulldozer given this recent turn of events. I have a feeling though, that if Bulldozer is any good, I'll bet we'll see some leaks soon.
We'll never know if AMD has been turning around because of or in spite of his leadership. The board obviously doesn't like him to force him out like this. Would the board really fire someone when they know it'll hurt AMD's image unless they thought keeping him there would do even more damage over the long run?
We'll never know if AMD has been turning around because of or in spite of his leadership. The board obviously doesn't like him to force him out like this. Would the board really fire someone when they know it'll hurt AMD's image unless they thought keeping him there would do even more damage over the long run?

Well here's a thought: AMD fired Hector Ruiz as CEO (although still keeping him in the board), after he sunk the company into a huge debt with the ATI buy-out. Despite all that, Hector Ruiz was a "visionary" for thinking into the future of AMD's product lines.
Dirk took over and AMD actually had a profitable quarter, after years of quarters in the red since 2006. Now, after he's fired/resigned, he's said to not be a visionary and that AMD needs to have someone with forward thinking.

So they replace someone with vision and then fire that replacement because he doesn't have vision. Something is not working at AMD's executive board...
Somebody with the vision to propel the company forward. Someone who is "Ingenious" who can think outside the box.

AMD has the pieces in place to do something special it's just tapping someone of Steve Jobs mindset to lead the company forward.

AMD needs to....advertise.

C'mon AMD throw $100 in the marketing fund and put some ads in the local free papers or something.

I hear the Intel jingle a few times a day. I only remember seeing one AMD advert in the computing press about 10 years ago for servers.

It's like MS and the Zune, if you cant be bothered to properly market a product, no matter how good it is, dont bitch if folks dont buy it. Only got yourself to blame.
It's simple. They are not in tablets, not in smartphones. CEO said it wasn't a priority for the company.

At CES 2011, tablets and smartphones are everywhere. CEO fail.You're fired.

Next player.
"I do not foresee that day [when AMD competes with ARM is] coming in the near term. First of all, when we consider which areas to approach, we look at markets, we look at the technology capabilities we have, and we try to find an intersection point that really represents really big opportunities,” said Dirk Meyer, chief executive officer and president of AMD, in an interview with the Fortune magazine.

“By far the biggest business opportunity we have got is in PCs and servers. The market for silicon processing content is bigger than the smartphone market,” he went on to saying.

“The other thing we really like about our core market is that there aren't that many competitors [...]. I would rather focus on the big market, where there's a small number of competitors," he explained.
Who's going to be "super excited" now in the conference calls? Ruiz was always excited and so was Dirk.
It is easy to be an expert after the fact.

There will be a million editorials from a million people citing a million anonymous sources...none of which had a clue before the story was broke today (or they would have broke the story themselves). Most of them hadn't even heard the rumor before the press releases came out.

Anyhow, hat tip to Dirk for doing the best he could with the company that he was handed when Ruiz left. Let's also cross our fingers for the folks at AMD, let's hope they land the person they need, stay competitive (we need healthy competition) and thrive.

I would just like to add to that last part "...and hire lots of our fellow geeks". AMD is a good company that went through some bad luck. Hopefully they not only turn it around, but grow stronger in the next couple of years.
i think what happened is the board saw nvidia competing in the low power arm soc market. The board probability feels that it is a market that amd should be paying more attention to that segment either with an arm cpu or an x86 cpu. X86 is still too power hungry at this time bobcat helps a ton though, i feel that amd will be getting an arm license and possibility purchasing an arm design firm soon.
Why do people on this board think tech companies are going under? Intel and AMD are going to be around for a long time, I don't know where you people are getting these paranoid issues from but AMD has not had any trouble selling cpu's lately, believe me.......2011 is looking awesome for computing, and gaming in general. Hopes and looks to be a good year! :D

Because you cannot continue to bleed cash like AMD has been doing. Bleeding insane amounts of cash means that you will eventually run out of cash, and/or your investors are going to flee. AMD also appears to have missed out on some opportunities as I believe that laptops are becoming less important as tablets along with those smart devices are becoming more powerful. However I have faith that AMD will offer something competitive at some point. I just hope that is before they lose all their money........